Related court documents

For your convenience, the library has gathered the following selection of court documents related to:

Keith Cole, et al. v. Bryan Collier, et al., Amended memorandum and order. (Case no. 4:14-cv-01698. Extreme heat in Wallace Unit prison).

The full docket for each case is not represented on this page.

No. 16-20445 - U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
Marvin Ray Yates et al. v. Brad Livingston et al.
08/22/2016 Brief of plaintiffs-appellees
08/08/2016 Texas' brief on the merits

Case 4:14-cv-01698 - U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas, Houston Division
Keith Cole et al. v. Brad Livingston et al.
05/08/2018 Amended memorandum and order
03/06/2018 Proposed settlement
01/12/2018 Opinion
10/11/2017 Order extending preliminary injunction
07/19/2017 Memorandum and Opinion
06/21/2016 Order for preliminary injunction
06/04/2016 Memorandum and order
06/18/2014 Class action complaint