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[  Session(s): all  Chamber =  Both  Bill Type = all    Subjects =  State Finances--Budget ]

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HB 387 88-0 (2023) Author: Bell, Cecil
Sponsor: King, Phil
Relating to the Texas State Guard uniform and insignia fund. House: Appropriations
Senate: Veteran Affairs
Effective immediately | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | STATE GUARD, TEXAS
HB 561 88-0 (2023) Author: Raymond, Richard Peña Relating to an annual state budget and legislative budget sessions in even-numbered years and to political contributions made during a legislative session. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | Elections--Campaign Financing | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | Legislature | POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 2230 88-0 (2023) Author: Canales, Terry
Sponsor: Nichols, Robert | et. al.
Relating to the determination of the sufficient balance of the economic stabilization fund for the purpose of allocating general revenue to that fund and the state highway fund. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Effective on 9/1/23 | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | STATE HIGHWAY FUND
HB 2530 88-0 (2023) Author: Toth, Steve Relating to state savings achieved through a budget savings program administered by the comptroller of public accounts making an appropriation of a portion of those savings. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Private | Education--School Districts | FOUNDATION SCHOOL FUND | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--School District
HB 3258 88-0 (2023) Author: Howard, Donna | et. al. Relating to a report by the Legislative Budget Board on the reliance by this state on certain dedicated revenue for purposes of budget certification. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Referred to Finance | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 3270 88-0 (2023) Author: Ortega, Evelina "Lina" Relating to the allocation of money in certain funding categories of the unified transportation program. House: Transportation Referred to Transportation | BORDER | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Transportation--Miscellaneous
HB 3461 88-0 (2023) Author: Bonnen, Greg
Sponsor: Huffman, Joan
Relating to the creation and re-creation of funds and accounts, the dedication and rededication of revenue and allocation of accrued interest on dedicated revenue, and the exemption of unappropriated money from use for general governmental purposes. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
See remarks for effective date | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 3927 88-0 (2023) Author: Howard, Donna Relating to reports by the Legislative Budget Board regarding the General Appropriations Act and other fiscal actions taken by the legislature and each general appropriations bill proposed by the legislature. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HJR 33 88-0 (2023) Author: Raymond, Richard Peña Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for an annual state budget and annual legislative sessions for budget purposes. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | Governor | Legislature | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 225 88-0 (2023) Author: Nichols, Robert | et. al. Relating to the determination of the sufficient balance of the economic stabilization fund for the purpose of allocating certain constitutional transfers of money to that fund and the state highway fund. Senate: Finance Co-author authorized | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 537 88-0 (2023) Author: King, Phil Relating to the Texas State Guard uniform and insignia fund. Senate: Veteran Affairs Referred to Vet Affairs | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | STATE GUARD, TEXAS
SB 1232 88-0 (2023) Author: Nichols, Robert
Sponsor: Canales, Terry
Relating to the determination of the sufficient balance of the economic stabilization fund for the purpose of allocating general revenue to that fund and the state highway fund. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Placed on General State Calendar | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | STATE HIGHWAY FUND
SB 1508 88-0 (2023) Author: Huffman, Joan Relating to the creation and re-creation of funds and accounts, the dedication and rededication of revenue and allocation of accrued interest on dedicated revenue, and the exemption of unappropriated money from use for general governmental purposes. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 1616 88-0 (2023) Author: Johnson, Nathan Relating to reports by the Legislative Budget Board regarding the General Appropriations Act and other fiscal actions taken by the legislature and each general appropriations bill proposed by the legislature. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
SB 1735 88-0 (2023) Author: Johnson, Nathan Relating to a report by the Legislative Budget Board on the reliance by this state on certain dedicated revenue for purposes of budget certification. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 2 87-0 (2021) Author: Bonnen, Greg
Sponsor: Nelson, Jane
Relating to making supplemental appropriations and reductions in appropriations and giving direction and adjustment authority regarding appropriations. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Effective immediately | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 397 87-0 (2021) Author: Frank, James B. Relating to comparisons of state budgets made by the Legislative Budget Board. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | ACCOUNTING & ACCOUNTANTS | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget
HB 594 87-0 (2021) Author: Krause, Matt | et. al. Relating to a limit on the rate of growth of certain appropriations. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | Disaster Preparedness & Relief | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HB 641 87-0 (2021) Author: Raymond, Richard Peña Relating to an annual state budget and legislative budget sessions in even-numbered years and to political contributions made during a legislative session. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | Elections--Campaign Financing | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL, TEXAS | Legislature | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 910 87-0 (2021) Author: Parker, Tan | et. al. Relating to a limit on the rate of growth of certain appropriations and to appropriations of constitutionally dedicated revenue. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HB 1063 87-0 (2021) Author: Bell, Cecil Relating to the Texas State Guard uniform and insignia fund. House: Appropriations Placed on General State Calendar | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | STATE GUARD, TEXAS
HB 1180 87-0 (2021) Author: Krause, Matt Relating to the creation of the Fiscal Risk Management Commission. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | FISCAL RISK MANAGEMENT COMMISSION | Governor | LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR | SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed | State Finances--Budget
HB 2021 87-0 (2021) Author: Bonnen, Greg | et. al. Relating to the acceptance, rejection, and uses of certain money provided by the federal government to this state. House: Appropriations Placed on General State Calendar | ADMINISTRATION OF FEDERAL FUNDS, BOARD OF | Governor | Legislature | LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR | SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 2304 87-0 (2021) Author: Schofield, Mike Relating to the constitutional limit on the rate of growth of appropriations. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 2896 87-0 (2021) Author: Bonnen, Greg
Sponsor: Nelson, Jane
Relating to the creation and re-creation of funds and accounts, the dedication and rededication of revenue and allocation of accrued interest on dedicated revenue, and the exemption of unappropriated money from use for general governmental purposes. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
See remarks for effective date | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 3548 87-0 (2021) Author: Bonnen, Greg | et. al. Relating to a limit on the rate of growth of certain appropriations. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | Disaster Preparedness & Relief | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HJR 34 87-0 (2021) Author: Raymond, Richard Peña Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for an annual state budget and annual legislative sessions for budget purposes. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | Governor | Legislature | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 309 87-0 (2021) Author: Eckhardt, Sarah Relating to an annual state budget and legislative budget sessions in even-numbered years and to political contributions made during a legislative session. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Governor | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | Legislature | POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 1298 87-0 (2021) Author: Nelson, Jane Relating to the creation and re-creation of funds and accounts, the dedication and rededication of revenue and allocation of accrued interest on dedicated revenue, and the exemption of unappropriated money from use for general governmental purposes. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 1336 87-0 (2021) Author: Hancock, Kelly | et. al.
Sponsor: Bonnen, Greg | et. al.
Relating to a limit on the rate of growth of certain appropriations. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Effective on 9/1/21 | Disaster Preparedness & Relief | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
SB 1420 87-0 (2021) Author: Bettencourt, Paul Relating to zero-based budgeting for state agencies as part of the sunset review process. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Sunset--Review Procedures
SB 1984 87-0 (2021) Author: Lucio, Jr., Eddie
Sponsor: Anchía, Rafael
Relating to the reassignment of the carryforward designation of certain private activity bonds. House: Pensions, Investments & Financial Services
Senate: Business & Commerce
Effective on 9/1/21 | BOND REVIEW BOARD | BONDS | DEBT | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SJR 21 87-0 (2021) Author: Eckhardt, Sarah Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for an annual state budget and annual legislative sessions for budget purposes. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | Governor | Legislature | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 5 87-2 (2021) Author: Bonnen, Greg | et. al.
Sponsor: Nelson, Jane | et. al.
Relating to making supplemental appropriations and giving direction regarding appropriations. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
SB 11 87-2 (2021) Author: Nelson, Jane | et. al. Relating to making supplemental appropriations and giving direction regarding appropriations. Senate: Finance Co-author authorized | AUDITOR, STATE | COURT ADMINISTRATION, OFFICE OF | EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | FAMILY & PROTECTIVE SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES | INFORMATION RESOURCES, DEPARTMENT OF | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL, TEXAS | LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE LIBRARY | Retirement Systems--Teachers | SENATE, TEXAS | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | SUNSET ADVISORY COMMISSION | Taxation--School District | UNIFORM STATE LAWS, COMMISSION ON
HB 160 87-3 (2021) Author: Wilson, Terry M. | et. al. Relating to making supplemental appropriations for education initiatives, institutions, and related agencies and giving direction regarding appropriations. House: Appropriations Received from the House | CHILD MENTAL HEALTH CARE CONSORTIUM, TEXAS | Education--Higher--Finance | EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT, TEXAS DIVISION OF | FEDERAL RELATIONS | HIGHER EDUCATION COORDINATING BOARD, TEXAS | Retirement Systems--Teachers | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 161 87-3 (2021) Author: Capriglione, Giovanni | et. al. Relating to making supplemental appropriations relating to health and human services and giving direction regarding appropriations. House: Appropriations Received from the House | COVID-19 | FEDERAL RELATIONS | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Health--Rural | Hospitals | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | STATE HEALTH SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF
HB 4 86-0 (2019) Author: Zerwas, John Relating to making supplemental appropriations and reductions in appropriations and giving direction, including direction regarding reimbursement, and adjustment authority regarding appropriations. House: Appropriations Left pending in committee | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 68 86-0 (2019) Author: Raymond, Richard Peña Relating to an annual state budget and legislative budget sessions in even-numbered years and to political contributions made during a legislative session. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | Elections--Campaign Financing | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL, TEXAS | Legislature | POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 236 86-0 (2019) Author: Krause, Matt Relating to the creation of the Fiscal Risk Management Commission. House: Appropriations Left pending in committee | FISCAL RISK MANAGEMENT COMMISSION | Governor | LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR | SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed | State Finances--Budget
HB 237 86-0 (2019) Author: Krause, Matt Relating to zero-based budgeting for certain entities funded by this state and submission of a zero-based budget by and performance of a financial audit of an agency undergoing review by the Sunset Advisory Commission. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | AUDITOR, STATE | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget | SUNSET ADVISORY COMMISSION
HB 689 86-0 (2019) Author: Frank, James B. Relating to comparisons of state budgets made by the Legislative Budget Board. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | ACCOUNTING & ACCOUNTANTS | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget
HB 1054 86-0 (2019) Author: VanDeaver, Gary Relating to proportionality between state accountability performance indicators that apply to school districts and the State's share of the foundation school program for school districts. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education | Education--Primary & Secondary--Accountability | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Education--School Districts | FOUNDATION SCHOOL PROGRAM | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Budget
HB 1119 86-0 (2019) Author: White, James Relating to the public school finance system and to the salary paid to certain professional staff employed by public schools. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education | EDUCATION, COMMISSIONER OF | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel | Education--Primary & Secondary--Teachers | FOUNDATION SCHOOL FUND COMMITTEE | Salaries & Expenses | State Finances--Budget
HB 1593 86-0 (2019) Author: Bell, Cecil | et. al.
Sponsor: Campbell, Donna
Relating to the Texas State Guard uniform and insignia fund. House: Defense & Veterans' Affairs
Senate: Veteran Affairs & Border Security
Placed on intent calendar | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | STATE GUARD, TEXAS
HB 1650 86-0 (2019) Author: Zerwas, John Relating to making supplemental appropriations and reductions in appropriations and giving direction, including direction regarding reimbursement, and adjustment authority regarding appropriations. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 2153 86-0 (2019) Author: Burrows, Dustin
Sponsor: Nelson, Jane
Relating to a single local use tax rate as an alternative to combined local use tax rates for computing the amount of local use taxes remote sellers are required to collect and to the allocation of tax revenue collected at that rate. House: Ways & Means
Senate: Finance
Effective on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--City | Taxation--County | Taxation--Sales
HB 3317 86-0 (2019) Author: Zerwas, John
Sponsor: Nelson, Jane
Relating to the creation and re-creation of funds and accounts, the dedication and rededication of revenue and allocation of accrued interest on dedicated revenue, and the exemption of unappropriated money from use for general governmental purposes. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
See remarks for effective date | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 3626 86-0 (2019) Author: Schaefer, Matt Relating to the comptroller's administration of federal money and certain general revenue and to the use of certain general revenue for property tax relief. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--School District
HB 4034 86-0 (2019) Author: Dominguez, Alex Relating to the use of money in the state lottery account for education. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | Amusements, Games, Sports | FOUNDATION SCHOOL FUND | LOTTERIES | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HCR 188 86-0 (2019) Author: Zerwas, John Instructing the enrolling clerk of the senate to make corrections in S.B. No. 500. Filed | Resolutions--Corrective | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HJR 15 86-0 (2019) Author: Raymond, Richard Peña Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for an annual state budget and annual legislative sessions for budget purposes. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Governor | Legislature | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HJR 138 86-0 (2019) Author: Cain, Briscoe Proposing a constitutional amendment regarding limits on the rate of growth of spending by the state and certain political subdivisions of the state. House: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HR 2179 86-0 (2019) Author: Zerwas, John Suspending limitations on the conference committee jurisdiction, S.B. No. 500. Reported enrolled | Resolutions--Conf. Comm. Reports | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
SB 69 86-0 (2019) Author: Nelson, Jane
Sponsor: Capriglione, Giovanni | et. al.
Relating to the allocations of money for transfer to the state highway fund and the economic stabilization fund and the investment of money in the economic stabilization fund. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Effective on 9/1/19 | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | STATE HIGHWAY FUND
SB 70 86-0 (2019) Author: Nelson, Jane | et. al. Relating to a single local use tax rate as an alternative to combined local use tax rates for computing the amount of local use taxes remote sellers are required to collect and to the allocation of tax revenue collected at that rate. Senate: Finance Co-author authorized | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--City | Taxation--County | Taxation--Sales
SB 181 86-0 (2019) Author: Miles, Borris Relating to the use of certain border security funding to secure Gulf of Mexico ports. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | BORDER | Crimes--Against Persons--General | Crimes--Against Persons--Sexual | Crimes--Drugs | GULF OF MEXICO | PARKS & WILDLIFE COMMISSION | PARKS & WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | Water--Navigation & Ports
SB 500 86-0 (2019) Author: Nelson, Jane | et. al.
