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4 Document(s) [ Subject: Student transfers ]

Committee: Senate Higher Education
Title: Interim Report
Subjects: Adult education | Graduate-on-time programs | Higher education | Student aid | Student loans | Student transfers | University graduation rates |
Library Call Number: L1836.86 Ed83h
Session: 86th R.S. (2019)
Online version: View report [32 pages  File size: 739 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Data Transparency: Explore methods to improve data sharing and transparency among state agencies, school districts and charter schools, and higher education institutions. Consider best practices to increase the ability of high schools and higher education institutions to support student post-secondary access and degree completion and how to provide policymakers with data on each. Recommend methods of integrating existing data systems at the K-12 and higher education levels to provide real-time support and direction for students.
2. Adult Learner Students: Examine existing innovative programs in higher education institutions that assist non-traditional students in completing a degree or credential, including first-time adult learners, re-enrolling students, first generation students, working adults, and at-risk students. Provide recommendations on methods the state can use to partner with higher education institutions to expand successful programs throughout the state.
3. Monitoring: Monitor the implementation of legislation addressed by the Senate Committee on Higher Education passed by the 86th Legislature, as well as relevant agencies and programs under the committee's jurisdiction. Specifically, make recommendations for any legislation needed to improve, enhance, or complete implementation of the following:
  • SB 16, 86th R.S., relating to a student loan repayment assistance program for certain full-time peace officers in this state;
  • SB 25, 86th R.S., relating to measures to facilitate the transfer, academic progress, and timely graduation of students in higher education;
  • SB 1757, 86th R.S., relating to student loan repayment assistance under the math and science scholars loan repayment program. Examine other methods and make recommendations to promote and expand teaching as a profession in Texas;
  • HB 3808, 86th R.S., relating to measures to facilitate the timely graduation of an attainment of marketable skills by students in public higher education. Consider and recommend methods to increase work-study and apprenticeship programs throughout the state; and
  • SB 810 (85th Legislature), relating to open educational resources. Report on the effectiveness of the Open Educational Resource Grant Program on college textbook affordability.
Committee: House Higher Education
Title: Interim Report
Subjects: Capital construction assistance projects | Distance education | Dual credit high school programs | Freedom of speech | Higher education | Higher Education Coordinating Board, Texas | Sex crimes | Sexual harassment | Student loans | Student transfers | University finance |
Library Call Number: L1836.86 Ed84hh
Session: 86th R.S. (2019)
Online version: View report [96 pages  File size: 1,706 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Monitor the agencies and programs under the Committee's jurisdiction and oversee the implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 86th Legislature. Conduct active oversight of all associated rulemaking and other governmental actions taken to ensure intended legislative outcome of all legislation, including the following:
  • HB 449, HB 1735, and SB 212, which relate to sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking at public and private postsecondary educational institutions. Monitor the process by which institutions of higher education adopt policies on sexual assault prevention, victim outreach programs, and disciplinary hearings. Monitor rules and regulations at the federal level that could necessitate changes to state law.
  • HB 1638, 85th R.S., which relates to statewide goals for dual credit programs. Review best practices for providing opportunities to high school students to earn college credit while ensuring that courses taken reflect authentic, college-level rigor.
  • SB 18, which relates to the protection of expressive activities at public institutions of higher education. Monitor the process by which institutions of higher education implement policies to protect the expressive rights of persons guaranteed by the constitutions of the United States and of this state.
  • SB 25, which relates to measures to facilitate the transfer, academic progress, and timely graduation of students in public higher education. Monitor the process by which the Higher Education Coordinating Board adopts rules via negotiated rulemaking. Monitor the progress of institutions developing recommended course sequences and the progress of the feasibility study to implement statewide meta majors.
  • SB 16, which relates to a student loan repayment assistance program for peace officers. Monitor the process by which the Higher Education Coordinating Board implements the loan repayment program and administers the grants to eligible peace officers.
2. Evaluate current and future capital infrastructure needs at Texas public universities, health-related institutions, and Texas State Technical Colleges in preparation for potential legislation to be considered by the 87th Legislature. Identify and evaluate alternatives to tuition revenue bonds for the State’s funding of higher education capital infrastructure needs, including options for addressing deferred maintenance needs at aging campuses.
3. Review progress toward the goals of the 60X30TX plan, including institutional strategies for responding to diverse and rapidly changing workforce needs and demands, including workforce education, industry certification, and degree programs to address healthcare shortages. Specifically review community colleges’ capacity to meet the goals of 60X30TX, including a review of taxing districts and service areas versus geographic areas of need. Review the Tri-Agency Workforce Initiative's work-based learning, industry-aligned internships, and industry credential initiatives. Consider whether legislative action may be needed to expand work-based learning and recruitment efforts for adults who have previously completed some college level coursework.
4. Study the prevalence of online courses and degrees in higher education. Examine how institutions providing online courses and programs are accredited, particularly courses and programs originating from states other than Texas. Evaluate how students whose courses and degrees are primarily online perform in terms of persistence and degree completion versus students who take courses in traditional classroom settings. Study labor market outcomes for students with primarily online courses and degrees versus more traditional programs.
5. Monitor the State Auditor's review of agencies and programs under the Committee's jurisdiction. The Chair shall seek input and periodic briefings on completed audits for the 2019 and 2020 fiscal years and bring forth pertinent issues for full committee consideration.
Committee: Senate Higher Education
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: Interim report / Senate Higher Education Committee.
