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[ clip HPD Chief Acevedo faces renewed pressure to release audit into embattled narcotics division ]

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Legal Documents
State of Texas vs. Gerald Goines, Complaint (No. 164351901010 - 3, murder charge related to death of Dennis Tuttle in relation to drug raid by Houston Police). (Link Type: Texas Court Case)
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By Harris County District Court for the 228th District
Publication Date: 08/23/2019
United States v. Gerald M. Goines, et al., Indictment (No. 4:19-cr-00832, deprivation of rights and destruction or falsification of records concerning drug raid leading to deaths of Rhogena Nicholas and Dennis Tuttle). (Link Type: Federal Court Case)
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By U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas, Houston Division
Publication Date: November 14, 2019
Articles / Press Releases
Rep. Wu repeats calls on Houston Police Department to release details of special prosecution audit of narcotics division (link includes first page of letter sent to Chief Art Acevedo). (Link Type: Press Release)
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By Representative Gene Wu, et al.
Publication Date: June 15, 2020
Letter to Houston Police Chief, Art Acevedo, urging release of Houston Police Department's audit of narcotics division. (Link Type: Letter)
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By Representative Gene Wu, et al.
Publication Date: March 4, 2020