Sponsor: Zerwas, John
Relating to making supplemental appropriations and reductions in appropriations and giving direction, including direction regarding reimbursement, and adjustment authority regarding appropriations. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
See remarks for effective date | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
SB 861 86-0 (2019) Author: Paxton, Angela Relating to a zero-based budget legislative appropriations request process. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | Governor | INTERNET | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 962 86-0 (2019) Author: Nichols, Robert
Sponsor: Zerwas, John
Relating to the determination of the sufficient balance of the economic stabilization fund for the purpose of allocating general revenue to that fund and the state highway fund. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Effective on 9/1/19 | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR | SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | STATE HIGHWAY FUND
SB 1316 86-0 (2019) Author: Bettencourt, Paul Relating to zero-based budgeting for state agencies as part of the sunset review process. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Sunset--Review Procedures
SB 1891 86-0 (2019) Author: Hancock, Kelly | et. al. Relating to a limit on the rate of growth of certain appropriations. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Referred to Appropriations | Disaster Preparedness & Relief | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
SB 2178 86-0 (2019) Author: Nelson, Jane Relating to state fiscal matters. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | BOND REVIEW BOARD | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | DEBT | Education--General | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State | Human Services--General | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | TRANSPORTATION, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Transportation--Miscellaneous | VEHICLE WEIGHT LIMITS & ENFORCEMENT
SB 2179 86-0 (2019) Author: Nelson, Jane Relating to the creation and re-creation of funds and accounts, the dedication and rededication of revenue and allocation of accrued interest on dedicated revenue, and the exemption of unappropriated money from use for general governmental purposes. Senate: Finance Left pending in committee | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 2321 86-0 (2019) Author: Creighton, Brandon Relating to issues involving the administration or finances of state entities. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | Aliens | Education--Higher--General | Labor--General | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | Legislature | Purchasing--State | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed | State Employees | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SCR 67 86-0 (2019) Author: Nelson, Jane
Sponsor: Zerwas, John
Instructing the enrolling clerk of the senate to make corrections in S.B. No. 500. Filed with the Secretary of State | Resolutions--Corrective | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
SJR 1 86-0 (2019) Author: Nelson, Jane | et. al. Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to provide for a transfer of economic stabilization fund investment earnings to a special endowment fund in the state treasury. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SJR 39 86-0 (2019) Author: Fallon, Pat Proposing a constitutional amendment providing that members of the legislature and the lieutenant governor will not receive a state salary or per diem during certain periods unless the legislature has passed the state's budget and that budget is certified by the comptroller. Senate: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | Legislature | LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Salaries & Expenses | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
SJR 54 86-0 (2019) Author: Perry, Charles Proposing a constitutional amendment limiting appropriations from the economic stabilization fund to prevent the fund balance from falling below a prescribed minimum amount, other than in an emergency if certain requirements are met, and limiting the permissible uses of that appropriated money. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Legislature | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 2 85-0 (2017) Author: Zerwas, John
Sponsor: Nelson, Jane
Relating to making supplemental appropriations and giving direction and adjustment authority regarding appropriations. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Effective immediately | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HB 40 85-0 (2017) Author: Simmons, Ron Relating to the deposit of money received from the federal government and the authority of the comptroller concerning related funds and accounts. House: Appropriations Placed on General State Calendar | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 114 85-0 (2017) Author: Krause, Matt | et. al. Relating to zero-based budgeting for certain entities funded by this state and submission of a zero-based budget by and performance of a financial audit of an agency undergoing review by the Sunset Advisory Commission. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | AUDITOR, STATE | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | SUNSET ADVISORY COMMISSION | Sunset--Review Procedures
HB 138 85-0 (2017) Author: Krause, Matt Relating to the creation of the Fiscal Risk Management Commission. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | FISCAL RISK MANAGEMENT COMMISSION | Governor | LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR | SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed | State Finances--Budget
HB 538 85-0 (2017) Author: Metcalf, Will | et. al. Relating to the use of certain surplus state revenue to provide for a rebate of state franchise taxes. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Franchise
HB 541 85-0 (2017) Author: Metcalf, Will | et. al. Relating to the constitutional limit on the rate of growth of appropriations. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HB 613 85-0 (2017) Author: Leach, Jeff Relating to limitations on the rate of growth of appropriations for certain categories of spending. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | Legislature | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HB 892 85-0 (2017) Author: Raymond, Richard Peña Relating to an annual state budget and legislative budget sessions in even-numbered years and to political contributions made during a legislative session. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | Elections--Campaign Financing | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | Legislature | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 936 85-0 (2017) Author: Schofield, Mike Relating to the constitutional limit on the rate of growth of appropriations. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HB 1025 85-0 (2017) Author: Leach, Jeff Relating to the constitutional limit on the rate of growth of appropriations. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HB 1051 85-0 (2017) Author: Frank, James Relating to comparisons of state budgets made by the Legislative Budget Board. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget
HB 1723 85-0 (2017) Author: Leach, Jeff Relating to the allocation of certain surplus state revenue for periodic reductions in the state sales and use tax rates. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Sales
HB 1741 85-0 (2017) Author: Bonnen, Greg Relating to the deposit of money received from the federal government. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 2514 85-0 (2017) Author: Uresti, Tomas Relating to the allocation of certain revenue from the cigarette tax to the foundation school fund and increasing the rate of that tax. House: Ways & Means Referred to Ways & Means | Education--Primary & Secondary--General | FOUNDATION SCHOOL FUND | State Finances--Budget | Taxation--Cigarette | Tobacco Products
HB 3720 85-0 (2017) Author: Simmons, Ron Relating to the deposit of money received from the federal government and the authority of the comptroller concerning related funds and accounts. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 3849 85-0 (2017) Author: Zerwas, John
Sponsor: Nelson, Jane
Relating to the creation and re-creation of funds and accounts, the dedication and rededication of revenue, and the exemption of unappropriated money from use for general governmental purposes. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
See remarks for effective date | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 4240 85-0 (2017) Author: White, James Relating to a prohibition on the consideration of revenue anticipated to be derived from criminal fines in planning for the state budget. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HJR 41 85-0 (2017) Author: Metcalf, Will | et. al. Proposing a constitutional amendment concerning the use of unencumbered surplus state revenues to provide for a rebate of state franchise taxes. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Legislature | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Franchise
HJR 42 85-0 (2017) Author: Metcalf, Will | et. al. Proposing a constitutional amendment regarding the limitation on the rate of growth of appropriations. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | Legislature | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HJR 53 85-0 (2017) Author: Raymond, Richard Peña Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for an annual state budget and annual legislative sessions for budget purposes. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | Legislature | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HJR 82 85-0 (2017) Author: Rinaldi, Matt Proposing a constitutional amendment requiring that any appropriations in excess of the constitutional spending limit be approved by a two-thirds vote of all the members elected to each house of the legislature. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | Legislature | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HJR 83 85-0 (2017) Author: Fallon, Pat Proposing a constitutional amendment providing that members of the legislature and the lieutenant governor will not receive a state salary or per diem during certain periods unless the legislature has passed the state's budget and that budget is certified by the comptroller. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | Legislature | LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Salaries & Expenses | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
SB 9 85-0 (2017) Author: Hancock, Kelly | et. al. Relating to the constitutional limit on the rate of growth of appropriations. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Referred to Appropriations | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
SB 131 85-0 (2017) Author: Creighton, Brandon Relating to the use of certain surplus state revenue to provide for a rebate of state franchise taxes. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Franchise
SB 272 85-0 (2017) Author: Perry, Charles | et. al. Relating to zero-based budgeting for state agencies as part of the sunset review process. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | SUNSET ADVISORY COMMISSION | Sunset--Review Procedures
SB 806 85-0 (2017) Author: Creighton, Brandon Relating to a report concerning, and actions by certain state officers regarding, federal money provided to this state that is subject to a coercive federal condition. Senate: Finance Left pending in committee | Governor | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 943 85-0 (2017) Author: Taylor, Van | et. al. Relating to limitations on the rate of growth of appropriations. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 1266 85-0 (2017) Author: Nelson, Jane Relating to making supplemental appropriations and giving direction and adjustment authority regarding appropriations. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | ANIMAL HEALTH COMMISSION, TEXAS | FAMILY & PROTECTIVE SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | TEXAS A&M FOREST SERVICE
SB 1270 85-0 (2017) Author: Miles, Borris Relating to the allocation and use of certain border security funding to secure Gulf of Mexico ports. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | BORDER | Crimes--Against Persons--General | Crimes--Against Persons--Sexual | Crimes--Drugs | GULF OF MEXICO | PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | Water--Navigation & Ports
SB 2217 85-0 (2017) Author: Kolkhorst, Lois Relating to state fiscal matters. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | BOND REVIEW BOARD | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Education--General | Human Services--General | INFORMATION RESOURCES, DEPARTMENT OF | MOTOR VEHICLES, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Transportation--Miscellaneous
SB 2218 85-0 (2017) Author: Nelson, Jane Relating to the creation and re-creation of funds and accounts in the state treasury, the dedication and rededication of revenue, and the exemption of unappropriated money from use for general governmental purposes. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SJR 14 85-0 (2017) Author: Creighton, Brandon Proposing a constitutional amendment concerning the use of unencumbered surplus state revenues to provide for a rebate of state franchise taxes. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Legislature | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Franchise
SJR 21 85-0 (2017) Author: Taylor, Van Proposing a constitutional amendment providing that members of the legislature and the lieutenant governor will not receive a state salary or per diem during certain periods unless the legislature has passed the state's budget and that budget is certified by the comptroller. Senate: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | Legislature | LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Salaries & Expenses | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
SJR 24 85-0 (2017) Author: Taylor, Van Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for certain excess revenue to be dedicated toward contributions to state retirement systems, the health benefit plan for retired education employees and their dependents, the Texas tomorrow fund, the permanent school fund, and the permanent university fund. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | Education--Higher--Student Financial Aid | PERMANENT SCHOOL FUND | PERMANENT UNIVERSITY FUND | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Retirement Systems--State Employees | Retirement Systems--Teachers | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SJR 25 85-0 (2017) Author: Taylor, Van | et. al. Proposing a constitutional amendment requiring that any appropriations in excess of the constitutional spending limit be approved by a two-thirds vote of all the members elected to each house of the legislature. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | Legislature | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SJR 26 85-0 (2017) Author: Perry, Charles Proposing a constitutional amendment limiting appropriations from the economic stabilization fund to prevent the fund balance from falling below a prescribed minimum amount, other than in an emergency if certain requirements are met, and limiting the permissible uses of that appropriated money. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Legislature | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 2 85-1 (2017) Author: Gonzales, Larry Relating to the repeal of certain riders for the Texas Medical Board and the Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists from the General Appropriations Act that are contingent upon the approval of certain Acts continuing those agencies during the 85th Regular Session. House: Appropriations
Senate: Business & Commerce
Referred to Business & Commerce | MEDICAL BOARD, TEXAS | Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations | PSYCHOLOGISTS, TEXAS STATE BOARD OF EXAMINERS OF | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HB 41 85-1 (2017) Author: Schofield, Mike | et. al. Relating to the constitutional limit on the rate of growth of appropriations. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HB 114 85-1 (2017) Author: Uresti, Tomas Relating to the allocation of certain revenue from the cigarette tax to the foundation school fund and increasing the rate of that tax. House: Ways & Means Referred to Ways & Means | Education--Primary & Secondary--General | FOUNDATION SCHOOL FUND | State Finances--Budget | Taxation--Cigarette | Tobacco Products
HB 127 85-1 (2017) Author: Leach, Jeff Relating to the constitutional limit on the rate of growth of appropriations. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HB 208 85-1 (2017) Author: Parker, Tan | et. al. Relating to the constitutional limit on the rate of growth of appropriations and appropriations of constitutionally dedicated revenue. House: Appropriations Returned to committee | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HB 346 85-1 (2017) Author: Capriglione, Giovanni Relating to dedicating certain state revenue to making additional contributions to the state retirement system for education employees and to the health benefit plan for retired education employees and their dependents. House: Appropriations Meeting cancelled | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Retirement Systems--State Employees | Retirement Systems--Teachers | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 367 85-1 (2017) Author: Capriglione, Giovanni | et. al. Relating to the deposit of money received from the federal government and the authority of the comptroller concerning related funds and accounts. House: Appropriations Received from the House | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HJR 1 85-1 (2017) Author: Bonnen, Greg Proposing a constitutional amendment regarding the limitation on the rate of growth of appropriations. House: Appropriations Committee report sent to Calendars | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HJR 46 85-1 (2017) Author: Capriglione, Giovanni Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for certain excess revenue to be dedicated toward contributions to the state retirement system for education employees and to the health benefit plan for retired education employees and their dependents. House: Appropriations Meeting cancelled | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Retirement Systems--State Employees | Retirement Systems--Teachers | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 9 85-1 (2017) Author: Hancock, Kelly | et. al.
Sponsor: Parker, Tan
Relating to the constitutional limit on the rate of growth of appropriations and appropriations of constitutionally dedicated revenue. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Committee report sent to Calendars | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
SJR 12 85-1 (2017) Author: Taylor, Van Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for certain excess revenue to be dedicated toward contributions to state retirement systems, the health benefit plan for retired education employees and their dependents, the Texas tomorrow fund, the permanent school fund, and the permanent university fund. Filed | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Retirement Systems--State Employees | Retirement Systems--Teachers | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 1 84-0 (2015) Author: Otto, John
Sponsor: Nelson, Jane
General Appropriations Bill. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Effective on 9/1/15 | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HB 2 84-0 (2015) Author: Otto, John | et. al.
Sponsor: Nelson, Jane
Relating to making supplemental appropriations and giving direction and adjustment authority regarding appropriations. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Effective immediately | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HB 6 84-0 (2015) Author: Otto, John | et. al.
Sponsor: Hinojosa, Juan
Relating to the creation and re-creation of funds and accounts, the dedication and rededication of revenue, and the exemption of unappropriated money from use for general governmental purposes. House: Appropriations - S/C on Budget Transparency & Reform
Senate: Finance
See remarks for effective date | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 7 84-0 (2015) Author: Darby, Drew | et. al.
Sponsor: Nelson, Jane
Relating to certain fiscal matters affecting governmental entities; reducing or affecting the amounts or rates of certain taxes, assessments, surcharges, and fees. House: Appropriations - S/C on Budget Transparency & Reform
Senate: Finance
Effective on 9/1/15 | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | Education--Higher--Student Financial Aid | EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS, COMMISSION ON STATE | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 8 84-0 (2015) Author: Otto, John | et. al.
Sponsor: Nelson, Jane
Relating to the deposit of money received from the federal government and the authority of the comptroller concerning related funds and accounts. House: Appropriations - S/C on Budget Transparency & Reform
Senate: Finance
Committee report printed and distributed | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 15 84-0 (2015) Author: Otto, John | et. al.
Sponsor: Eltife, Kevin
Relating to the management and oversight of state contracts, including contracts for information technology commodity items. House: Government Transparency & Operation
Senate: Finance
House adopts conf. comm. report-reported | ATTORNEY GENERAL | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | COMPUTERS & SOFTWARE | CONTRACTORS & SUBCONTRACTORS | Education--Higher--General | FACILITIES COMMISSION, TEXAS | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | Purchasing--State | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget | TRANSPORTATION, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF
HB 86 84-0 (2015) Author: White, James Relating to the creation of a select committee to evaluate the effects of a reduction in or the elimination of federal funding on the state budget due to federal fiscal policy. House: Appropriations - S/C on Budget Transparency & Reform Left pending in subcommittee | Charitable & Nonprofit Organizations | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Governor | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | Legislature | LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR | MEDICAID | SOCIAL SECURITY | State Finances--Budget
HB 236 84-0 (2015) Author: Krause, Matt Relating to the creation of the Fiscal Risk Management Commission. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | AUDITOR, STATE | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | FISCAL RISK MANAGEMENT COMMISSION | LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR | SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed | State Finances--Budget
HB 290 84-0 (2015) Author: Leach, Jeff | et. al. Relating to the constitutional limit on the rate of growth of appropriations and the use of surplus state revenues. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Franchise
HB 373 84-0 (2015) Author: Simmons, Ron Relating to the allocation of certain revenue from the taxes imposed on the sale, rental, or use of motor vehicles to the state highway fund and to the uses of that revenue. House: Transportation Left pending in committee | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | STATE HIGHWAY FUND | Taxation--General | Taxation--Sales
HB 443 84-0 (2015) Author: Gonzales, Larry | et. al. Relating to zero-based budgeting for state agencies as part of the sunset review process. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | SUNSET ADVISORY COMMISSION | Sunset--Review Procedures
HB 459 84-0 (2015) Author: Krause, Matt | et. al. Relating to zero-based budgeting for certain entities funded by this state and submission of a zero-based budget by and performance of a financial audit of an agency undergoing review by the Sunset Advisory Commission. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | SUNSET ADVISORY COMMISSION | Sunset--Review Procedures
HB 531 84-0 (2015) Author: Bonnen, Greg | et. al. Relating to the constitutional limit on the rate of growth of appropriations. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HB 542 84-0 (2015) Author: Raymond, Richard Peña Relating to an annual state budget and legislative budget sessions in even-numbered years and to political contributions made during a legislative session. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | Elections--Campaign Financing | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL, TEXAS | Legislature | POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 624 84-0 (2015) Author: Pickett, Joseph Relating to the deposit of certain amounts to the credit of the Texas emissions reduction plan fund. House: Transportation Referred to Transportation | Environment--Air | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | TEXAS MOBILITY FUND | Transportation--Miscellaneous
HB 651 84-0 (2015) Author: Isaac, Jason Relating to the format of the general appropriations bill. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 812 84-0 (2015) Author: Lozano, J. M. Relating to authorizing the issuance of revenue bonds to fund capital projects at public institutions of higher education; making an appropriation. House: Higher Education Referred to Higher Education | BONDS | Education--Higher--Finance | Education--Higher--Institutions & Programs | MIDWESTERN STATE UNIVERSITY | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | STEPHEN F. AUSTIN STATE UNIVERSITY | TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY SYSTEM | TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY | TEXAS STATE TECHNICAL COLLEGE SYSTEM | TEXAS STATE UNIVERSITY SYSTEM | TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY SYSTEM | TEXAS WOMAN'S UNIVERSITY | UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON SYSTEM | UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS SYSTEM | UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS SYSTEM
HB 903 84-0 (2015) Author: Capriglione, Giovanni | et. al.
Sponsor: Taylor, Van | et. al.
Relating to the investment of a percentage of the economic stabilization fund balance in excess of the sufficient balance. House: Appropriations - S/C on Budget Transparency & Reform
Senate: Finance
Effective immediately | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 914 84-0 (2015) Author: Howard, Donna Relating to the creation of a long-range revenue analysis committee. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Governor | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | Legislature | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 915 84-0 (2015) Author: Howard, Donna Relating to quarterly financial condition reports on collected and anticipated state revenue. House: Appropriations - S/C on Budget Transparency & Reform Placed on General State Calendar | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 1031 84-0 (2015) Author: Leach, Jeff Relating to funding for certain roadway projects intended to improve or maintain air quality. House: Transportation Withdrawn from schedule | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Highways | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | TRANSPORTATION, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF
HB 1134 84-0 (2015) Author: Metcalf, Will Relating to the use of certain surplus state revenue to provide for a rebate of state franchise taxes. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Franchise
HB 1216 84-0 (2015) Author: White, James | et. al. Relating to zero-based budgeting for state agencies as part of the sunset review process. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | SUNSET ADVISORY COMMISSION | Sunset--Review Procedures
HB 1298 84-0 (2015) Author: Lozano, J. M. Relating to required state contributions to the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. House: Pensions Referred to Pensions | Retirement Systems--Teachers | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 1349 84-0 (2015) Author: Howard, Donna Relating to the creation of a long-range revenue analysis committee. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | Legislature | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 1467 84-0 (2015) Author: Lozano, J. M. Relating to authorizing the issuance of revenue bonds for a classroom building at Texas A&M University--Kingsville. House: Higher Education Referred to Higher Education | BONDS | Education--Higher--Finance | Education--Higher--Institutions & Programs | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY--KINGSVILLE
HB 1592 84-0 (2015) Author: Frank, James | et. al. Relating to certain comparisons of state budgets made by the Legislative Budget Board. House: Appropriations - S/C on Budget Transparency & Reform Placed on General State Calendar | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget
HB 1650 84-0 (2015) Author: Turner, Scott Relating to the legislative appropriations request process for the Texas Department of Transportation. House: Transportation Referred directly to s/c on Long-term Infrastructure Planning by chair | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | TRANSPORTATION, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF
HB 1697 84-0 (2015) Author: Capriglione, Giovanni | et. al. Relating to the limitation on the rate of growth of appropriations. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 1904 84-0 (2015) Author: Howard, Donna Relating to authorizing the issuance of revenue bonds to fund the renovation of Robert A. Welch Hall at The University of Texas at Austin. House: Higher Education Referred to Higher Education | BONDS | Education--Higher--Finance | Education--Higher--Institutions & Programs | Education--Primary & Secondary--Facilities | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN
HB 2307 84-0 (2015) Author: Leach, Jeff Relating to the allocation of certain surplus state revenue for periodic reductions in the state sales tax rate. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Sales
HB 2416 84-0 (2015) Author: Blanco, César Relating to an annual report on the financial impact of undocumented immigrants on the state budget and economy. House: State Affairs Left pending in committee | Aliens | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HB 2680 84-0 (2015) Author: Bonnen, Greg | et. al.
Sponsor: Taylor, Larry
Relating to allocation of money from the law enforcement officer standards and education fund. House: Homeland Security & Public Safety
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/15 | Law Enforcement | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | State Finances--Budget
HB 2981 84-0 (2015) Author: Schofield, Mike Relating to the constitutional limit on the rate of growth of appropriations. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HB 3935 84-0 (2015) Author: Fletcher, Allen | et. al. Relating to funding law enforcement training for veterans from state and federal funds or grants. House: Defense & Veterans' Affairs Placed on General State Calendar | Law Enforcement | LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Military & Veterans | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | State Finances--Budget
HJR 8 84-0 (2015) Author: Otto, John | et. al.
Sponsor: Nelson, Jane
Proposing a constitutional amendment to dedicate certain money to the purpose of retiring state debt early. House: Appropriations - S/C on Budget Transparency & Reform
Senate: Finance
Committee report printed and distributed | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | DEBT | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | State Officers
HJR 21 84-0 (2015) Author: Burkett, Cindy | et. al. Proposing a constitutional amendment requiring that any appropriations in excess of the constitutional spending limit be approved by a two-thirds vote of all the members elected to each house of the legislature. House: Appropriations - S/C on Budget Transparency & Reform Left pending in subcommittee | Legislature | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HJR 45 84-0 (2015) Author: Leach, Jeff Proposing a constitutional amendment concerning the limitation on the rate of growth in appropriations and the use of unencumbered surplus state revenues to provide for a rebate of state franchise taxes, to reduce public school district property taxes, and to fund the state's rainy day fund. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | Taxation--Franchise | Taxation--School District
HJR 60 84-0 (2015) Author: Bonnen, Greg Proposing a constitutional amendment concerning the limitation on the rate of growth of state appropriations. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | Legislature | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HJR 63 84-0 (2015) Author: Raymond, Richard Peña Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for an annual state budget and annual legislative sessions for budget purposes. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | Legislature | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HJR 68 84-0 (2015) Author: Otto, John Proposing a constitutional amendment to dedicate certain money to the purpose of retiring state debt early. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | DEBT | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | State Officers
HJR 80 84-0 (2015) Author: Metcalf, Will Proposing a constitutional amendment concerning the use of unencumbered surplus state revenues to provide for a rebate of state franchise taxes. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Legislature | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Franchise
HJR 94 84-0 (2015) Author: Burkett, Cindy | et. al. Proposing a constitutional amendment relating to limiting the permissible uses of money appropriated from the economic stabilization fund. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HJR 111 84-0 (2015) Author: Darby, Drew | et. al.
Sponsor: Nelson, Jane
Proposing a constitutional amendment to prohibit using revenues, other money, or account or fund balances dedicated by law for nondedicated general governmental purposes or for certification of appropriations for nondedicated purposes or entities. House: Appropriations - S/C on Budget Transparency & Reform
Senate: Finance
Left pending in committee | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Budget
HJR 121 84-0 (2015) Author: Schofield, Mike Proposing a constitutional amendment concerning the limitation on the rate of growth in appropriations. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HJR 130 84-0 (2015) Author: Larson, Lyle Proposing a constitutional amendment to limit state debt. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | Legislature | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HJR 137 84-0 (2015) Author: Keffer, Jim | et. al. Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for certain excess revenue to be dedicated toward contributions to state retirement systems, the health benefit plan for retired education employees and their dependents, the Texas tomorrow fund, the permanent school fund, and the permanent university fund. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | Education--Higher--Student Financial Aid | Insurance--Health & Accident | Insurance--Public Employees | PERMANENT SCHOOL FUND | PERMANENT UNIVERSITY FUND | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Retirement Systems--State Employees | Retirement Systems--Teachers | State Finances--Budget
HR 3311 84-0 (2015) Author: Otto, John Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, H.B. No. 1. Filed | Resolutions--Conf. Comm. Reports | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HR 3315 84-0 (2015) Author: Otto, John Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, H.B. No. 1. Reported enrolled | Resolutions--Conf. Comm. Reports | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
SB 9 84-0 (2015) Author: Hancock, Kelly | et. al.