Subjects: Automatic admissions | Community colleges | Developmental education | Distance education | Dual credit high school programs | Educational technology | Flagship universities | Higher education accountability | Higher education affordability | Higher Education Coordinating Board, Texas | Job training programs | Student aid | Student transfers | Texas B-on-Time loans | Toward EXcellence, Access & Success Grant Program | Tuition | University finance | University student transfers |
Library Call Number: L1836.81 Ed83h
Session: 81st R.S. (2009)
Online version: View report [145 pages  File size: 1,161 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Study and make recommendations regarding more cost-effective funding of financial aid, including ways to restructure financial aid programs to promote student success and the efficacy of the current $365 million in current exemptions and waivers offered to students at institutions of higher education. Examine the new Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and determine the impact on eligibility for existing Texas financial aid programs and on data availability resulting from the simplification. Include recommendations on how to expand the TEXAS Grant and B-on-Time programs.
2. Review community college service areas to ensure that student needs are being met in the most effective and efficient manner. Study and make recommendations to improve the productivity and cost-effectiveness of the community college/university model for producing baccalaureate degrees, including identifying proven best practices; analyzing success rates of similar cohorts of students by comparing those who begin at community colleges with those who begin at four-year institutions; and analyzing transfer issues including dual admissions programs and academic advising services to facilitate a seamless transfer from two-year to four-year institutions. Include an assessment of the role of technical and vocational training programs and their impact on jobs.
3. Study and make recommendations regarding improving developmental education, which costs the state over $100 million per year, with a focus on enhancing student success in these courses.
4. Study and make recommendations regarding the current accountability system and ways to measure student progress, faculty workload, and student advising; and to improve time-to-degree. Examine the quality of academic advising services to ensure that students are taking courses relevant to their degree program and are on path for graduation. Study and make recommendations to eliminate unnecessary or duplicative reporting requirements.
5. Examine cost drivers in higher education. Recommend opportunities for achieving cost efficiencies including reporting requirements, three-year degree programs, and community college baccalaureate degree programs. Study and make recommendations regarding more effective means of using technology, including digital textbooks and online degree programs, to improve access, enhance quality, and reduce the cost of higher education while preserving excellence.
6. Review the structure and operation of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. Evaluate the board's data collection systems, including costs to higher education institutions, and make recommendations for improvements. Include an assessment of higher education reporting requirements and make recommendations to eliminate duplicate requirements and streamline reporting.
7. Review endowed funds at institutions of higher education to ensure compliance with all state laws and, in particular, the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act. Study and make recommendations for requiring all institutions of higher education to report annually to donors on the use of gifts and endowed funds. Review state laws to determine if they provide adequate oversight of these funds. Study the manner in which scholarship and other funds are given and bequeathed to institutions of higher education and make recommendations for ensuring that donors' wishes are honored while institutions are allowed appropriate flexibility with the use of the funds.
8. Review dual credit courses, including the cost of delivery, funding mechanisms, and possibility of a statewide dual credit system. This review should also include an examination of the rigor, quality and consistency of dual credit courses. (Joint charge with Senate Education Committee)
9. Monitor the implementation of legislation addressed by the Senate Committee on Higher Education, 81 st Legislature, Regular and Called Sessions, and make recommendations for any legislation needed to improve, enhance and/or complete implementation. Specifically, focus the following, as well as tuition legislation:
  • HB 51 relating to emerging research Tier 1 universities;
  • SB 175 relating to top ten percent.
Committee: House Higher Education
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: House Committee on Higher Education, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 2010 : a report to the House of Representatives, 82nd Texas Legislature
Subjects: Achievement gaps | Capital construction assistance projects | College preparedness | Community college finance | Community colleges | Developmental education | Dual credit high school programs | Grants | Higher education | Higher Education Coordinating Board, Texas | Minority students | Student aid | Student loans | Student transfers | Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station 'TEES' | Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service 'TEEX' | Texas A&M Transportation Institute | Texas B-on-Time loans | Textbooks | Toward EXcellence, Access & Success Grant Program | University curriculum | University finance | University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston | University rankings | University student transfers |
Library Call Number: L1836.81 Ed84hh
Session: 81st R.S. (2009)
Online version: View report [80 pages  File size: 1,755 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Evaluate the state's continuing effort to close achievement gaps in success, participation, excellence, and research by 2015. Study how state public education institutions compare to peer institutions around the country.
2. Study current financial aid programs, tuition and fee exemption programs, loan repayment programs, and professional incentive programs. Evaluate the impact of need-based versus merit-based assistance. Recommend changes where appropriate to improve the alignment of these programs to meet state needs.
3. Review the structure and operation of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. Evaluate the board's data collection systems, including costs to higher education institutions, and make recommendations for improvements.
4. Study and recommend strategies for improving community college participation and success. Examine the role of community colleges within the state higher education system. Include a review of programs, practices, and incentives to improve efficiency and productivity, such as expanding dual credit options, encouraging credit by examination, and improving student preparation in high school.
5. Study and recommend strategies for reducing the costs of instructional materials in higher education institutions, including electronic textbooks, open source materials, and other web-based resources.
6. Examine the state's higher education funding mechanisms, including approaches to funding capital improvement projects at public institutions of higher education. Evaluate modifications that would improve the institutions' national peer rankings and help the state to achieve its Closing the Gaps objectives, including improved community college transfer pathways and the impact of shifting the basis of the formula funding methodologies from attempted to completed hours. Joint Interim Charge with House Committee on Appropriations
7. Monitor the progress of the capital improvement plan and use of state funds at The University of Texas at Galveston involving the renovation and upgrade of existing facilities and the construction of new facilities. Joint Interim Charge with House Committee on Appropriations
8. Study the feasibility of offering an optional curriculum that emphasizes ethics, Western civilization, and American traditions to satisfy portions of the Texas Core Curriculum.
9. Monitor the agencies and programs under the committee's jurisdiction.

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