Legislation authored by Henry E. Webb

Includes legislation with Henry E. Webb as the primary author for the 39th through 41st Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.
Please note author information is not complete for the 43rd through 45th Legislatures or for sessions prior to the 30th.

41st Regular Session
HB 9 Caption: Relating to declaring the use, manufacture, sale, distribution and delivery of ice a public business, impressed with a public trust, and subject to public regulation; conferring jurisdiction and authority upon the Railroad Commission of Texas thereover, making it the duty of said Commission to adopt rates, charges, rule and regulations governing the manufacture, sale, delivery and distribution of ice, and to correct abuse and prevent unjust discrimination in rate, charges and practice relative thereto.
HB 162 Caption: Relating to amending certain Statutes so as to qualify the kind of pink boll worms that may be declared to be a menace; providing the conditions under which the pink boll worms may be found; providing compensation for all losses incurred or expense sustained by all persons, firms or corporations required to comply with the provisions of certain statute.
HB 249 Caption: Relating to appropriating the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars to cooperate with the Department of Interior of the United States Government to investigate reservoir sites and reservoir conditions on the Pecos River, authorizing the Governor to draw upon such funds and regulating the expenditure thereof.
HB 405 Caption: Relating to providing that no county seat located within five miles of the geographical center of a county and which has been established for more than ten years in any county shall be removed to any newly established town in such county until such town shall have been established as a town for a period of five years prior to such removal.
HB 453 Caption: Relating to amending certain laws relating to county parks; providing for the purchase and improvement of land in each county for four parks in 100 acres each or for one park of 400 acres.
HB 536 Caption: Relating to providing that lands included in a Water Improvement District may be eliminated from the district when it is not practicable and feasible to irrigate same.
HB 562 Caption: Relating to creating a more efficient road system for Jeff Davis County, Texas; providing that the County Commissioners shall be Road Commissioners of their respective precincts.
HR 36 Caption: Providing for the selection of seats for the Members of the House.
41st 2nd Called Session
HB 148 Caption: Relating to providing for a Game Sanctuary in the Davis Mountains; prescribing penalties.
41st 4th Called Session
HB 52 Caption: Relating to providing for the adoption of the County Unit System of education in certain counties.
41st 5th Called Session
HB 72 Caption: Relating to conferring upon the Railroad Commission of Texas the power to regulate the manufacture, sale, delivery and distribution of ice; prescribing and enforcing reasonable and just rates, rules and regulations; prescribing penalties.
40th Regular Session
HB 3 Caption: Relating to agreeing to a certain act of Congress passed by the 69th Congress of the United States and approved June 18, 1926, providing for the storage of the waters of the Pecos River.
HB 304 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation to Counties to which an unorganized county is attached for judicial purposes to pay for employing a skilled appraiser.
HB 483 Caption: Relating to providing that the District Judge may fix the time for holding court in counties that may become organized.
HB 484 Caption: Relating to changing the time of holding the terms of the District Court of the Seventieth Judicial District of Texas.
HB 571 Caption: Relating to creating an Agricultural and Live Stock Commission, consisting of three members to be appointed by the governor of Texas; for the purpose of encouraging the diversification of crops grown in the State of Texas.
HB 572 Caption: Relating to authorizing lands, either within or without existing water improvement districts, to be included within a district organized for cooperation with the United States under the Federal Reclamation Laws, for the purpose of the construction of irrigation works or the obtaining of a water supply therefrom.
40th 1st Called Session
HB 76 Caption: Relating to authorizing the employment of a skilled appraiser for each county to which an unorganized county is attached for judicial purposes to appraise property in such unorganized counties; making an appropriation.
HB 140 Caption: Relating to conferring authority upon the Commissioners' Court of any organized county that does not have a county board of trustees to appoint a county board of trustees to serve until the next election of school trustees, as provided for by law.
39th Regular Session
HB 14 Caption: Relating to defining and prohibiting bucket shops and dealings therein; prescribing penalties for the violation of this Act.
HB 406 Caption: Relating to creating the Courtney Independent School District in Martin County, Texas; defining its boundaries, such boundaries to be the same as the Courtney School District No. 5 of Martin county; providing for a board of trustees in said district; conferring upon said district and its board of trustees the rights, powers, privileges and duties now conferred and imposed by the general laws of Texas upon independent school districts and the board of trustees of the Courtney Common School District No. 5 shall continue in office until the first Saturday in April, 1925, or until their successors are elected and qualified.
HB 432 Caption: Relating to water improvement districts and providing that land admitted to a water improvement district organized or operating under the State Constitution, may be admitted upon agreement that same be taxed upon assessment of benefit plan or upon a uniform acreage basis or upon a definite annual payment.
HB 457 Caption: Relating the owners of public free school land which may hereafter be forfeited for non-payment of interest; providing the right to repurchase said land or any part thereof at the re-appraised value thereof.
HB 500 Caption: Relating to creating the Boone Common County Line School District No. 9 in Midland and Glasscock Counties, Texas, validating all acts of the board of trustees of said county line district with respect to contracts, validating all taxes heretofore voted and levied upon the territory of said district, placing said district under the General Laws of the State.
HCR 13 Caption: Relating to urging our representatives in Congress to exert their utmost efforts, and put forth their best endeavor in the effort to have enacted into law the bill introduced by Congressman Tillman, of the State of Arkansas, known as the Cotton Tax Refund Measure.
HCR 21 Caption: Relating to Pecos River Compact.
HCR 42 Caption: Recalling H.B. No. 246 from the Governor for corrections.
HR 38 Caption: Providing for an additional committee clerk.
HR 51 Caption: Inviting John H. Kirby, former member of the House, to address the Legislature.
39th 1st Called Session
HB 152 Caption: Relating to creating Road District Number Two (2), in Reeves County, validating and approving all orders made by the commissioners' court of said county, in respect to the organization of said district.
HB 303 Caption: Relating to the creation of the Sargosa Independent School District in Reeves County.
HB 304 Caption: Relating to the forfeiture and resale of public free school land and providing for the validation of the forfeiture and resale and award, in cases where requests for revaluation were made within the time required by law, and of applications for said land that were filed after the time allowed by law; making an amendment.
HB 381 Caption: Relating to creating an independent school district to be known as "McCamey Independent School District."