Sponsor: Otto, John | et. al.
Relating to limitations on the rate of growth of appropriations for certain categories of spending. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
House appoints conferees-reported | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
SB 15 84-0 (2015) Author: Nelson, Jane | et. al. Relating to state tax reductions and the limit on appropriations from certain state tax revenue for a state fiscal biennium. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | Legislature | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--General
SB 116 84-0 (2015) Author: Taylor, Van Relating to the investment of a portion of the economic stabilization fund balance. Senate: Finance Left pending in committee | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 136 84-0 (2015) Author: Perry, Charles | et. al. Relating to zero-based budgeting for state agencies as part of the sunset review process. Senate: Finance Co-author authorized | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | SUNSET ADVISORY COMMISSION | Sunset--Review Procedures
SB 137 84-0 (2015) Author: Perry, Charles | et. al. Relating to the maximum rate of growth of appropriations. Senate: Finance Co-author authorized | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 150 84-0 (2015) Author: Seliger, Kel | et. al. Relating to authorizing the issuance of revenue bonds to fund capital projects at public institutions of higher education. Senate: Higher Education Not again placed on intent calendar | BONDS | Education--Higher--Finance | Education--Higher--Institutions & Programs | MIDWESTERN STATE UNIVERSITY | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | STEPHEN F. AUSTIN STATE UNIVERSITY | TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY SYSTEM | TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY | TEXAS STATE TECHNICAL COLLEGE SYSTEM | TEXAS STATE UNIVERSITY SYSTEM | TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY SYSTEM | TEXAS WOMAN'S UNIVERSITY | UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON SYSTEM | UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS SYSTEM | UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS SYSTEM
SB 198 84-0 (2015) Author: Watson, Kirk Relating to the use of statutorily dedicated revenues for budget certification. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 245 84-0 (2015) Author: Watson, Kirk Relating to authorizing the issuance of revenue bonds to fund capital projects at public institutions of higher education. Senate: Higher Education Referred to Higher Education | BONDS | Education--Higher--Finance | Education--Higher--Institutions & Programs | Education--Higher--Tuition | MIDWESTERN STATE UNIVERSITY | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | STEPHEN F. AUSTIN STATE UNIVERSITY | TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY SYSTEM | TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY | TEXAS STATE TECHNICAL COLLEGE SYSTEM | TEXAS STATE UNIVERSITY SYSTEM | TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY SYSTEM | TEXAS WOMAN'S UNIVERSITY | UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON SYSTEM | UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS SYSTEM | UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS SYSTEM
SB 249 84-0 (2015) Author: Campbell, Donna | et. al. Relating to dedicating certain state revenue to the purpose of retiring state general obligation debt. Senate: Finance Co-author authorized | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 307 84-0 (2015) Author: Hancock, Kelly Relating to dedicating certain state revenue to the purpose of retiring state general obligation debt. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | DEBT | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 321 84-0 (2015) Author: Hinojosa, Juan
Sponsor: Pickett, Joseph
Relating to the amount of money transferred monthly from the state highway fund to the Texas emissions reduction plan fund. House: Transportation
Senate: Transportation
Committee report sent to Calendars | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Environment--Air | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Transportation--Mass Transit | Transportation--Miscellaneous | Vehicles & Traffic--Vehicle Registration
SB 331 84-0 (2015) Author: Creighton, Brandon Relating to the use of certain surplus state revenue to provide for a rebate of state franchise taxes. Senate: Finance Left pending in committee | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Franchise
SB 403 84-0 (2015) Author: Taylor, Van Relating to the limitation on the rate of growth of appropriations. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 554 84-0 (2015) Author: Hancock, Kelly | et. al. Relating to zero-based budgeting for state agencies as part of the sunset review process. Senate: Finance Co-author authorized | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | SUNSET ADVISORY COMMISSION | Sunset--Review Procedures
SB 743 84-0 (2015) Author: Birdwell, Brian Relating to the allocation of certain surplus state revenue for periodic reductions in the state sales tax rate. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Sales
SB 827 84-0 (2015) Author: Hall, Bob Relating to the format of the general appropriations bill. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 1276 84-0 (2015) Author: Nelson, Jane Relating to the amounts, availability, and use of certain statutorily dedicated revenue and accounts; reducing or affecting the amounts or rates of certain statutorily dedicated fees and assessments. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Education--Higher--Student Financial Aid | EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS, COMMISSION ON STATE | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 1729 84-0 (2015) Author: Lucio, Jr., Eddie Relating to programs for imposing or increasing a toll on and increasing the vehicle registration fee for a commercial motor vehicle. Senate: Transportation Referred to Transportation | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State | Highways | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | STATE HIGHWAY FUND | TOLL ROADS & TOLL BRIDGES | Vehicles & Traffic--Vehicle Registration
SB 1736 84-0 (2015) Author: Hinojosa, Juan Relating to the creation and re-creation of funds and accounts, the dedication and rededication of revenue, and the exemption of unappropriated money from use for general governmental purposes. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 1849 84-0 (2015) Author: Nichols, Robert Relating to the deposit of certain amounts to the credit of the Texas emissions reduction plan fund. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | Environment--Air | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | TEXAS MOBILITY FUND | Transportation--Miscellaneous
SB 1993 84-0 (2015) Author: Nelson, Jane Relating to making supplemental appropriations and giving direction and adjustment authority regarding appropriations. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
SJR 2 84-0 (2015) Author: Hancock, Kelly | et. al. Proposing a constitutional amendment concerning the limitation on the rate of growth in appropriations. Senate: Finance Not again placed on intent calendar | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
SJR 11 84-0 (2015) Author: Perry, Charles | et. al. Proposing a constitutional amendment regarding the maximum amount of appropriations for a state fiscal biennium. Senate: Finance Co-author authorized | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
SJR 19 84-0 (2015) Author: Perry, Charles | et. al. Proposing a constitutional amendment limiting appropriations from the economic stabilization fund to a total amount that the comptroller of public accounts estimates will not result at any time in a fund balance of less than a prescribed minimum amount, other than in an emergency if certain requirements are met. Senate: Finance Left pending in committee | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Legislature | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SJR 23 84-0 (2015) Author: Creighton, Brandon Proposing a constitutional amendment concerning the use of unencumbered surplus state revenues to provide for a rebate of state franchise taxes. Senate: Finance Left pending in committee | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Legislature | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Franchise
SJR 25 84-0 (2015) Author: Nelson, Jane | et. al. Proposing a constitutional amendment to dedicate certain money to the purpose of retiring state debt early. Senate: Finance Co-author authorized | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | DEBT | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | State Officers
SJR 33 84-0 (2015) Author: Watson, Kirk Proposing a constitutional amendment to prohibit using revenues, other money, or account or fund balances dedicated by law for nondedicated general governmental purposes or for certification of appropriations for nondedicated purposes or entities. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Budget
SJR 37 84-0 (2015) Author: Taylor, Van | et. al. Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for certain excess revenue to be dedicated toward contributions to state retirement systems, the health benefit plan for retired education employees and their dependents, the Texas tomorrow fund, the permanent school fund, and the permanent university fund. Senate: Finance Left pending in committee | Education--Higher--Student Financial Aid | Insurance--Health & Accident | Insurance--Public Employees | PERMANENT SCHOOL FUND | PERMANENT UNIVERSITY FUND | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Retirement Systems--State Employees | Retirement Systems--Teachers | State Finances--Budget
HB 6 83-0 (2013) Author: Otto, John | et. al.
Sponsor: Williams, Tommy
Relating to the creation and re-creation of funds and accounts, the dedication and rededication of revenue, and the exemption of unappropriated money from use for general governmental purposes. House: Appropriations - S/C on Budget Transparency and Reform
Senate: Finance
See remarks for effective date | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 7 83-0 (2013) Author: Darby, Drew | et. al.
Sponsor: Williams, Tommy
Relating to the amounts, availability, and use of certain statutorily dedicated revenue and accounts; reducing or affecting the amounts or rates of certain statutorily dedicated fees and assessments; making an appropriation. House: Appropriations - S/C on Budget Transparency and Reform
Senate: Finance
HB 10 83-0 (2013) Author: Pitts, Jim | et. al.
Sponsor: Williams, Tommy
Relating to making emergency supplemental appropriations and providing direction and transfer authority regarding certain appropriations. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Effective immediately | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HB 88 83-0 (2013) Author: Callegari, Bill | et. al. Relating to the constitutional limit on the rate of growth of appropriations. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 98 83-0 (2013) Author: Perry, Charles | et. al. Relating to zero-based budgeting for certain entities funded by this state. House: Appropriations - S/C on Budget Transparency and Reform Left pending in subcommittee | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 136 83-0 (2013) Author: Raymond, Richard Peña Relating to an annual state budget and legislative budget sessions in even-numbered years and to political contributions made during a legislative session. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | Elections--Campaign Financing | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL, TEXAS | Legislature | POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 228 83-0 (2013) Author: Perry, Charles | et. al. Relating to the maximum rate of growth of appropriations. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 237 83-0 (2013) Author: King, Phil | et. al. Relating to the limitation on the rate of growth in appropriations from state tax revenues. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | Legislature | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--State
HB 306 83-0 (2013) Author: King, Phil Relating to the limitation on appropriations for the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | Human Services--Direct Assistance | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | TEMPORARY ASSISTANCE FOR NEEDY FAMILIES | WELFARE
HB 360 83-0 (2013) Author: Krause, Matt | et. al. Relating to certain requirements of public institutions of higher education regarding student organization membership. House: Higher Education Committee report sent to Calendars | Education--Higher--General | Education--Higher--Institutions & Programs | Education--Higher--Private Schools | Religion | State Finances--Budget
HB 515 83-0 (2013) Author: Pitts, Jim | et. al. Relating to the remittance of certain taxes and fees and the allocation of certain state money. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | Amusements, Games, Sports | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Alcoholic Beverages | Taxation--Motor Fuels | Taxation--Sales
HB 568 83-0 (2013) Author: White, James | et. al. Relating to the creation of a select committee to evaluate the effects of reduction in or elimination of federal funding on the state budget due to federal fiscal policy. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Governor | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR | SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE | State Finances--Budget
HB 652 83-0 (2013) Author: Howard, Donna Relating to consideration of certain appropriations in determining the constitutional biennial appropriations limit. House: Appropriations - S/C on Budget Transparency and Reform Left pending in subcommittee | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HB 715 83-0 (2013) Author: Creighton, Brandon | et. al. Relating to the constitutional limit on the rate of growth of appropriations. House: Appropriations - S/C on Budget Transparency and Reform Left pending in subcommittee | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HB 756 83-0 (2013) Author: Davis, Sarah Relating to the establishment of a program to refund annually certain dedicated tax or fee revenues that remain unspent for the particular purposes or entities for which they were collected. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | State Finances--Budget
HB 769 83-0 (2013) Author: Howard, Donna Relating to legislative budget sessions in even-numbered years and to reports of political contributions accepted during a budget session. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | Governor | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | Legislature | POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 783 83-0 (2013) Author: Sanford, Scott | et. al. Relating to the constitutional limit on the rate of growth of appropriations and the use of surplus state revenues. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HB 1025 83-0 (2013) Author: Pitts, Jim
Sponsor: Williams, Tommy
Relating to making supplemental appropriations and reductions in appropriations and giving direction and adjustment authority regarding appropriations. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Effective immediately | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HB 1062 83-0 (2013) Author: Pitts, Jim Relating to the remittance dates of certain taxes and fees and the allocation dates of certain state money. House: Appropriations - S/C on Budget Transparency and Reform Left pending in subcommittee | Amusements, Games, Sports | State Finances--Budget | Taxation--Alcoholic Beverages | Taxation--Motor Fuels | Taxation--Sales
HB 1379 83-0 (2013) Author: Toth, Steve | et. al. Relating to coercive conditions placed on the receipt by this state of federal money. House: Federalism & Fiscal Responsibility, Select Committee report sent to Calendars | ATTORNEY GENERAL | Governor | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | STATE-FEDERAL RELATIONS, OFFICE OF
HB 1487 83-0 (2013) Author: Harper-Brown, Linda
Sponsor: Rodríguez, José
Relating to the Internet posting of certain information regarding state grants. House: Government Efficiency & Reform
Senate: Finance
Effective on 9/1/13 | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Electronic Information Systems | INTERNET | Open Records | State Finances--Budget
HB 1854 83-0 (2013) Author: Turner, Chris Relating to the appropriation of money from the economic stabilization fund to be used for upgrading fixtures and materials in state buildings to maximize energy and water conservation. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | Energy--Conservation | FACILITIES COMMISSION, TEXAS | Public Lands, Buildings & Resources | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | WATER--CONSERVATION
HB 1870 83-0 (2013) Author: King, Phil | et. al. Relating to the limitation on the rate of growth in appropriations from state tax revenues. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | Governor | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | Taxation--General
HB 1930 83-0 (2013) Author: Krause, Matt | et. al. Relating to the creation of the Fiscal Risk Management Commission. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | AUDITOR, STATE | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | FISCAL RISK MANAGEMENT COMMISSION | Governor | LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR | SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed | State Finances--Budget
HB 2770 83-0 (2013) Author: Branch, Dan | et. al.
Sponsor: Eltife, Kevin
Relating to the investment of a portion of the economic stabilization fund balance. House: Appropriations - S/C on Budget Transparency and Reform
Senate: Finance
Reported from s/c favorably w/o amendments | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 3188 83-0 (2013) Author: Otto, John
Sponsor: Williams, Tommy
Relating to directing payment, after approval, of certain miscellaneous claims and judgments against the state out of funds designated by this Act; making appropriations. House: Appropriations - S/C on Budget Transparency and Reform
Senate: Finance
Effective on 9/1/13 | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | SUITS AGAINST THE STATE
HB 3346 83-0 (2013) Author: Rodriguez, Eddie Relating to the appropriations of money from the economic stabilization fund for the 2014-2015 state fiscal biennium. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | Education--Higher--General | Education--Primary & Secondary--General | FOUNDATION SCHOOL PROGRAM | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | HIGHER EDUCATION COORDINATING BOARD, TEXAS | Human Services--Medical Assistance | MEDICAID | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HB 3481 83-0 (2013) Author: Fletcher, Allen Relating to the appropriation of money from the economic stabilization fund to be used for the purpose of repairing certain roadways and bridges. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | BRIDGES & CAUSEWAYS | Charitable & Nonprofit Organizations | CONSUMER CREDIT COMMISSION | FINANCE COMMISSION OF TEXAS | Financial--General | Highways | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HB 3580 83-0 (2013) Author: Strama, Mark Relating to the state spending limit. House: Appropriations - S/C on Budget Transparency and Reform Left pending in subcommittee | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HJR 23 83-0 (2013) Author: Callegari, Bill | et. al. Proposing a constitutional amendment concerning the limitation on the rate of growth of state appropriations. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Legislature | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HJR 26 83-0 (2013) Author: Raymond, Richard Peña Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for an annual state budget and annual legislative sessions for budget purposes. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | Legislature | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HJR 41 83-0 (2013) Author: Larson, Lyle Proposing a constitutional amendment to require the comptroller of public accounts to make a state revenue report after the first year of a state fiscal biennium and the governor to call a special session of the legislature if actual state revenue for that fiscal year was at least five percent more or five percent less than projected state revenue. House: Ways & Means Referred to Ways & Means | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Governor | Legislature | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Budget
HJR 49 83-0 (2013) Author: Perry, Charles | et. al. Proposing a constitutional amendment regarding the maximum amount of appropriations for a state fiscal biennium. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HJR 52 83-0 (2013) Author: King, Phil | et. al. Proposing a constitutional amendment limiting the rate of growth of appropriations for welfare programs. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | Human Services--Child Services | Human Services--Food Programs | Human Services--Medical Assistance | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | WELFARE
HJR 65 83-0 (2013) Author: Creighton, Brandon | et. al. Proposing a constitutional amendment regarding the limitation on the rate of growth of appropriations. House: Appropriations - S/C on Budget Transparency and Reform Left pending in subcommittee | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HJR 67 83-0 (2013) Author: Howard, Donna Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for legislative budget sessions in even-numbered years. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Elections--General | Legislature | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HJR 69 83-0 (2013) Author: Sanford, Scott | et. al. Proposing a constitutional amendment concerning the limitation on the rate of growth of state appropriations and the use of unencumbered surplus state revenues to provide for a rebate of state franchise taxes and to reduce public school district property taxes. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | Taxation--Franchise | Taxation--School District
HJR 70 83-0 (2013) Author: King, Phil Proposing a constitutional amendment concerning the maximum rate of growth of appropriations. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | Legislature | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HJR 85 83-0 (2013) Author: Howard, Donna Proposing a constitutional amendment regarding the consideration of appropriations from the constitutional economic stabilization fund to be appropriations of state tax revenues dedicated by the Texas Constitution. House: Appropriations - S/C on Budget Transparency and Reform Left pending in subcommittee | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HJR 89 83-0 (2013) Author: Harless, Patricia | et. al. Proposing a constitutional amendment to prohibit using revenues, other money, or account or fund balances dedicated by law for nondedicated general governmental purposes and to limit using that money or those balances for certification of appropriations for nondedicated purposes or entities. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Legislature | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HJR 93 83-0 (2013) Author: Hughes, Bryan Proposing a constitutional amendment to limit the rate of growth of appropriations from all sources of revenue except the federal government and to authorize the legislature to appropriate money for tax rebates. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Legislature | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HJR 111 83-0 (2013) Author: Perry, Charles | et. al. Proposing a constitutional amendment limiting appropriations from the economic stabilization fund to a total amount that the comptroller of public accounts estimates will not result at any time in a fund balance of less than a prescribed minimum amount. House: Appropriations - S/C on Budget Transparency and Reform Left pending in subcommittee | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HR 3094 83-0 (2013) Author: Otto, John Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, H.B. No. 6. Reported enrolled | Resolutions--Conf. Comm. Reports | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 101 83-0 (2013) Author: Patrick, Dan | et. al. Relating to the constitutional limit on the rate of growth of appropriations of revenue. Senate: Finance Not again placed on intent calendar | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 142 83-0 (2013) Author: West, Royce Relating to zero-based budgeting for state agencies as a part of the sunset review process. Senate: Finance Left pending in subcommittee | Governor | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | Legislature | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | SUNSET ADVISORY COMMISSION | Sunset--Review Procedures
SB 195 83-0 (2013) Author: Watson, Kirk Relating to the maintenance by the Legislative Budget Board of a searchable database containing certain budget information. Senate: Finance Referred to s/c on Fiscal Matters by Chair | Electronic Information Systems | GIFTS & DONATIONS | INTERNET | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 345 83-0 (2013) Author: Whitmire, John
Sponsor: Parker, Tan
Relating to certain programs for inmates, including the abolition of the state boot camp program and the use of programs by volunteer and faith-based organizations. House: Corrections
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/13 | BOOT CAMPS | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 541 83-0 (2013) Author: Watson, Kirk Relating to annual reports regarding federal funding for state agencies. Senate: Finance Referred to s/c on Fiscal Matters by Chair | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 559 83-0 (2013) Author: Duncan, Robert
Sponsor: Pitts, Jim | et. al.
Relating to the remittance dates of certain taxes and fees and the allocation dates of certain state money. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Effective immediately | Amusements, Games, Sports | State Finances--Budget | Taxation--Alcoholic Beverages | Taxation--Motor Fuels | Taxation--Sales
SB 936 83-0 (2013) Author: Davis, Wendy Relating to the availability and use of certain statutorily dedicated revenues and accounts. Senate: Finance Referred to s/c on Fiscal Matters by Chair | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 942 83-0 (2013) Author: Davis, Wendy Relating to the creation and funding of the Railroad Commission of Texas operating account; providing a penalty. Senate: Finance Referred to s/c on Fiscal Matters by Chair | Common Carriers | Oil & Gas | RAILROAD COMMISSION | State Finances--Budget
SB 1014 83-0 (2013) Author: Paxton, Ken Relating to the limitation on the rate of growth in appropriations from state tax revenues. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
SB 1015 83-0 (2013) Author: Paxton, Ken Relating to a franchise tax or insurance premium tax credit for contributions made to certain certified nonprofit educational assistance organizations. Senate: Finance Referred to s/c on Fiscal Matters by Chair | Charitable & Nonprofit Organizations | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Education--Primary & Secondary--General | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Franchise
SB 1222 83-0 (2013) Author: Paxton, Ken Relating to the control of conditional federal funds for state programs. Senate: Finance Referred to s/c on Fiscal Matters by Chair | ATTORNEY GENERAL | Governor | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 1378 83-0 (2013) Author: Ellis, Rodney | et. al. Relating to the appropriations of money from the economic stabilization fund for the 2014-2015 state fiscal biennium. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | Education--Higher--General | Education--Primary & Secondary--General | FOUNDATION SCHOOL PROGRAM | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | HIGHER EDUCATION COORDINATING BOARD, TEXAS | Human Services--Medical Assistance | MEDICAID | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
SB 1654 83-0 (2013) Author: Williams, Tommy Relating to directing payment, after approval, of certain miscellaneous claims and judgments against the state out of funds designated by this Act; making appropriations. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | SUITS AGAINST THE STATE
SB 1656 83-0 (2013) Author: Williams, Tommy | et. al. Relating to the constitutional limit on the rate of growth of appropriations. Senate: Finance Co-author authorized | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
SCR 43 83-0 (2013) Author: Williams, Tommy
Sponsor: Pitts, Jim
Instructing the enrolling clerk of the senate to make corrections in S.J.R. No. 1. Signed by the Governor | Resolutions--Corrective | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SJR 10 83-0 (2013) Author: Patrick, Dan | et. al. Proposing a constitutional amendment concerning the limitation on the rate of growth of appropriations of revenue. Senate: Finance Not again placed on intent calendar | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Franchise | Taxation--School District
SJR 26 83-0 (2013) Author: Estes, Craig | et. al. Proposing a constitutional amendment to prohibit using revenues, other money, or account or fund balances dedicated by law for nondedicated general governmental purposes and to limit using that money or those balances for certification of appropriations for nondedicated purposes or entities. Senate: Finance Referred to s/c on Fiscal Matters by Chair | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Legislature | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SJR 31 83-0 (2013) Author: Davis, Wendy Proposing a constitutional amendment limiting the uses of revenue from motor vehicle registration fees, taxes on motor fuels and lubricants, and certain revenue received from the federal government. Senate: Finance Left pending in subcommittee | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Motor Fuels | Vehicles & Traffic--Vehicle Registration
SJR 56 83-0 (2013) Author: Williams, Tommy Proposing a constitutional amendment concerning the limitation on the rate of growth of state appropriations. Senate: Finance Left pending in committee | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
SJR 63 83-0 (2013) Author: Davis, Wendy | et. al. Proposing a constitutional amendment appropriating money from the economic stabilization fund for purposes of public education. Senate: Finance Co-author authorized | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | FOUNDATION SCHOOL PROGRAM | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
SJR 64 83-0 (2013) Author: Carona, John Proposing a constitutional amendment providing immediate additional revenue for the state budget by creating the Texas Gaming Commission, and authorizing and regulating the operation of casino games and slot machines by a limited number of licensed operators and certain Indian tribes. Senate: Business & Commerce Left pending in committee | Amusements, Games, Sports | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Education--Higher--Student Financial Aid | GAMBLING | GAMING COMMISSION, TEXAS | Governor | GREYHOUND RACING | HORSE RACING | NATIVE AMERICANS | RACING COMMISSION, TEXAS | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Property-Miscellaneous | Taxation--State
SR 1091 83-0 (2013) Author: Williams, Tommy Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, H.B. No. 6. Reported enrolled | Resolutions--Conf. Comm. Reports | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 31 83-1 (2013) Author: Howard, Donna Relating to consideration of appropriations from the economic stabilization fund in determining the constitutional biennial appropriations limit. Filed | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HB 73 83-1 (2013) Author: Simpson, David | et. al. Relating to appropriating money to the Texas A&M Forest Service to be used to assist volunteer fire departments during the current state fiscal biennium. Filed | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | TEXAS A&M FOREST SERVICE
HJR 9 83-1 (2013) Author: Phillips, Larry | et. al. Proposing a constitutional amendment to provide for the transfer of certain general revenue to the state highway fund and the economic stabilization fund and to authorize the payment from the state highway fund of the principal and interest on certain highway improvement bonds. House: Appropriations Companion considered in lieu of in committee | BONDS | Highways | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | STATE HIGHWAY FUND | Transportation--Miscellaneous
HJR 10 83-1 (2013) Author: Phillips, Larry Proposing a constitutional amendment to limit the purposes for which revenue from motor vehicle registration fees, taxes on motor fuels and lubricants and motor vehicle tires and parts, and certain revenues received from the federal government may be used. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | Highways | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | Taxation--Motor Fuels | Vehicles & Traffic--Vehicle Registration
HJR 13 83-1 (2013) Author: Harper-Brown, Linda Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for the transfer of certain state revenue to the Texas Mobility Fund. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | TEXAS MOBILITY FUND
HJR 15 83-1 (2013) Author: Howard, Donna Proposing a constitutional amendment regarding the consideration of appropriations from the constitutional economic stabilization fund to be appropriations of state tax revenues dedicated by the Texas Constitution. Filed | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
SB 7 83-1 (2013) Author: Williams, Tommy | et. al. Relating to the constitutional limit on the rate of growth of appropriations of revenue. Filed | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
SB 15 83-1 (2013) Author: Patrick, Dan | et. al. Relating to the limitation on the rate of growth in appropriations from state tax revenues. Filed | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
SB 49 83-1 (2013) Author: Hegar, Glenn Relating to appropriating money to the Texas A&M Forest Service to be used to assist volunteer fire departments during the current state fiscal biennium. Filed | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | TEXAS A&M FOREST SERVICE
SB 50 83-1 (2013) Author: Campbell, Donna Relating to the use of money in the state highway fund. Filed | Highways | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | STATE HIGHWAY FUND | Transportation--Miscellaneous
SJR 8 83-1 (2013) Author: Campbell, Donna Proposing a constitutional amendment relating to the permissible uses of certain money appropriated from the economic stabilization fund by the legislature. Filed | Disaster Preparedness & Relief | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SJR 10 83-1 (2013) Author: Campbell, Donna Proposing a constitutional amendment prescribing the purposes for which revenues from motor vehicle registration fees, certain motor vehicle-related taxes, and certain revenues received from the federal government may be used. Filed | Highways | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Motor Fuels | Transportation--Miscellaneous | Vehicles & Traffic--Vehicle Registration
HB 11 83-2 (2013) Author: Simpson, David Relating to appropriating money to the Texas A&M Forest Service to assist volunteer fire departments during the next state fiscal biennium. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | Fire Fighters & Police--Volunteer | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | TEXAS A&M FOREST SERVICE
HB 12 83-2 (2013) Author: Simpson, David Relating to appropriating money to the Texas A&M Forest Service to be used to assist volunteer fire departments during the current state fiscal biennium. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | Fire Fighters & Police--Volunteer | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | TEXAS A&M FOREST SERVICE
HB 62 83-2 (2013) Author: Lavender, George | et. al. Relating to providing funding for certain transportation projects, including port-related transportation projects; making appropriations. Filed | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | STATE HIGHWAY FUND | TEXAS MOBILITY FUND | TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION, TEXAS | Transportation--Miscellaneous | Water--Navigation & Ports
HCR 20 83-2 (2013) Author: Pickett, Joseph Instructing the enrolling clerk of the house to make corrections in H.B. No. 16. Filed | Highways | Resolutions--Corrective | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Transportation--Miscellaneous
HJR 1 83-2 (2013) Author: Phillips, Larry Proposing a constitutional amendment to provide for the transfer of certain general revenue to the economic stabilization fund, to provide for the transfer of certain general revenue to the state highway fund and the dedication of that revenue, and to authorize the payment of the principal and interest on certain highway improvement bonds from certain general revenue transferred to the state highway fund. House: Appropriations Left pending in committee | Highways | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | STATE HIGHWAY FUND | Transportation--Miscellaneous
HJR 7 83-2 (2013) Author: Harper-Brown, Linda Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for the transfer of certain state revenue to the Texas Mobility Fund. House: Appropriations Left pending in committee | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | TEXAS MOBILITY FUND
SB 16 83-2 (2013) Author: Patrick, Dan Relating to the limitation on the rate of growth in appropriations from state tax revenues. Filed | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
SB 31 83-2 (2013) Author: Williams, Tommy Relating to the constitutional limit on the rate of growth of appropriations of revenue. Filed | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
SB 36 83-2 (2013) Author: Campbell, Donna Relating to the use of money in the state highway fund. Filed | MOTOR VEHICLES, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | STATE HIGHWAY FUND | TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION, TEXAS | TRANSPORTATION, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Transportation--Miscellaneous
SCR 1 83-2 (2013) Author: Nichols, Robert Instructing the enrolling clerk of the house to make corrections in H.B. No. 16. Record vote | Highways | Resolutions--Corrective | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Transportation--Miscellaneous
SJR 1 83-2 (2013) Author: Nichols, Robert | et. al. Proposing a constitutional amendment to provide for the transfer of certain general revenue to the economic stabilization fund, to provide for the transfer of certain general revenue to the state highway fund and the dedication of that revenue, and to authorize the payment of the principal and interest on certain highway improvement bonds from certain general revenue transferred to the state highway fund. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Referred to Appropriations | Highways | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | STATE HIGHWAY FUND | Transportation--Miscellaneous
SJR 8 83-2 (2013) Author: Campbell, Donna Proposing a constitutional amendment relating to the permissible uses of certain money appropriated from the economic stabilization fund by the legislature. Filed | Disaster Preparedness & Relief | Legislature | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SJR 9 83-2 (2013) Author: Williams, Tommy Proposing a constitutional amendment concerning the limitation on the rate of growth of appropriations of revenue. Filed | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
SJR 10 83-2 (2013) Author: Campbell, Donna Proposing a constitutional amendment prescribing the purposes for which revenues from motor vehicle registration fees, certain motor vehicle-related taxes, and certain revenues received from the federal government may be used. Filed | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Motor Fuels | Transportation--Miscellaneous | Vehicles & Traffic--Vehicle Registration
HB 1 83-3 (2013) Author: Pickett, Joseph | et. al.
Sponsor: Nichols, Robert
Relating to transportation funding, expenditures, and finance and the preservation of a sufficient balance in the economic stabilization fund; making an appropriation. House: Transportation Funding, Select
Senate: Finance
Effective on adoption of const. amendment | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Highways | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | Legislature | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | STATE HIGHWAY FUND | TEXAS MOBILITY FUND | TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION, TEXAS | TRANSPORTATION, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Transportation--Miscellaneous
HB 24 83-3 (2013) Author: Turner, Scott | et. al. Relating to the legislative appropriations request process for the Texas Department of Transportation. Filed | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | TRANSPORTATION, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF
SB 1 83-3 (2013) Author: Nichols, Robert | et. al. Relating to the creation and functions of legislative select committees on transportation funding, expenditures, and finance and to the preservation of a sufficient balance in the economic stabilization fund. House: Transportation Funding, Select
Senate: Finance
Referred to Transportation Funding, Select | Highways | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | Legislature | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | STATE HIGHWAY FUND | Transportation--Miscellaneous
HB 4 82-0 (2011) Author: Pitts, Jim | et. al.
Sponsor: Ogden, Steve
Relating to making supplemental appropriations and giving direction and adjustment authority regarding appropriations. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Effective immediately | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HB 21 82-0 (2011) Author: Riddle, Debbie | et. al. Relating to reporting by state agencies on the financial effect of providing services to illegal immigrants. House: Appropriations Left pending in committee | Aliens | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 81 82-0 (2011) Author: Flynn, Dan Relating to the use of public funds to print certain public documents in a language other than English and other bilingual requirements. House: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | ENGLISH LANGUAGE | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 162 82-0 (2011) Author: Raymond, Richard Pena Relating to an annual state budget and legislative budget sessions in even-numbered years and to political contributions made during a legislative session. House: State Affairs Left pending in committee | Elections--Campaign Financing | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL, TEXAS | Legislature | POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 187 82-0 (2011) Author: Perry, Charles | et. al. Relating to zero-based budgeting for certain entities funded by this state. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 275 82-0 (2011) Author: Pitts, Jim | et. al.
Sponsor: Ogden, Steve
Relating to making an appropriation of money from the economic stabilization fund for expenditure during the current state fiscal biennium. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Effective immediately | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HB 335 82-0 (2011) Author: Shelton, Mark | et. al.
Sponsor: Birdwell, Brian | et. al.
Relating to implementation and requirements of certain health care reform laws. House: State Sovereignty, Select
Senate: Health & Human Services
Vetoed by the Governor | Health--General | Insurance--Health & Accident | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget
HB 380 82-0 (2011) Author: Callegari, Bill | et. al. Relating to the constitutional limit on the rate of growth of appropriations and the use of surplus state revenues. House: Appropriations Left pending in committee | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Franchise
HB 465 82-0 (2011) Author: Burnam, Lon Relating to abolishing the Texas Enterprise Fund, the Texas emerging technology fund, the Pan American Games trust fund, the Olympic Games trust fund, and a major events trust fund, a motor sports racing trust fund, and an events trust fund for sporting and non-sporting events. House: Economic & Small Business Development Referred to Economic & Small Business Development | Amusements, Games, Sports | Business & Commerce--Enterprise Zones | Business & Commerce--General | Economic & Industrial Development--General | OLYMPIC GAMES, 2012 | PAN AMERICAN GAMES | Science & Technology | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | TEXAS EMERGING TECHNOLOGY FUND | TEXAS ENTERPRISE FUND | WORKFORCE COMMISSION, TEXAS
HB 466 82-0 (2011) Author: Burnam, Lon Relating to the authority to enter into certain agreements relating to the Texas Enterprise Fund, the Texas emerging technology fund, or certain trust funds for sporting and non-sporting events and the money in those funds. House: Economic & Small Business Development Left pending in committee | Amusements, Games, Sports | Business & Commerce--Enterprise Zones | Business & Commerce--General | Economic & Industrial Development--General | Science & Technology | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | TEXAS EMERGING TECHNOLOGY FUND | TEXAS ENTERPRISE FUND
HB 581 82-0 (2011) Author: Hancock, Kelly | et. al. Relating to the constitutional limit on the rate of growth of appropriations. House: Appropriations Left pending in committee | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 623 82-0 (2011) Author: Bonnen, Dennis | et. al. Relating to the detection and reporting of unauthorized immigration, the collection and dissemination of information concerning unauthorized immigration, the legal treatment or classification of unauthorized immigrants for certain purposes, the enforcement of certain laws governing immigration, and the establishment of English as the official language of this state. House: State Affairs Left pending in committee | Aliens | City Government--General | Criminal Procedure--General | Education--Higher--Tuition | Electronic Information Systems | ENGLISH LANGUAGE | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State | Human Relations | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | RESIDENCY REQUIREMENTS | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Vehicles & Traffic--Driver's Licenses
HB 756 82-0 (2011) Author: Paxton, Ken | et. al. Relating to the maximum rate of growth of appropriations. House: Appropriations Left pending in committee | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 1590 82-0 (2011) Author: Turner, Sylvester | et. al. Relating to a suspension of the imposition of certain fees under certain conditions. House: Appropriations Left pending in committee | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 1591 82-0 (2011) Author: Turner, Sylvester Relating to reporting regarding state fees by the comptroller and in the general appropriations bill. House: Appropriations Left pending in committee | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 1900 82-0 (2011) Author: Burnam, Lon Relating to the applicability of certain unfunded mandates on political subdivisions. House: State Affairs Left pending in committee | City Government--Finance | County Government--Finance | Legislature | Political Subdivisions | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | UNFUNDED MANDATES INTERAGENCY WORK GROUP
HB 1963 82-0 (2011) Author: Villarreal, Mike Relating to the funding of scholarships by license fees. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | Education--Higher--Student Financial Aid | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | SCHOLARSHIPS | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 2578 82-0 (2011) Author: Davis, John | et. al. Relating to the preparation of economic impact statements for legislative measures. House: State Affairs Committee report sent to Calendars | Economic & Industrial Development--General | Legislature | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 2775 82-0 (2011) Author: Bohac, Dwayne Relating to the constitutional limit on the rate of growth of appropriations and the use of surplus state revenues. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Franchise
HB 2842 82-0 (2011) Author: Gallego, Pete Relating to Internet posting by the Legislative Budget Board of certain budget documents. House: Appropriations Left pending in committee | Electronic Information Systems | INTERNET | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | Legislature | State Finances--Budget
HB 2914 82-0 (2011) Author: Frullo, John Relating to the study of efficiency, productivity, and cost-effectiveness in state agency operations. House: Government Efficiency & Reform Referred to Government Efficiency & Reform | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 3102 82-0 (2011) Author: Perry, Charles Relating to meetings of the Legislative Budget Board in response to consecutive declines in reported sales and use tax revenues. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Budget | Taxation--Sales
HB 3180 82-0 (2011) Author: Johnson, Eric Relating to annual reports regarding federal funding for state agencies. House: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 3300 82-0 (2011) Author: Cain, Erwin Relating to mechanisms to address the adverse impact of unfunded state mandates on local governments. House: Government Efficiency & Reform Referred to Government Efficiency & Reform | Juvenile Boards & Officers | JUVENILE PROBATION COMMISSION, TEXAS | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | Legislature | Political Subdivisions | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | UNFUNDED MANDATES INTERAGENCY WORK GROUP
HB 3414 82-0 (2011) Author: Darby, Drew Relating to certain fiscal matters relating to the Department of Agriculture. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | AGRICULTURE, DEPARTMENT OF | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 3415 82-0 (2011) Author: Darby, Drew Relating to the authority of the Texas Animal Health Commission to set and collect fees. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | Agriculture | ANIMAL HEALTH COMMISSION, TEXAS | Animals | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 3417 82-0 (2011) Author: Darby, Drew Relating to state fiscal matters regarding business and economic development. House: Appropriations Left pending in committee | AGRICULTURE, DEPARTMENT OF | Business & Commerce--General | Economic & Industrial Development--General | HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES | MOTOR VEHICLES, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | OFFICE OF RURAL AFFAIRS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE | PERMITS | RURAL AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | TRANSPORTATION, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Transportation--Miscellaneous | VEHICLE WEIGHT LIMITS & ENFORCEMENT
HB 3418 82-0 (2011) Author: Darby, Drew Relating to certain state fiscal matters related to natural resources or the environment. House: Appropriations Postponed | ADVERTISING | ANIMAL HEALTH COMMISSION, TEXAS | Animals | Coastal Affairs & Beaches | Environment--Air | Environment--General | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State | Oil & Gas | PARKS & WILDLIFE COMMISSION | PARKS & WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT | Parks & Wildlife--Parks | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Water--Navigation & Ports
HB 3419 82-0 (2011) Author: Darby, Drew Relating to state fiscal matters related to certain regulatory agencies. House: Appropriations Left pending in committee | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | HEALTH CARE PAYMENT & DELIVERY SYSTEM REFORM COMMITTEE | Health Care Providers | HEALTH INSURANCE CONNECTOR, TEXAS | INSURANCE, COMMISSIONER OF | INSURANCE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Insurance--Health & Accident | Insurance--Insurers & Agents | PHYSICIANS | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 3503 82-0 (2011) Author: Villarreal, Mike Relating to the creation of the Texas Fiscal Stability Commission. House: Appropriations Left pending in committee | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Education--Primary & Secondary--General | FISCAL STABILITY COMMISSION, TEXAS | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 3639 82-0 (2011) Author: Pitts, Jim | et. al. Relating to state fiscal matters related to public and higher education. House: Appropriations Postponed | EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | EDUCATION, COMMISSIONER OF | Education--Higher--Finance | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Education--Primary & Secondary--General | HIGHER EDUCATION COORDINATING BOARD, TEXAS | Retirement Systems--Teachers | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 3640 82-0 (2011) Author: Pitts, Jim Relating to the remittance and allocation of certain taxes and fees. House: Appropriations Postponed | ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE COMMISSION, TEXAS | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | PERMITS | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Alcoholic Beverages | Taxation--Franchise | Taxation--Motor Fuels
HB 3648 82-0 (2011) Author: Otto, John Relating to state fiscal matters related to the judiciary. House: Appropriations Postponed | COURT ADMINISTRATION, OFFICE OF | Courts--Judges | Courts--Prosecuting Attorneys | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State | PROCESS SERVERS | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | SUPREME COURT | TEXAS JUDICIAL COUNCIL
HB 3649 82-0 (2011) Author: Otto, John Relating to state fiscal matters related to law enforcement and criminal justice. House: Appropriations Reported favorably as substituted | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Law Enforcement | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 3663 82-0 (2011) Author: Otto, John Relating to the use and management of the Texas preservation trust fund account. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Historic Preservation & Museums | HISTORICAL COMMISSION, TEXAS | State Finances--Budget
HB 3665 82-0 (2011) Author: Otto, John Relating to state fiscal matters related to general government. House: Appropriations Postponed | ATTORNEY GENERAL | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | DEBT | Electronic Information Systems | FACILITIES COMMISSION, TEXAS | Historic Preservation & Museums | INFORMATION RESOURCES, DEPARTMENT OF | PARKING | PRESERVATION BOARD, STATE | Public Lands, Buildings & Resources | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | STATE CEMETERY | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 3666 82-0 (2011) Author: Zerwas, John Relating to state fiscal matters related to health and human services and state agencies administering health and human services programs. House: Appropriations Left pending in committee | AGING & DISABILITY SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | DIABETES | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Human Services--General | MEDICAID | NURSES & NURSE AIDES | PHYSICIANS | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | TELEMEDICINE | VETERANS COMMISSION, TEXAS | VETERANS' LAND BOARD
HB 3790 82-0 (2011) Author: Pitts, Jim Relating to certain state fiscal matters; providing penalties. House: Appropriations Postponed | Courts--General | Education--General | Housing--General | Human Services--Medical Assistance | Insurance--General | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget | Taxation--General
HJR 5 82-0 (2011) Author: Otto, John | et. al. Proposing a constitutional amendment regarding an increase in the maximum amount to be retained in the constitutional economic stabilization fund and dedicating for deposit in that fund certain sales and use tax revenues. House: Ways & Means Left pending in committee | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Sales
HJR 33 82-0 (2011) Author: Raymond, Richard Pena | et. al. Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for an annual state budget and annual legislative sessions for budget purposes. House: State Affairs Left pending in committee | Legislature | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HJR 42 82-0 (2011) Author: Callegari, Bill | et. al. Proposing a constitutional amendment concerning the limitation on the rate of growth of state appropriations and the use of unencumbered surplus state revenues to provide for a rebate of state franchise taxes, to reduce public school district property taxes, and to fund the state's rainy day fund. House: Appropriations Left pending in committee | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Franchise
HJR 58 82-0 (2011) Author: Hancock, Kelly | et. al. Proposing a constitutional amendment concerning the limitation on the rate of growth of state appropriations. House: Appropriations Left pending in committee | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HJR 64 82-0 (2011) Author: Pickett, Joseph | et. al. Proposing a constitutional amendment limiting the uses of revenue from motor vehicle registration fees, taxes on motor fuels and lubricants, and certain revenue received from the federal government. House: Ways & Means Left pending in committee | City Government--Roads | County Government--Roads | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State | Highways | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Motor Fuels | Vehicles & Traffic--Vehicle Registration
HJR 66 82-0 (2011) Author: Pickett, Joseph Proposing a constitutional amendment limiting the uses of revenue from motor vehicle registration fees, taxes on motor fuels and lubricants, and certain revenue received from the federal government. House: Ways & Means Referred to Ways & Means | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Motor Fuels | Vehicles & Traffic--Vehicle Registration
HJR 70 82-0 (2011) Author: Paxton, Ken | et. al. Proposing a constitutional amendment regarding the maximum rate of growth of appropriations and the use of unencumbered surplus general revenues to fund the state's rainy day fund and a public school property tax relief fund. House: Appropriations Left pending in committee | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Property-State Administration
HJR 149 82-0 (2011) Author: Larson, Lyle | et. al. Proposing a constitutional amendment to require the comptroller of public accounts to make a state revenue report after the first year of a state fiscal biennium and the governor to call a special session of the legislature if actual state revenue for that fiscal year was at least five percent less than projected revenue. House: Appropriations Left pending in committee | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Governor | Legislature | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Budget
HR 180 82-0 (2011) Author: Martinez Fischer, Trey Pursuant to Article 3, Section 5 of the Texas constitution, this Texas House of Representatives of the 82nd Legislature declare our state budget as proposed in H.B. 1 be its first and only order of business and we will work day and night in pursuit of a solution. Filed | Resolutions--Legislative Policy | Resolutions--Rules | State Finances--Budget
HR 2723 82-0 (2011) Author: Pitts, Jim Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, S.B. No. 1811. Reported enrolled | Courts--General | Education--General | Health--General | Human Services--Medical Assistance | Insurance--General | Resolutions--Conf. Comm. Reports | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget | Taxation--General
SB 165 82-0 (2011) Author: Shapiro, Florence | et. al. Relating to zero-based budgeting for state agencies as a part of the sunset review process. Senate: Finance Left pending in committee | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget
SB 695 82-0 (2011) Author: Watson, Kirk Relating to a suspension of the imposition of certain fees under certain conditions. Senate: Finance Left pending in committee | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 696 82-0 (2011) Author: Watson, Kirk Relating to quarterly financial condition reports on collected and anticipated state revenue. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 697 82-0 (2011) Author: Watson, Kirk Relating to a state budgeting plan to foster this state's economic health. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | STATE BUDGETING PLAN LEGISLATIVE ADVISORY COMMITTEE | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 699 82-0 (2011) Author: Watson, Kirk Relating to reporting regarding state fees by the comptroller and in the general appropriations bill. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 700 82-0 (2011) Author: Watson, Kirk Relating to the maintenance by the Legislative Budget Board of a searchable database containing certain budget information. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | Electronic Information Systems | INTERNET | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 701 82-0 (2011) Author: Watson, Kirk
Sponsor: Strama, Mark | et. al.
Relating to high-value data sets of state agencies posted on the Internet. House: Technology
Senate: Open Government, Select
Effective on 9/1/11 | INTERNET | Open Records | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget
SB 702 82-0 (2011) Author: Watson, Kirk Relating to the preparation of economic impact statements for legislative measures. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | Economic & Industrial Development--General | Legislature | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 703 82-0 (2011) Author: Watson, Kirk Relating to annual reports regarding federal funding for state agencies. Senate: Finance Left pending in committee | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 704 82-0 (2011) Author: Watson, Kirk Relating to interim budget reduction requests. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 706 82-0 (2011) Author: Watson, Kirk Relating to the approval and issuance of tax and revenue anticipation notes. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | CASH MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 707 82-0 (2011) Author: Watson, Kirk Relating to transferring the Legislative Budget Board's performance review duties to the comptroller. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 828 82-0 (2011) Author: Patrick, Dan Relating to the constitutional limit on the rate of growth of appropriations and the use of surplus state revenues. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Franchise
SB 970 82-0 (2011) Author: Rodríguez, José Relating to information included in a searchable state revenue and expenditure database maintained by the comptroller. Senate: Finance Left pending in committee | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Electronic Information Systems | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 1278 82-0 (2011) Author: Ogden, Steve Relating to making supplemental appropriations and giving direction and adjustment authority regarding appropriations. Senate: Finance Left pending in committee | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
SB 1291 82-0 (2011) Author: Hegar, Glenn
Sponsor: Taylor, Larry
Relating to the budget of certain divisions of the Texas Department of Insurance. House: Insurance
Senate: Business & Commerce
Effective on 9/1/11 | INSURANCE, COMMISSIONER OF | INSURANCE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Insurance--General | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | TREASURY SAFEKEPING TRUST COMPANY, TEXAS
SB 1344 82-0 (2011) Author: Davis, Wendy Relating to the dedication of certain unclaimed state lottery prize money to support education. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | Amusements, Games, Sports | FOUNDATION SCHOOL FUND | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | LOTTERIES | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | STATE HEALTH SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | UNCLAIMED PROPERTY
SB 1579 82-0 (2011) Author: Ogden, Steve Relating to state fiscal matters related to general government. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Reported favorably as substituted | ATTORNEY GENERAL | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | DEBT | Electronic Information Systems | FACILITIES COMMISSION, TEXAS | Historic Preservation & Museums | INFORMATION RESOURCES, DEPARTMENT OF | PARKING | PRESERVATION BOARD, STATE | Public Lands, Buildings & Resources | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | STATE CEMETERY | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 1580 82-0 (2011) Author: Ogden, Steve Relating to state fiscal matters related to health and human services and state agencies administering health and human services programs. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Referred to Appropriations | AGING & DISABILITY SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | DIABETES | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Human Services--General | MEDICAID | NURSES & NURSE AIDES | PHYSICIANS | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | TELEMEDICINE | VETERANS COMMISSION, TEXAS | VETERANS' LAND BOARD
SB 1581 82-0 (2011) Author: Ogden, Steve
Sponsor: Aycock, Jimmie
Relating to state fiscal matters, and certain administrative and business matters, related to public and higher education. House: Public Education
Senate: Finance
Point of order sustained | EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | EDUCATION, COMMISSIONER OF | Education--Higher--Finance | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Education--Primary & Secondary--General | HIGHER EDUCATION COORDINATING BOARD, TEXAS | Retirement Systems--Teachers | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 1582 82-0 (2011) Author: Ogden, Steve Relating to state fiscal matters related to the judiciary. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Reported favorably as substituted | COURT ADMINISTRATION, OFFICE OF | Courts--Judges | Courts--Prosecuting Attorneys | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State | PROCESS SERVERS | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | SUPREME COURT | TEXAS JUDICIAL COUNCIL
SB 1583 82-0 (2011) Author: Ogden, Steve Relating to state fiscal matters. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Referred to Appropriations | Corrections--Parole, Probation & Pardons | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Law Enforcement | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 1584 82-0 (2011) Author: Ogden, Steve Relating to state fiscal matters related to natural resources and the environment. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Reported favorably as substituted | ADVERTISING | ANIMAL HEALTH COMMISSION, TEXAS | Animals | Coastal Affairs & Beaches | Environment--Air | Environment--General | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State | Oil & Gas | PARKS & WILDLIFE COMMISSION | PARKS & WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT | Parks & Wildlife--Parks | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Water--Navigation & Ports
SB 1585 82-0 (2011) Author: Ogden, Steve Relating to state fiscal matters regarding business and economic development. Senate: Finance No action taken in committee | AGRICULTURE, DEPARTMENT OF | Business & Commerce--General | Economic & Industrial Development--General | HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES | MOTOR VEHICLES, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | OFFICE OF RURAL AFFAIRS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE | PERMITS | RURAL AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | TRANSPORTATION, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Transportation--Miscellaneous | VEHICLE WEIGHT LIMITS & ENFORCEMENT
SB 1586 82-0 (2011) Author: Ogden, Steve Relating to state fiscal matters related to certain regulatory agencies. Senate: Finance No action taken in committee | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | HEALTH CARE PAYMENT & DELIVERY SYSTEM REFORM COMMITTEE | Health Care Providers | HEALTH INSURANCE CONNECTOR, TEXAS | INSURANCE, COMMISSIONER OF | INSURANCE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Insurance--Health & Accident | Insurance--Insurers & Agents | PHYSICIANS | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 1587 82-0 (2011) Author: Ogden, Steve Relating to the remittance and allocation of certain taxes and fees. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE COMMISSION, TEXAS | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | PERMITS | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Alcoholic Beverages | Taxation--Franchise | Taxation--Motor Fuels
SB 1652 82-0 (2011) Author: Watson, Kirk | et. al. Relating to the implementation of new processes for the purposes of budget transparency, fiscal responsibility, and open government. House: State Affairs
Senate: Finance
Referred to State Affairs | Electronic Information Systems | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State | INTERNET | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | Open Records | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget
SB 1811 82-0 (2011) Author: Duncan, Robert
Sponsor: Pitts, Jim
Relating to certain state fiscal matters; providing penalties. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Point of order sustained | Courts--General | Education--General | Health--General | Human Services--Medical Assistance | Insurance--General | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget | Taxation--General
SJR 24 82-0 (2011) Author: Watson, Kirk Proposing a constitutional amendment exempting political subdivisions from unfunded legislative mandates and authorizing the legislature to provide funding for legislative mandates on political subdivisions. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | Economic & Industrial Development--General | Legislature | Political Subdivisions | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SJR 27 82-0 (2011) Author: Patrick, Dan Proposing a constitutional amendment concerning the limitation on the rate of growth of state appropriations and the use of unencumbered surplus state revenues to provide for a rebate of state franchise taxes, to reduce public school district property taxes, and to fund the state's rainy day fund. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Franchise
SJR 38 82-0 (2011) Author: Davis, Wendy Proposing a constitutional amendment limiting the uses of revenue from motor vehicle registration fees, taxes on motor fuels and lubricants, and certain revenue received from the federal government. Senate: Finance No action taken in committee | Legislature | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Motor Fuels | Vehicles & Traffic--Vehicle Registration
SR 1260 82-0 (2011) Author: Duncan, Robert Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, S.B. No. 1811. Reported enrolled | Courts--General | Education--General | Health--General | Human Services--Medical Assistance | Insurance--General | Resolutions--Conf. Comm. Reports | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget | Taxation--General
HB 1 82-1 (2011) Author: Pitts, Jim Relating to certain state fiscal matters; providing penalties. House: Appropriations Left pending in committee | ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE COMMISSION, TEXAS | Alcoholic Beverage Regulation | BOND REVIEW BOARD | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | COURT ADMINISTRATION, OFFICE OF | Courts--General | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | EDUCATION, COMMISSIONER OF | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Education--Primary & Secondary--Teachers | Education--School Districts | EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS, COMMISSION ON STATE | FOUNDATION SCHOOL PROGRAM | Insurance--General | Insurance--Health & Accident | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | MEDICAID | Oil & Gas | PARKING | PARKS & WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT | Property Interests--Homestead | RAILROAD COMMISSION | Salaries & Expenses | SALVAGE YARDS & SALVAGE DEALERS | SECRETARY OF STATE | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget | Taxation--General | TEXAS EMERGING TECHNOLOGY FUND | TEXAS ENTERPRISE FUND | Tobacco Products | UNCLAIMED PROPERTY | Vehicles & Traffic--Vehicle Registration | WORKFORCE COMMISSION, TEXAS
HB 34 82-1 (2011) Author: Madden, Jerry | et. al. Relating to funding for basic civil legal services, indigent defense, and judicial technical support through certain fees and court costs and to the establishment of the judicial access and improvement account. House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence Referred to Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | COURT ADMINISTRATION, OFFICE OF | Courts--Administration | Courts--County & Statutory | Courts--Justice | Courts--Municipal | Electronic Information Systems | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State | INDIGENT LEGAL SERVICES | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | SUPREME COURT
HB 59 82-1 (2011) Author: Riddle, Debbie Relating to reporting by state agencies on the financial effect of providing services to illegal immigrants. House: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | Aliens | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 79 82-1 (2011) Author: Lewis, Tryon | et. al.
Sponsor: Duncan, Robert
Relating to fiscal and other matters necessary for implementation of the judiciary budget as enacted by H.B. No. 1, Acts of the 82nd Legislature, Regular Session, 2011, and to the operation and administration of, and practice and procedures in courts in, the judicial branch of state government. House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Senate: Jurisprudence
See remarks for effective date | Courts--Administration | Courts--Appellate | Courts--County & Statutory | Courts--District | Courts--General | Courts--Judges | Courts--Justice | Courts--Municipal | Criminal Procedure--General | Family--Parent & Child | HARRIS COUNTY | State Finances--Budget | SUPREME COURT | Vehicles & Traffic--Driver's Licenses | WEBB COUNTY
HJR 14 82-1 (2011) Author: Pickett, Joseph Proposing a constitutional amendment limiting the uses of revenue from motor vehicle registration fees, taxes on motor fuels and lubricants, and certain revenue received from the federal government. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | Legislature | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Motor Fuels | Transportation--Miscellaneous | Vehicles & Traffic--Vehicle Registration
HR 232 82-1 (2011) Author: Pitts, Jim Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, S.B. No. 1. Reported enrolled | ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE COMMISSION, TEXAS | Alcoholic Beverage Regulation | ATTORNEY GENERAL | BOND REVIEW BOARD | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | CORRECTIONS, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | COURT ADMINISTRATION, OFFICE OF | Courts--General | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | EDUCATION, COMMISSIONER OF | Education--Higher--General | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Education--Primary & Secondary--Teachers | Education--School Districts | EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS, COMMISSION ON STATE | EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM OF TEXAS (ERS) | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | FACILITIES COMMISSION, TEXAS | FAMILY & PROTECTIVE SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State | FOUNDATION SCHOOL PROGRAM | GENERAL LAND OFFICE COMMISSIONER | Governor | GUARANTEED STUDENT LOAN CORPORATION, TEXAS | Health--General | HIGHER EDUCATION COORDINATING BOARD, TEXAS | HISTORICAL COMMISSION, TEXAS | HOUSING & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | INFORMATION RESOURCES, DEPARTMENT OF | Insurance--General | Insurance--Health & Accident | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | Legislature | MEDICAID | Mines & Mineral Resources | Oil & Gas | PARKING | PARKS & WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT | Property Interests--Homestead | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | RAILROAD COMMISSION | Resolutions--Conf. Comm. Reports | Retirement Systems--Teachers | Salaries & Expenses | SALVAGE YARDS & SALVAGE DEALERS | SECRETARY OF STATE | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | STATE BAR OF TEXAS | STATE EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS, COMMISSION ON | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Cigarette | Taxation--Franchise | Taxation--General | Taxation--Motor Fuels | Taxation--Sales | Taxation--State | TEXAS EMERGING TECHNOLOGY FUND | TEXAS ENTERPRISE FUND | Tobacco Products | UNCLAIMED PROPERTY | Vehicles & Traffic--Vehicle Registration | VETERANS COMMISSION, TEXAS | WORKFORCE COMMISSION, TEXAS
SB 1 82-1 (2011) Author: Duncan, Robert | et. al.
Sponsor: Pitts, Jim
Relating to certain state fiscal matters; providing penalties. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
SB 23 82-1 (2011) Author: Rodríguez, José | et. al. Relating to funding for basic civil legal services, indigent defense, and judicial technical support through certain fees and court costs and to the establishment of the judicial access and improvement account. Co-author authorized | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | COURT ADMINISTRATION, OFFICE OF | Courts--Administration | Courts--County & Statutory | Courts--Justice | Courts--Municipal | Electronic Information Systems | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State | INDIGENT LEGAL SERVICES | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | SUPREME COURT
SB 37 82-1 (2011) Author: Ellis, Rodney | et. al. Relating to the elimination of the tax exemption or reduction for certain high-cost gas. Co-author authorized | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Oil & Gas | State Finances--Budget | Taxation--Motor Fuels
SCR 5 82-1 (2011) Author: Duncan, Robert
Sponsor: Pitts, Jim
SR 130 82-1 (2011) Author: Duncan, Robert Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, S.B. No. 1. Reported enrolled | ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE COMMISSION, TEXAS | Alcoholic Beverage Regulation | ATTORNEY GENERAL | BOND REVIEW BOARD | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | CORRECTIONS, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | COURT ADMINISTRATION, OFFICE OF | Courts--General | CRIMINAL JUSTICE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | EDUCATION, COMMISSIONER OF | Education--Higher--General | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Education--Primary & Secondary--Teachers | Education--School Districts | EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS, COMMISSION ON STATE | EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM OF TEXAS (ERS) | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | FACILITIES COMMISSION, TEXAS | FAMILY & PROTECTIVE SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State | FOUNDATION SCHOOL PROGRAM | GENERAL LAND OFFICE COMMISSIONER | Governor | GUARANTEED STUDENT LOAN CORPORATION, TEXAS | Health--General | HIGHER EDUCATION COORDINATING BOARD, TEXAS | HISTORICAL COMMISSION, TEXAS | HOUSING & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | INFORMATION RESOURCES, DEPARTMENT OF | Insurance--General | Insurance--Health & Accident | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | Legislature | MEDICAID | Mines & Mineral Resources | Oil & Gas | PARKING | PARKS & WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT | Property Interests--Homestead | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | RAILROAD COMMISSION | Resolutions--Conf. Comm. Reports | Retirement Systems--Teachers | Salaries & Expenses | SALVAGE YARDS & SALVAGE DEALERS | SECRETARY OF STATE | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | STATE BAR OF TEXAS | STATE EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS, COMMISSION ON | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Cigarette | Taxation--Franchise | Taxation--General | Taxation--Motor Fuels | Taxation--Sales | Taxation--State | TEXAS EMERGING TECHNOLOGY FUND | TEXAS ENTERPRISE FUND | Tobacco Products | UNCLAIMED PROPERTY | Vehicles & Traffic--Vehicle Registration | VETERANS COMMISSION, TEXAS | WORKFORCE COMMISSION, TEXAS
HB 6 81-0 (2009) Author: Eiland, Craig | et. al. Relating to appropriations for damages and disruptions suffered by state agencies and institutions of higher education caused by natural disasters and to an appropriation for disaster relief generally. House: Appropriations Considered in Calendars | Disaster Preparedness & Relief | Education--Higher--Institutions & Programs | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HB 81 81-0 (2009) Author: Flynn, Dan Relating to the use of public funds to print certain public documents in a language other than English and other bilingual requirements. House: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | ENGLISH LANGUAGE | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 994 81-0 (2009) Author: Paxton, Ken | et. al. Relating to the limitation on the rate of growth in appropriations from state tax revenues. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 1217 81-0 (2009) Author: Howard, Charlie | et. al. Relating to estimating the rate of growth of the state's economy for purposes of the constitutional spending limit. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 1436 81-0 (2009) Author: Burnam, Lon Relating to depositing revenue received by this state from undocumented immigrants to the indigent emergency medical services and preventative health care reimbursement fund. House: Public Health Referred to Public Health | Aliens | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Health--Indigent Health Care | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 1731 81-0 (2009) Author: Pitts, Jim | et. al.
Sponsor: Ogden, Steve | et. al.
Relating to money available for consumer incentive or rebate programs for alternatively fueled appliances or equipment. House: Energy Resources
Senate: Natural Resources
Effective immediately | Energy--Alternative Fuels | Energy--General | HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES | RAILROAD COMMISSION | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 2017 81-0 (2009) Author: Strama, Mark Relating to conducting a study to improve transparency in the state's budgeting process and electronic access to information about the state budget. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | Electronic Information Systems | Governor | Legislature | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 2242 81-0 (2009) Author: Leibowitz, David | et. al.
Sponsor: Seliger, Kel
Relating to the abolition of the Texas cultural endowment fund. House: Culture, Recreation & Tourism
Senate: Administration
Effective immediately | Arts & Humanities | ARTS, TEXAS COMMISSION ON THE | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 2729 81-0 (2009) Author: Pitts, Jim | et. al.
Sponsor: Ogden, Steve
Relating to directing payment, after approval, of certain miscellaneous claims and judgments against the state out of funds designated by this Act; making appropriations. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Effective on 9/1/09 | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | SUITS AGAINST THE STATE
HB 2930 81-0 (2009) Author: Rios Ybarra, Tara Relating to the establishment and funding of emergency medical power stations. House: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | Disaster Preparedness & Relief | Energy--General | Hospitals | State Finances--Budget
HB 3291 81-0 (2009) Author: Callegari, Bill | et. al. Relating to the constitutional limit on the rate of growth of appropriations and the use of surplus state revenues. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Franchise
HB 3297 81-0 (2009) Author: Raymond, Richard Relating to an annual state budget and legislative budget sessions in even-numbered years and to political contributions made during a legislative session. House: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | Elections--Campaign Financing | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL, TEXAS | Legislature | POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 3396 81-0 (2009) Author: Harper-Brown, Linda Relating to requiring a state agency that is undergoing review by the Sunset Advisory Commission to undergo a financial audit and submit a zero-based budget in connection with the review. House: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | AUDITOR, STATE | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | SUNSET ADVISORY COMMISSION | Sunset Bills
HB 3750 81-0 (2009) Author: Flynn, Dan | et. al. Relating to zero-based budgeting for certain entities funded by this state. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 3984 81-0 (2009) Author: Strama, Mark Relating to an analysis of available federal funding, state-federal matching expenditures, and related legislation. House: Ways & Means Left pending in committee | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 4102 81-0 (2009) Author: Eiland, Craig | et. al.
Sponsor: Carona, John | et. al.
Relating to the disaster contingency fund and relief for school districts located in a disaster area. House: Defense & Veterans' Affairs
Senate: Transportation & Homeland Security
Effective immediately | Disaster Preparedness & Relief | Education--School Districts | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 4165 81-0 (2009) Author: Chisum, Warren Relating to the funds consolidation process and the use of state revenue dedicated by law for a particular purpose. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 4263 81-0 (2009) Author: Turner, Sylvester Relating to the creation of the Texas Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board. House: State Affairs Committee report sent to Calendars | RECOVERY ACCOUNTABILITY & TRANSPARENCY BOARD, TEXAS | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 4325 81-0 (2009) Author: Strama, Mark Relating to the creation of a Sunny Day Fund to attract competitive federal grants to Texas under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. House: Appropriations Left pending in committee | Economic & Industrial Development--General | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 4585 81-0 (2009) Author: Pitts, Jim Relating to ensuring that Texas state government has sufficient general law authority to apply for and receive the maximum amount of federal funds available under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 and any subsequent federal economic stimulus legislation that may make funds available to this state during the current or during the next state fiscal biennium. House: Appropriations Meeting cancelled | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 4586 81-0 (2009) Author: Pitts, Jim | et. al.
Sponsor: Ogden, Steve
Relating to making supplemental appropriations and reductions in appropriations and giving direction and adjustment authority and prescribing limitations regarding appropriations. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
HJR 38 81-0 (2009) Author: King, Phil | et. al. Proposing a constitutional amendment regarding the rainy day fund and dedicating certain surplus revenues to property tax reduction. House: Ways & Means Left pending in committee | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Property-State Administration | Taxation--School District
HJR 101 81-0 (2009) Author: Callegari, Bill | et. al. Proposing a constitutional amendment concerning the limitation on the rate of growth of state appropriations and the use of unencumbered surplus state revenues to provide a rebate of state franchise taxes, to reduce public school district property taxes, and to fund the state's rainy day fund. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Franchise
HJR 103 81-0 (2009) Author: Raymond, Richard Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for an annual state budget and annual legislative sessions for budget purposes. House: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | Legislature | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HR 2963 81-0 (2009) Author: Eiland, Craig Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, H.B. No. 4102. Reported enrolled | Disaster Preparedness & Relief | Resolutions--Conf. Comm. Reports | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 736 81-0 (2009) Author: Watson, Kirk Relating to the funds consolidation process and the use of state revenue dedicated by law for a particular purpose. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 737 81-0 (2009) Author: Watson, Kirk Relating to conducting a study to improve transparency in the state's budgeting process and electronic access to information about the state budget. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | Electronic Information Systems | Governor | Legislature | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 928 81-0 (2009) Author: Patrick, Dan | et. al. Relating to the limitation on the rate of growth of appropriations. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 1417 81-0 (2009) Author: Shapiro, Florence Relating to transportation planning and the creation and membership of planning organizations and funding allocations for transportation projects. Senate: Transportation & Homeland Security Referred to Transportation & Homeland Sec. | City Government--General | County Government--General | State Finances--Budget | TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION, TEXAS | TRANSPORTATION, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Transportation--Miscellaneous | Transportation--Rural
SB 1588 81-0 (2009) Author: Ogden, Steve Relating to directing payment, after approval, of certain miscellaneous claims and judgments against the state out of funds designated by this Act; making appropriations. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | SUITS AGAINST THE STATE
SB 1900 81-0 (2009) Author: Seliger, Kel
Sponsor: Leibowitz, David | et. al.
Relating to the abolition of the Texas cultural endowment fund. House: Culture, Recreation & Tourism
Senate: Administration
Placed on General State Calendar | Arts & Humanities | ARTS, TEXAS COMMISSION ON THE | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 2354 81-0 (2009) Author: Ogden, Steve Relating to ensuring that Texas state government has sufficient general law authority to apply for and receive the maximum amount of federal funds available under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 and any subsequent federal economic stimulus legislation that may make funds available to this state during the current or during the next state fiscal biennium. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SR 1098 81-0 (2009) Author: Carona, John Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, H.B. No. 4102. Reported enrolled | Disaster Preparedness & Relief | Resolutions--Conf. Comm. Reports | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 2 80-0 (2007) Author: Chisum, Warren | et. al.
Sponsor: Ogden, Steve
Relating to making appropriations to the Texas Education Agency for the purpose of school district property tax rate reductions and providing for the transfer of general revenue into the property tax relief fund. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Effective on 9/1/07 | EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | FOUNDATION SCHOOL PROGRAM | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | Taxation--Property-Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 15 80-0 (2007) Author: Chisum, Warren | et. al.
Sponsor: Ogden, Steve
Relating to making supplemental appropriations and reductions in appropriations and giving direction, transfer authority, and other adjustment authority regarding appropriations. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Effective immediately | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HB 260 80-0 (2007) Author: Callegari, Bill Relating to the constitutional limit on the rate of growth of appropriations and the use of surplus state revenues. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | Legislature | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Sales
HB 354 80-0 (2007) Author: Howard, Charlie | et. al. Relating to estimating the rate of growth of the state's economy for purposes of the constitutional spending limit. House: Appropriations Subcommittee members named | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 639 80-0 (2007) Author: Hughes, Bryan Relating to information included in legislative appropriations requests of state agencies and in the budgets submitted by the governor and the Legislative Budget Board. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | Governor | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | Legislature | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 1103 80-0 (2007) Author: Latham, Thomas Relating to the administration of polygraph examinations to certain officers and employees of the Department of Public Safety of the State of Texas. House: Law Enforcement Left pending in committee | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | POLYGRAPH EXAMINATIONS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | State Finances--Budget
HB 1218 80-0 (2007) Author: King, Tracy Relating to directing payment, after approval, of a certain unpaid claim of the City of Hondo; making an appropriation. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | HONDO, CITY OF | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 1424 80-0 (2007) Author: Geren, Charlie | et. al. Relating to an appropriation to the Department of Public Safety for the purpose of administering and supporting certain databases and clearinghouses related to missing persons and children. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | Criminal Procedure--General | Education--Higher--Health Institutions | Electronic Information Systems | MISSING CHILDREN | MISSING PERSONS | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER AT FT. WORTH
HB 2107 80-0 (2007) Author: Chavez, Norma Relating to the establishment of debt management policies and guidelines by the Bond Review Board. House: Financial Institutions Withdrawn from schedule | BOND REVIEW BOARD | DEBT | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 2966 80-0 (2007) Author: Strama, Mark | et. al. Relating to providing that dedicated revenues received from specialty license plate fees may not be used for general governmental purposes. House: Appropriations Referred directly to subcommittee by chair | LICENSE PLATES | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Vehicles & Traffic--Vehicle Registration
HB 3172 80-0 (2007) Author: Talton, Robert Relating to limits on the appropriations by the Legislature. House: Appropriations Subcommittee members named | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | Legislature | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HB 3374 80-0 (2007) Author: Thompson, Senfronia | et. al. Relating to funding for the investigation and prosecution of offenses involving the trafficking of persons. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Left pending in committee | Crimes--Against Persons--General | State Finances--Budget
HB 3640 80-0 (2007) Author: Turner, Sylvester Relating to the collection of surcharges assessed under the driver responsibility program. House: Transportation Left pending in committee | State Finances--Budget | Vehicles & Traffic--Drivers Licenses | Vehicles & Traffic--Rules of Road
HB 3677 80-0 (2007) Author: Davis, John Relating to fiscal matters involving health and human services programs. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | CHILDREN'S BEHAVIORAL HEALTH COUNCIL | Human Services--Child Services | Mental Health & Mental Retardation | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 3703 80-0 (2007) Author: Isett, Carl Relating to general state government fiscal matters. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | Crime Victims Compensation | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Sales
HB 3728 80-0 (2007) Author: Kolkhorst, Lois Relating to state education fiscal matters. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Retirement Systems--Teachers | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 3931 80-0 (2007) Author: Homer, Mark Relating to unfunded legislative mandates on local governments. House: Government Reform Referred to Government Reform | Legislature | Political Subdivisions | State Finances--Budget
HJR 34 80-0 (2007) Author: Callegari, Bill Proposing a constitutional amendment concerning the limitation on the rate of growth of state appropriations and the use of unencumbered surplus state revenues to finance a state sales tax holiday. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | Legislature | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Sales
HJR 53 80-0 (2007) Author: Paxton, Ken | et. al. Proposing a constitutional amendment regarding limitations on taxation and expenditures by the state government and local governments. House: Appropriations Left pending in subcommittee | City Government--Finance | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | County Government--Finance | Legislature | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--General
HJR 60 80-0 (2007) Author: Chisum, Warren | et. al. Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for a reduction of the limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that may be imposed for public school purposes on the residence homesteads of the elderly or disabled to reflect any reduction in the rate of those taxes and providing that state appropriations made for the purpose of directly reducing local property taxes do not count against the constitutional state spending limit. House: Ways & Means Withdrawn from schedule | Aging | Disabilities, Persons with | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Legislature | Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SB 2 80-0 (2007) Author: Ogden, Steve Relating to making appropriations to the Texas Education Agency for the purpose of school district property tax rate reductions. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | FOUNDATION SCHOOL PROGRAM | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | Taxation--Property-Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SB 1286 80-0 (2007) Author: Van de Putte, Leticia Relating to funding for the investigation and prosecution of offenses involving the trafficking of persons. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice | Crimes--Against Persons--General | State Finances--Budget
SB 1332 80-0 (2007) Author: West, Royce
Sponsor: Chavez, Norma
Relating to the establishment of debt management policies and guidelines by the Bond Review Board, including the approval by the board of certain interest rate management agreements, and to other matters affecting public finance. House: Financial Institutions
Senate: Finance
See remarks for effective date | BOND REVIEW BOARD | DEBT | FINANCIAL ADVISORS | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 1350 80-0 (2007) Author: Patrick, Dan Relating to limits on the appropriations by the Legislature. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | Legislature | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
SB 1719 80-0 (2007) Author: Ogden, Steve
Sponsor: Chisum, Warren
Relating to the authority of the comptroller to pay certain claims and to directing payment, after approval, of certain miscellaneous claims and judgments against the state out of funds designated by this Act; making appropriations. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Effective on 9/1/07 | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | SUITS AGAINST THE STATE
SB 1720 80-0 (2007) Author: Ogden, Steve Relating to making supplemental appropriations. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | BARBER EXAMINERS, STATE BOARD OF | COSMETOLOGY COMMISSION, TEXAS | LICENSING & REGULATION, DEPARTMENT OF | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
SB 1723 80-0 (2007) Author: Ogden, Steve
Sponsor: Krusee, Mike
Relating to the collection of surcharges assessed under the driver responsibility program. House: Law Enforcement
Senate: Transportation & Homeland Security
Effective on 9/1/07 | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State | State Finances--Budget | Vehicles & Traffic--Drivers Licenses | Vehicles & Traffic--Rules of Road
SB 2033 80-0 (2007) Author: Williams, Tommy | et. al.
Sponsor: Chisum, Warren
Relating to the issuance of general obligation bonds by the Texas Public Finance Authority for certain maintenance, improvement, repair, and construction projects and for the purchase of needed equipment. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Effective on adoption of const. amendment | BONDS | PUBLIC FINANCE AUTHORITY, TEXAS | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
SJR 13 80-0 (2007) Author: Averitt, Kip | et. al.
Sponsor: Berman, Leo | et. al.
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for a reduction of the limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that may be imposed for public school purposes on the residence homesteads of the elderly or disabled to reflect any reduction in the rate of those taxes for the 2006 and 2007 tax years. House: Ways & Means
Senate: Finance
Filed with the Secretary of State | Aging | Disabilities, Persons with | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Legislature | Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SJR 65 80-0 (2007) Author: Williams, Tommy | et. al.
Sponsor: Chisum, Warren
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the issuance of general obligation bonds for maintenance, improvement, repair, and construction projects and for the purchase of needed equipment. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Filed with the Secretary of State | BONDS | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HB 10 79-0 (2005) Author: Pitts, Jim | et. al.
Sponsor: Ogden, Steve
Relating to making supplemental appropriations and reductions in appropriations. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Effective immediately | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HB 59 79-0 (2005) Author: Branch, Dan Relating to the legislature's obligation to provide state funding for the public education system. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Legislature | State Finances--Budget | Taxation--Property-Miscellaneous
HB 154 79-0 (2005) Author: Brown, Fred Relating to requiring institutions of higher education to report potential savings through contracting with local governments. House: Higher Education Left pending in committee | City Government--General | Education--Higher--General | HIGHER EDUCATION COORDINATING BOARD, TEXAS | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | Purchasing--State | State Finances--Budget
HB 725 79-0 (2005) Author: Peña, Aaron | et. al. Relating to restoring services under the Medicaid and children's health insurance programs; making an appropriation. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | CHILD HEALTH PLAN | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Health--Children's Insurance | Human Services--Child Services | Human Services--Medical Assistance | MEDICAID | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HB 954 79-0 (2005) Author: Chavez, Norma Relating to the collection and reporting of employment information regarding beneficiaries of certain health care services. House: Human Services Withdrawn from schedule | Health--Indigent Health Care | Hospitals | Human Services--Medical Assistance | State Finances--Budget
HB 1753 79-0 (2005) Author: Riddle, Debbie Relating to supplemental pay for members of the Texas National Guard who suffer economic hardship when called to active military duty. House: Defense Affairs & State-Federal Relations Referred to Defense Affairs & State-Fed Rel | ADJUTANT GENERAL | Military & Veterans | NATIONAL GUARD, TEXAS | State Finances--Budget
HB 2103 79-0 (2005) Author: Homer, Mark Relating to the expiration of unfunded legislative mandates on local governments. House: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | Legislature | Political Subdivisions | State Finances--Budget | UNFUNDED MANDATES INTERAGENCY WORK GROUP
HB 2233 79-0 (2005) Author: Keffer, Jim
Sponsor: Duncan, Robert
Relating to state and certain local fiscal matters; providing a penalty. House: Ways & Means
Senate: Finance
Point of order sustained | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--State
HB 2276 79-0 (2005) Author: Pitts, Jim Relating to directing payment, after approval, of certain miscellaneous claims and judgments against the state out of funds designated by this Act; making appropriations. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | SUITS AGAINST THE STATE
HB 2415 79-0 (2005) Author: Chisum, Warren Relating to statutory authority for certain governmental entities to take certain actions to permit the legislature to reduce appropriations to those agencies. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | HOUSING & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Labor--Workforce Development | Legislature | LOTTERY COMMISSION, TEXAS | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | TRANSPORTATION, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | WORKFORCE COMMISSION, TEXAS
HB 2416 79-0 (2005) Author: Chisum, Warren Relating to statutory authority to reduce appropriations made by the legislature to certain governmental entities. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM OF TEXAS (ERS) | Governor | Insurance--Public Employees | Legislature | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Admin. Procedure | STATE COUNCIL ON COMPETITIVE GOVERNMENT | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | TEXAS ENTERPRISE FUND
HB 2417 79-0 (2005) Author: Chisum, Warren Relating to statutory authority for the legislature to make or reduce appropriations to certain governmental entities. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | GENERAL LAND OFFICE | Legislature | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 2435 79-0 (2005) Author: Turner, Sylvester Relating to ensuring cost savings in the operation of certain governmental entities that provide criminal justice and public safety services. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 2436 79-0 (2005) Author: Turner, Sylvester Relating to statutory authority to reduce certain appropriations made by the legislature in support of the courts and to certain law library fees. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | Courts--General | Courts--Judges | Libraries & Librarians | Salaries & Expenses | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 2468 79-0 (2005) Author: Brown, Fred Relating to statutory authority to reduce appropriations made by the legislature to certain regulatory entities. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS, STATE OFFICE OF | MEDICAL EXAMINERS, TEXAS STATE BOARD OF | RACING COMMISSION, TEXAS | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Utilities--General | WORKERS' COMPENSATION COMMISSION, TEXAS
HB 2512 79-0 (2005) Author: Kolkhorst, Lois Relating to statutory authority to reduce appropriations made by the legislature to certain governmental educational entities and to other fiscal matters involving certain governmental educational entities. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | BLIND & VISUALLY IMPAIRED, TEXAS SCHOOL FOR THE | DEAF, TEXAS SCHOOL FOR THE | EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | EDUCATION, STATE BOARD OF | Education--Higher--Institutions & Programs | EDUCATOR CERTIFICATION, STATE BOARD FOR | FOUNDATION SCHOOL PROGRAM | HIGHER EDUCATION COORDINATING BOARD, TEXAS | Retirement Systems--Teachers | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 2649 79-0 (2005) Author: Ritter, Allan Relating to the award of a grant and reporting requirements under the Texas Enterprise Fund. House: Economic Development Referred to Economic Development | Economic & Industrial Development--General | Governor | Retirement Systems--State Employees | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | TEXAS ENTERPRISE FUND
HB 2753 79-0 (2005) Author: Pitts, Jim
Sponsor: Ogden, Steve
Relating to the powers, duties, and functions of the Legislative Budget Board. House: State Affairs
Senate: Finance
Effective immediately | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 2764 79-0 (2005) Author: Davis, John Relating to statutory authority for certain governmental entities to take certain actions to permit the legislature to reduce appropriations to those agencies. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | Human Services--General | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 2773 79-0 (2005) Author: Isett, Carl Relating to statutory authority for certain governmental entities to take certain actions to permit the legislature to reduce appropriations to those agencies. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Employees | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 2884 79-0 (2005) Author: Luna, Vilma Relating to the creation and re-creation of funds and accounts in the state treasury, the dedication and rededication of revenue, and the exemption of unappropriated money from use for general governmental purposes. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 3114 79-0 (2005) Author: Corte, Jr., Frank
Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to managing and maximizing federal money for certain state programs. House: Defense Affairs & State-Federal Relations
Senate: Finance
Referred to Finance | Environment--Air | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | TERRORISM & INTERNAL SECURITY
HCR 94 79-0 (2005) Author: Flores, Kino Approving the use of public funding from general appropriations to complete the construction of a statue, monument, or exhibit on the Capitol grounds honoring contributions of Tejanos. House: House Administration Referred to House Administration | Public Lands, Buildings & Resources | Resolutions--Legislative Policy | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget | TEJANOS
HR 2259 79-0 (2005) Author: Keffer, Jim | et. al. Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, H.B. No. 2233. Reported enrolled | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Resolutions--Conf. Comm. Reports | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--State
HR 2267 79-0 (2005) Author: Pitts, Jim Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, S.B. No. 1863. Reported enrolled | AUDITS & AUDITORS | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State | Human Services--Medical Assistance | Insurance--Health & Accident | JAIL STANDARDS, COMMISSION ON | MEDICAID | Oil & Gas | Resolutions--Conf. Comm. Reports | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Employees | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--General | Tobacco Products | Vehicles & Traffic--Drivers Licenses
HR 2277 79-0 (2005) Author: Pitts, Jim Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdication, H.B. No. 3540. 1 hr. notice-for consideration | Education--Primary & Secondary--Facilities | Education--Primary & Secondary--Teachers | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State | Insurance--Health & Accident | Resolutions--Conf. Comm. Reports | Retirement Systems--State Employees | Retirement Systems--Teachers | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | STORAGE TANKS | Taxation--General | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--School District | Tobacco Products
SB 69 79-0 (2005) Author: Shapleigh, Eliot | et. al. Relating to restoring services under the Medicaid and children's health insurance programs; making an appropriation. Senate: Finance Co-author authorized | CHILD HEALTH PLAN | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Health--Children's Insurance | Human Services--Child Services | Human Services--Medical Assistance | MEDICAID | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
SB 1180 79-0 (2005) Author: West, Royce Relating to the group benefit plans provided to certain retired state and university employees and their dependents. Senate: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | Education--Higher--Faculty | Education--Primary & Secondary--Teachers | EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM OF TEXAS (ERS) | Insurance--Health & Accident | Retirement Systems--State Employees | State Employees | State Finances--Budget
SB 1491 79-0 (2005) Author: Williams, Tommy
Sponsor: Hughes, Bryan | et. al.
Relating to a fee charged for services provided by the staff of the state law library. House: Judiciary
Senate: Government Organization
Effective immediately | LAW LIBRARY, STATE | Libraries & Librarians | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 1605 79-0 (2005) Author: Ogden, Steve
Sponsor: Luna, Vilma
Relating to the creation and re-creation of funds and accounts in the state treasury, the dedication and rededication of revenue, and the exemption of unappropriated money from use for general governmental purposes. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Effective immediately | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 1606 79-0 (2005) Author: Ogden, Steve Relating to directing payment, after approval, of certain miscellaneous claims and judgments against the state out of funds designated by this Act; making appropriations. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Referred to Appropriations | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | SUITS AGAINST THE STATE
SB 1607 79-0 (2005) Author: Ogden, Steve Relating to making supplemental appropriations and reductions in appropriations. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 1608 79-0 (2005) Author: Ogden, Steve Relating to statutory authority to reduce appropriations made by the legislature to certain governmental educational entities and to other fiscal matters involving certain governmental educational entities. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | BLIND & VISUALLY IMPAIRED, TEXAS SCHOOL FOR THE | DEAF, TEXAS SCHOOL FOR THE | EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | EDUCATION, STATE BOARD OF | Education--Higher--Institutions & Programs | EDUCATOR CERTIFICATION, STATE BOARD FOR | FOUNDATION SCHOOL PROGRAM | HIGHER EDUCATION COORDINATING BOARD, TEXAS | Retirement Systems--Teachers | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 1609 79-0 (2005) Author: Ogden, Steve Relating to statutory authority to reduce appropriations made by the legislature to certain governmental entities. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM OF TEXAS (ERS) | Governor | Insurance--Public Employees | Legislature | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Admin. Procedure | STATE COUNCIL ON COMPETITIVE GOVERNMENT | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | TEXAS ENTERPRISE FUND
SB 1610 79-0 (2005) Author: Ogden, Steve Relating to statutory authority for certain governmental entities to take certain actions to permit the legislature to reduce appropriations to those agencies. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 1611 79-0 (2005) Author: Ogden, Steve Relating to statutory authority to reduce certain appropriations made by the legislature in support of the courts and to certain law library fees. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | Courts--General | Courts--Judges | Libraries & Librarians | Salaries & Expenses | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 1612 79-0 (2005) Author: Ogden, Steve Relating to ensuring cost savings in the operation of certain governmental entities that provide criminal justice and public safety services. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 1613 79-0 (2005) Author: Ogden, Steve Relating to statutory authority for the legislature to make or reduce appropriations to certain governmental entities. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | GENERAL LAND OFFICE | Legislature | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 1614 79-0 (2005) Author: Ogden, Steve Relating to statutory authority for certain governmental entities to take certain actions to permit the legislature to reduce appropriations to those agencies. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | HOUSING & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Labor--Workforce Development | Legislature | LOTTERY COMMISSION, TEXAS | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | TRANSPORTATION, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | WORKFORCE COMMISSION, TEXAS
SB 1615 79-0 (2005) Author: Ogden, Steve Relating to statutory authority to reduce appropriations made by the legislature to certain regulatory entities. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS, STATE OFFICE OF | MEDICAL EXAMINERS, TEXAS STATE BOARD OF | RACING COMMISSION, TEXAS | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Utilities--General | WORKERS' COMPENSATION COMMISSION, TEXAS
SB 1616 79-0 (2005) Author: Ogden, Steve Relating to statutory authority for certain governmental entities to take certain actions to permit the legislature to reduce appropriations to those agencies. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Employees | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 1617 79-0 (2005) Author: Ogden, Steve Relating to the powers, duties, and functions of the Legislative Budget Board. Senate: Finance Committee report printed and distributed | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 1684 79-0 (2005) Author: Janek, Kyle Relating to reimbursement received by The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston for uncompensated care. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | STATE HEALTH SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS MEDICAL BRANCH AT GALVESTON
SB 1690 79-0 (2005) Author: Duncan, Robert Relating to state fiscal matters. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SR 1077 79-0 (2005) Author: Duncan, Robert Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, H.B. No. 2233. Reported enrolled | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Resolutions--Conf. Comm. Reports | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--State
HB 66 79-1 (2005) Author: Delisi, Dianne Relating to the appropriation to the Department of State Health Services for trauma facility and emergency medical services activities. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | STATE HEALTH SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | TERTIARY MEDICAL CARE & FACILITIES
SB 67 79-1 (2005) Author: Nelson, Jane Relating to the appropriation to the Department of State Health Services for trauma facility and emergency medical services activities. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | STATE HEALTH SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | TERTIARY MEDICAL CARE & FACILITIES
HB 17 79-2 (2005) Author: Delisi, Dianne Relating to the appropriation to the Department of State Health Services for trauma facility and emergency medical services activities. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | STATE HEALTH SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | TERTIARY MEDICAL CARE & FACILITIES
HB 72 79-2 (2005) Author: Keffer, Jim Relating to motor fuel taxes. House: Property Tax Relief, Select Referred to Property Tax Relief, Select | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Motor Fuels
HB 73 79-2 (2005) Author: Keffer, Jim Relating to franchise tax benefits for certain entities designated as enterprise projects. House: Property Tax Relief, Select Referred to Property Tax Relief, Select | Business & Commerce--Enterprise Zones | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Franchise
HB 74 79-2 (2005) Author: Keffer, Jim Relating to the collection of certain delinquent obligations by the office of the attorney general. House: Property Tax Relief, Select Referred to Property Tax Relief, Select | ATTORNEY GENERAL | Purchasing--State | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 63 79-3 (2006) Author: Pitts, Jim | et. al.
Sponsor: Williams, Tommy
Relating to appropriations to pay for damages and disruptions suffered by Lamar University and its related institutions caused by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Effective immediately | Education--Higher--Finance | LAMAR INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY | LAMAR STATE COLLEGE--ORANGE | LAMAR STATE COLLEGE--PORT ARTHUR | LAMAR UNIVERSITY | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | TEXAS STATE UNIVERSITY SYSTEM
HB 98 79-3 (2006) Author: Keffer, Bill | et. al. Relating to the use of current and future state budget surpluses to reduce local school district property tax rates; making an appropriation. House: Ways & Means Referred to Ways & Means | EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | EDUCATION, COMMISSIONER OF | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 140 79-3 (2006) Author: Pitts, Jim Relating to making an appropriation to the Texas Education Agency to pay certain costs connected with educating students displaced by Hurricane Katrina. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HB 175 79-3 (2006) Author: Callegari, Bill Relating to the constitutional limit on the rate of growth of appropriations and the use of surplus state revenues. House: Ways & Means Referred to Ways & Means | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Sales
HJR 28 79-3 (2006) Author: Paxton, Ken | et. al. Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for school district property tax rate reduction through the dedication of a portion of available state revenue for that purpose. House: Ways & Means Referred to Ways & Means | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Budget | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HJR 39 79-3 (2006) Author: Callegari, Bill Proposing a constitutional amendment concerning the limitation on the rate of growth of state appropriations and the use of unencumbered surplus state revenues to finance a state sales tax holiday. Filed | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Sales
SB 23 79-3 (2006) Author: Williams, Tommy | et. al. Relating to the costs of damages to Lamar University and its related institutions caused by Hurricane Rita; making an appropriation. Senate: Finance Meeting cancelled | Disaster Preparedness & Relief | Education--Higher--Finance | LAMAR INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY | LAMAR STATE COLLEGE--ORANGE | LAMAR STATE COLLEGE--PORT ARTHUR | LAMAR UNIVERSITY | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | TEXAS STATE UNIVERSITY SYSTEM
HB 7 78-0 (2003) Author: Heflin, Talmadge
Sponsor: Bivins, Teel
Relating to making supplemental appropriations and making reductions in current appropriations. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
See remarks for effective date | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HB 10 78-0 (2003) Author: Heflin, Talmadge Relating to the use of dedicated revenue during a state budget crisis. House: Appropriations Left pending in committee | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HB 1678 78-0 (2003) Author: Chisum, Warren
Sponsor: Armbrister, Kenneth
Relating to the creation, management, and use of the radiation and perpetual care account in the general revenue fund. House: Environmental Regulation
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/03 | Environment--Hazardous, Toxic & Nuclear Waste | State Finances--Budget | Transportation--Miscellaneous
HB 2269 78-0 (2003) Author: Raymond, Richard Relating to an annual state budget and legislative budget sessions in even-numbered years and to political contributions made during a legislative session. House: State Affairs Left pending in committee | Elections--Campaign Financing | Legislature | POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS | State Finances--Budget
HB 2573 78-0 (2003) Author: Moreno, Paul Relating to preventing unnecessary waste in state agency reports distributed to legislators and other interested persons. House: Government Reform Referred to Government Reform | Legislature | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget
HB 2664 78-0 (2003) Author: Puente, Robert Relating to the office of public interest counsel. House: Natural Resources Committee report sent to Calendars | Environment--General | PUBLIC INTEREST COUNSEL, OFFICE OF | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget
HB 3178 78-0 (2003) Author: Homer, Mark Relating to unfunded mandates. House: Government Reform Left pending in committee | Legislature | State Finances--Budget
HB 3305 78-0 (2003) Author: Berman, Leo
Sponsor: Whitmire, John
Relating to certain surcharges assessed and collected by the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Effective immediately | ADJUTANT GENERAL | ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE COMMISSION | CRIMINAL JUSTICE POLICY COUNCIL | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 3306 78-0 (2003) Author: Berman, Leo
Sponsor: Duncan, Robert
Relating to certain appropriations made in support of the courts by the legislature to certain individuals and governmental entitites, to the assignment and compensation of certain visiting judges, and to the Eighth, Ninth, and Eleventh courts of appeals districts. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
See remarks for effective date | Courts--General | Courts--Judges | Courts--Prosecuting Attorneys | Salaries & Expenses | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 3318 78-0 (2003) Author: Luna, Vilma
Sponsor: Bivins, Teel
Relating to the creation and re-creation of funds and accounts in the state treasury, the allocation of revenue, the dedication and rededication of revenue, and the exemption of unappropriated money from use for general governmental purposes. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Effective immediately | LICENSE PLATES | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget | Vehicles & Traffic--Vehicle Registration
HB 3323 78-0 (2003) Author: Keffer, Jim Relating to the creation of the Texas Enterprise Fund. House: Economic Development Committee report sent to Calendars | Economic & Industrial Development--General | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | TEXAS ENTERPRISE FUND
HB 3332 78-0 (2003) Author: Delisi, Dianne Relating to certain group benefit plans provided to certain governmental officers, employees, and retirees and their dependents. House: State Health Care Expenditures, Select Referred to State Health Care Expend, Select | Education--Higher--Faculty | Education--Primary & Secondary--Teachers | Insurance--Health & Accident | State Employees | State Finances--Budget
HB 3378 78-0 (2003) Author: Hope, Ruben
Sponsor: Shapleigh, Eliot
Relating to granting statutory authority to certain governmental entities to reduce certain expenditures and to the operation of certain funds. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
HB 3441 78-0 (2003) Author: Pickett, Joseph
Sponsor: Staples, Todd
Relating to a reduction in expenditures of certain state governmental entities, including changes affecting the Commission on Human Rights, attorney general's office, management of certain accounts and funds, and certain election-related forms. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Vetoed by the Governor | ATTORNEY GENERAL | CRIME VICTIMS' INSTITUTE | ETHICS COMMISSION, TEXAS | HUMAN RIGHTS, COMMISSION ON | Retirement Systems--State Employees | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | STATE PENSION REVIEW BOARD | WORKFORCE COMMISSION, TEXAS
HB 3442 78-0 (2003) Author: Pickett, Joseph
Sponsor: Averitt, Kip
Relating to certain expenditures, charges, and other financial matters of certain governmental entities. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
HB 3443 78-0 (2003) Author: Pickett, Joseph
Sponsor: Ogden, Steve
Relating to statutory authority for certain governmental entities to take certain actions to permit the legislature to reduce appropriations to those agencies. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
HB 3453 78-0 (2003) Author: Heflin, Talmadge Relating to suspending the operation of certain statutory funding formulas during the state fiscal biennium beginning September 1, 2003. House: Appropriations Left pending in committee | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 3455 78-0 (2003) Author: Heflin, Talmadge Relating to powers of the governor as the chief executive officer of the state and the organization and efficiency of state agencies. House: Government Reform Referred to Government Reform | Governor | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HB 3459 78-0 (2003) Author: Pitts, Jim | et. al.
Sponsor: Bivins, Teel
Relating to fiscal matters involving certain governmental educational entities, including public school finance, program compliance monitoring by the Texas Education Agency, amounts withheld from and the use of compensatory education allotments, the public school technology allotment, the accounting for the permanent school fund, employee benefits provided by certain educational entities, the uses of the telecommunications infrastructure fund, and participation in a multijurisdictional lottery game. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
See remarks for effective date | EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Education--Primary & Secondary--Teachers | Education--Primary & Secondary--Textbooks | Education--School Districts | ELECTRONIC TEXTBOOKS | LOTTERIES | LOTTERY COMMISSION, TEXAS | PERMANENT SCHOOL FUND | Retirement Systems--Teachers | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | TELECOMMUNICATIONS INFRASTRUCTURE FUND
HB 3519 78-0 (2003) Author: Wohlgemuth, Arlene Relating to health and human services. House: Appropriations Postponed | BLIND, TEXAS COMMISSION FOR THE | CHILD HEALTH PLAN | EARLY CHILDHOOD INTERVENTION, INTERAGENCY COUNCIL ON | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | HEALTH, DEPARTMENT OF | Health--Children's Insurance | HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | Human Services--Medical Assistance | MEDICAID | MENTAL HEALTH & MENTAL RETARDATION, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | PROTECTIVE & REGULATORY SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | REHABILITATION COMMISSION | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HCR 288 78-0 (2003) Author: Pitts, Jim Instructing the enrolling clerk of the house to correct H.B. No. 3459. Filed | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | ELECTRONIC TEXTBOOKS | PERMANENT SCHOOL FUND | Resolutions--Corrective | Retirement Systems--Teachers | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | TELECOMMUNICATIONS INFRASTRUCTURE FUND
HCR 291 78-0 (2003) Author: Solomons, Burt Instructing the enrolling clerk of the house to make technical corrections to H.B. No. 3459. Filed | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | ELECTRONIC TEXTBOOKS | PERMANENT SCHOOL FUND | Resolutions--Corrective | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | TELECOMMUNICATIONS INFRASTRUCTURE FUND
HCR 292 78-0 (2003) Author: Pickett, Joseph
Sponsor: Staples, Todd
Instructing the enrolling clerk of the house to make technical corrections to H.B. No. 3441. Signed by the Governor | ATTORNEY GENERAL | ETHICS COMMISSION, TEXAS | HUMAN RIGHTS, COMMISSION ON | Labor--General | Resolutions--Corrective | Retirement Systems--State Employees | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | STATE PENSION REVIEW BOARD
HCR 296 78-0 (2003) Author: Solomons, Burt Instructing the enrolling clerk of the house to make technical corrections to H.B. No. 3459. Received from the House | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | ELECTRONIC TEXTBOOKS | PERMANENT SCHOOL FUND | Resolutions--Corrective | Retirement Systems--Teachers | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | TELECOMMUNICATIONS INFRASTRUCTURE FUND
HCR 298 78-0 (2003) Author: Menendez, Jose Instructing the enrolling clerk of the house to make technical corrections to H.B. No. 3459. Received from the House | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | ELECTRONIC TEXTBOOKS | PERMANENT SCHOOL FUND | Resolutions--Corrective | Retirement Systems--Teachers | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | TELECOMMUNICATIONS INFRASTRUCTURE FUND
HCR 302 78-0 (2003) Author: Pitts, Jim
Sponsor: Bivins, Teel
Instructing the enrolling clerk of the house to make technical corrections to H.B. No. 3459. Signed by the Governor | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | ELECTRONIC TEXTBOOKS | PERMANENT SCHOOL FUND | Resolutions--Corrective | Retirement Systems--Teachers | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | TELECOMMUNICATIONS INFRASTRUCTURE FUND
HCR 303 78-0 (2003) Author: Menendez, Jose Instructing the enrolling clerk of the house to make technical corrections to H.B. No. 3459. Received from the House | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | ELECTRONIC TEXTBOOKS | PERMANENT SCHOOL FUND | Resolutions--Corrective | Retirement Systems--Teachers | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | TELECOMMUNICATIONS INFRASTRUCTURE FUND
HCR 304 78-0 (2003) Author: Pitts, Jim Instructing the enrolling clerk of the house to make technical corrections to H.B. No. 3459. Received from the House | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | ELECTRONIC TEXTBOOKS | Nursing Homes | PERMANENT SCHOOL FUND | Resolutions--Corrective | Retirement Systems--Teachers | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | TELECOMMUNICATIONS INFRASTRUCTURE FUND
HJR 78 78-0 (2003) Author: Raymond, Richard Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for an annual state budget and annual legislative sessions for budget purposes. House: State Affairs Left pending in committee | Legislature | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Budget
HR 502 78-0 (2003) Author: Alonzo, Roberto Requesting the President of the United States to recognize that Texas and nearly every other state is in fiscal crisis and that cutting services and funding to the states should be a last resort. House: State Health Care Expenditures, Select Left pending in committee | Resolutions--Legislative Policy | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HR 1850 78-0 (2003) Author: Pickett, Joseph Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, H.B. No. 3442. Reported enrolled | AGRICULTURE, DEPARTMENT OF | ANIMAL HEALTH COMMISSION, TEXAS | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | GENERAL LAND OFFICE | PARKS & WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT | RAILROAD COMMISSION | Resolutions--Conf. Comm. Reports | SOIL & WATER CONSERVATION BOARD, STATE | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HR 1859 78-0 (2003) Author: Pitts, Jim Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, H.B. No. 3459. Reported enrolled | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | ELECTRONIC TEXTBOOKS | PERMANENT SCHOOL FUND | Resolutions--Conf. Comm. Reports | Retirement Systems--Teachers | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | TELECOMMUNICATIONS INFRASTRUCTURE FUND
HR 1861 78-0 (2003) Author: Heflin, Talmadge Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, H.B. No. 1. Reported enrolled | Resolutions--Conf. Comm. Reports | State Finances--Budget
HR 1862 78-0 (2003) Author: Heflin, Talmadge Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, H.B. No. 7. Reported enrolled | Resolutions--Conf. Comm. Reports | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HR 1864 78-0 (2003) Author: Delisi, Dianne Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, S.B. No. 1370. Reported enrolled | Education--Higher--Faculty | Education--Primary & Secondary--Teachers | Insurance--Health & Accident | Resolutions--Conf. Comm. Reports | Retirement Systems--State Employees | Retirement Systems--Teachers | State Employees | State Finances--Budget
SB 6 78-0 (2003) Author: Van de Putte, Leticia
Sponsor: Flores, Kino
Relating to clarifying the time to claim a lottery prize and extending the time for certain military personnel. House: Licensing & Administrative Procedures
Senate: Veteran Affairs & Military Installations
Effective immediately | Amusements, Games, Sports | LOTTERIES | Military & Veterans | State Finances--Budget
SB 955 78-0 (2003) Author: Shapiro, Florence Relating to the Texas Mobility Fund. Senate: Infrastructure Development and Security Referred to Infrastructure Dev & Security | BONDS | Highways | State Finances--Budget | Transportation--Miscellaneous
SB 1370 78-0 (2003) Author: Duncan, Robert
Sponsor: Delisi, Dianne
Relating to certain group benefit plans provided to certain governmental officers, employees, and retirees and their dependents. House: State Health Care Expenditures, Select
Senate: Finance
Effective on 9/1/03 | Education--Higher--Faculty | Education--Primary & Secondary--Teachers | Insurance--Health & Accident | State Employees | State Finances--Budget | TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY SYSTEM | UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS SYSTEM
SB 1382 78-0 (2003) Author: Armbrister, Kenneth
Sponsor: Heflin, Talmadge
Relating to the continuation of certain professional and occupational licensing boards as self-directed and semi-independent agencies and to certain required reports for such agencies. House: State Affairs
Senate: Government Organization
SB 1696 78-0 (2003) Author: Wentworth, Jeff
Sponsor: Hill, Fred
Relating to the issuance of obligations by municipalities to pay unfunded liabilities to public pension funds. House: Local Government Ways and Means
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on 9/1/03 | Retirement Systems--General | State Finances--Budget
SB 1728 78-0 (2003) Author: Lindsay, Jon Relating to the creation of a task force to recommend state school closures and to the use of proceeds from the sale of any state school property. Senate: Government Organization Referred to Government Organization | Education--General | Mental Health & Mental Retardation | State Finances--Budget
SB 1771 78-0 (2003) Author: Brimer, Kim | et. al.
Sponsor: Keffer, Jim
Relating to economic development programs and funding. House: Economic Development
Senate: Government Organization
Effective on 9/1/03 | Economic & Industrial Development--General | ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | State Finances--Budget | TEXAS ENTERPRISE FUND
SB 1860 78-0 (2003) Author: Bivins, Teel Relating to making supplemental appropriations and making reductions in current appropriations. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
SB 1862 78-0 (2003) Author: Bivins, Teel
Sponsor: Wohlgemuth, Arlene
Relating to health and human services. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
SB 1863 78-0 (2003) Author: Bivins, Teel Relating to statutory authority to reduce appropriations made by the legislature to certain governmental entities. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | ANIMAL HEALTH COMMISSION, TEXAS | GENERAL LAND OFFICE | PARKS & WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT | RAILROAD COMMISSION | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 1864 78-0 (2003) Author: Bivins, Teel Relating to statutory authority to reduce appropriations made by the legislature to certain governmental entities. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | ADJUTANT GENERAL | ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE COMMISSION | CRIMINAL JUSTICE POLICY COUNCIL | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 1865 78-0 (2003) Author: Bivins, Teel Relating to the delay or deferral of certain payments and transfers by the comptroller of public accounts. Senate: Finance Not again placed on intent calendar | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | FOUNDATION SCHOOL PROGRAM | Retirement Systems--State Employees | Retirement Systems--Teachers | State Finances--Budget | Taxation--Motor Fuels
SB 1866 78-0 (2003) Author: Bivins, Teel Relating to statutory authority to reduce appropriations made by the legislature to certain governmental entities. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | ETHICS COMMISSION, TEXAS | HUMAN RIGHTS, COMMISSION ON | Retirement Systems--State Employees | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | STATE PENSION REVIEW BOARD
SB 1867 78-0 (2003) Author: Bivins, Teel Relating to revenue available to the state as a result of the tobacco settlement. Senate: Finance No action taken in committee | ATTORNEY GENERAL | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | PUBLIC FINANCE AUTHORITY, TEXAS | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Tobacco Products
SB 1868 78-0 (2003) Author: Bivins, Teel Relating to powers of the governor as the chief executive officer of the state and the organization and efficiency of state agencies. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | Governor | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
SB 1869 78-0 (2003) Author: Bivins, Teel Relating to statutory authority to reduce appropriations made by the legislature to certain regulatory entities. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS, STATE OFFICE OF | INSURANCE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Legislature | MEDICAL EXAMINERS, TEXAS STATE BOARD OF | RACING COMMISSION, TEXAS | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | WORKERS' COMPENSATION COMMISSION, TEXAS
SB 1871 78-0 (2003) Author: Bivins, Teel Relating to statutory authority for certain governmental entities to take certain actions to permit the legislature to reduce appropriations to those agencies. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | AEROSPACE COMMISSION, TEXAS | ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | HOUSING & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | RURAL COMMUNITY AFFAIRS, OFFICE OF | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | TRANSPORTATION, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | WORKFORCE COMMISSION, TEXAS
SB 1872 78-0 (2003) Author: Bivins, Teel Relating to statutory authority to reduce appropriations made by the legislature to certain individuals and governmental entities. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | Courts--General | Courts--Judges | Courts--Prosecuting Attorneys | Salaries & Expenses | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 1873 78-0 (2003) Author: Bivins, Teel Relating to statutory authority to reduce appropriations made by the legislature to certain governmental educational entities and to other fiscal matters involving certain governmental educational entities. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | ELECTRONIC TEXTBOOKS | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SCR 68 78-0 (2003) Author: Bivins, Teel Instructing the enrolling clerk of the senate to make technical corrections to H.B. No. 3459. Received by the Secretary of the Senate | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | ELECTRONIC TEXTBOOKS | PERMANENT SCHOOL FUND | Resolutions--Corrective | Retirement Systems--Teachers | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | TELECOMMUNICATIONS INFRASTRUCTURE FUND
SCR 69 78-0 (2003) Author: Bivins, Teel Instructing the enrolling clerk of the house to make technical corrections to H.B. No. 3459. Received by the Secretary of the Senate | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | ELECTRONIC TEXTBOOKS | PERMANENT SCHOOL FUND | Resolutions--Corrective | Retirement Systems--Teachers | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | TELECOMMUNICATIONS INFRASTRUCTURE FUND
HB 23 78-1 (2003) Author: Swinford, David Relating to budgetary and other fiscal management matters affecting state government or certain regional entities. House: Government Reform Meeting cancelled | Governor | Insurance--General | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | Open Records | REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSIONS | State Finances--Budget | TELECONFERENCING
HB 24 78-1 (2003) Author: Swinford, David Relating to the organization and operations of, and fiscal matters affecting, certain state entities. House: Government Reform Meeting cancelled | Education--Higher--State Coordination | Environment--Solid Waste | Governor | INSURANCE, COMMISSIONER OF | Insurance--General | LANDFILLS | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | Open Records | PARKS & WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT | PRIVATE SECURITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget | TELECONFERENCING
HB 25 78-1 (2003) Author: Swinford, David Relating to various information, meetings, and operations of certain state entities. House: Government Reform Meeting cancelled | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | Education--Higher--State Coordination | Governor | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | PRISON PRIVATIZATION, SELECT COMMITTEE ON | State Finances--Budget | TELECONFERENCING
HB 54 78-1 (2003) Author: Swinford, David Relating to excepting certain budgetary working papers from required public disclosure. House: Government Reform Laid on the table subject to call | Governor | Legislature | Open Records | State Finances--Budget
HB 59 78-1 (2003) Author: Casteel, Carter Relating to the governor's budget and the governor's report on state agency efficiency. House: Government Reform Received from the House | Governor | Legislature | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget
HB 122 78-1 (2003) Author: Uresti, Carlos Relating to making appropriations for certain health and human services purposes and certain purposes related to education. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Health--General | Human Services--General | Human Services--Medical Assistance | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
SB 58 78-1 (2003) Author: Shapleigh, Eliot Relating to making appropriations for certain health and human services purposes and certain purposes related to education. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Health--General | Human Services--General | Human Services--Medical Assistance | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HB 2 78-2 (2003) Author: McCall, Brian Relating to state fiscal management, including adjustments to certain school district fiscal matters made necessary by recent changes in state fiscal management; making related appropriations. Reported engrossed | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Retirement Systems--Teachers | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--School District
HB 3 78-2 (2003) Author: Swinford, David Relating to the compilation and distribution of the state budget by the governor and to payment of certain tax refunds. House: Government Reform Reported engrossed | Governor | Legislature | State Finances--Budget
HB 10 78-2 (2003) Author: Swinford, David Relating to performance reviews of school districts. House: Government Reform No action taken in committee | Education--School Districts | Governor | LEGISLATIVE AUDIT COMMITTEE | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget
HB 41 78-2 (2003) Author: Coleman, Garnet Relating to restoring essential health and human services programs; depositing certain funds to the credit of the general revenue fund; and making appropriations. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | Human Services--Medical Assistance | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 7 78-3 (2003) Author: Swinford, David | et. al.
Sponsor: Ogden, Steve
Relating to the reorganization of, efficiency in, and other reform measures applying to governmental entities and certain regulatory practices; providing a penalty. House: Government Reform
Senate: Finance
HB 20 78-3 (2003) Author: Swinford, David Relating to the governor's budget authority and to the payment of certain tax refunds. House: Government Reform Referred to Government Reform | Governor | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HB 28 78-3 (2003) Author: McCall, Brian
Sponsor: Bivins, Teel
Relating to state and local government fiscal management, including various matters related to increasing administrative efficiency in state government; making related appropriations. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Effective immediately | Business & Commerce--General | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Courts--Judges | Education--Higher--Health Institutions | Education--Higher--Student Financial Aid | Electronic Information Systems | HEALTH, DEPARTMENT OF | Highways | INSURANCE, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Labor--Workers' Compensation | PRIVATE SECURITY BOARD, TEXAS | PRIVATE SECURITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | RESEARCH & OVERSIGHT COUNCIL ON WORKERS' COMPENSATION | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | SUPREME COURT | Taxation--School District | TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY | TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY HEALTH SCIENCES CENTER
HB 55 78-3 (2003) Author: Coleman, Garnet | et. al. Relating to restoring essential health and human services programs; depositing certain funds to the credit of the general revenue fund; and making appropriations. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | Health--Children's Insurance | Human Services--Child Services | Human Services--Medical Assistance | MEDICAID | Mental Health & Mental Retardation | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HR 309 78-3 (2003) Author: Heflin, Talmadge Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, H.B. No. 24. Reported enrolled | AGRICULTURE, DEPARTMENT OF | ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE COMMISSION | ELECTRICIANS & ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State | LICENSING & REGULATION, DEPARTMENT OF | LICENSING & REGULATION, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | PARKS & WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT | Resolutions--Conf. Comm. Reports | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HR 344 78-3 (2003) Author: Swinford, David Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, H.B. No. 7. Reported enrolled | AUDITOR, STATE | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Courts--District | Education--School Districts | Energy--Conservation | Environment--General | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Governor | HEALTH, DEPARTMENT OF | INSURANCE, COMMISSIONER OF | Insurance--General | Insurance--Health & Accident | LANDFILLS | LEGISLATIVE AUDIT COMMITTEE | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL, TEXAS | Legislature | PARDONS & PAROLES, BOARD OF | PRIVATE SECURITY BOARD, TEXAS | PRIVATE SECURITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSIONS | Resolutions--Conf. Comm. Reports | Retirement Systems--State Employees | SECURITY ALARMS & DEVICES | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget | SUNSET ADVISORY COMMISSION | TELECONFERENCING | TRANSPORTATION, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | UNCLAIMED PROPERTY | VETERANS COMMISSION, TEXAS | WATER--CONSERVATION
HR 348 78-3 (2003) Author: Heflin, Talmadge Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, H.B. No. 28. Reported enrolled | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Courts--Judges | Education--Higher--Tuition | Resolutions--Conf. Comm. Reports | Salaries & Expenses | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY | TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY
SB 2 78-3 (2003) Author: Ogden, Steve Relating to the organization, board membership, and functions of certain governmental agencies and to the transfer of certain functions to other governmental agencies. Senate: Finance Left pending in committee | Alcoholic Beverage Regulation | Education--Primary & Secondary--Facilities | Energy--Alternative Fuels | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Governor | INSURANCE, COMMISSIONER OF | Insurance--General | Insurance--Health & Accident | Insurance--Public Employees | LANDFILLS | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL, TEXAS | PARDONS & PAROLES, BOARD OF | PERMITS | Property Interests--Eminent Domain | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Retirement Systems--Teachers | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget | TRANSPORTATION, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | UNCLAIMED PROPERTY | VETERANS COMMISSION, TEXAS
SB 23 78-3 (2003) Author: Shapleigh, Eliot Relating to restoring essential health and human services programs; depositing certain funds to the credit of the general revenue fund; and making appropriations. Filed | Health--Children's Insurance | Human Services--Child Services | Human Services--Medical Assistance | MEDICAID | Mental Health & Mental Retardation | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SR 125 78-3 (2003) Author: Bivins, Teel Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, H.B. No. 24. Reported enrolled | Resolutions--Conf. Comm. Reports | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SR 133 78-3 (2003) Author: Bivins, Teel Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, H.B. No. 28. Reported enrolled | Resolutions--Conf. Comm. Reports | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 46 78-4 (2003) Author: Coleman, Garnet | et. al. Relating to certain essential health and human services programs; making appropriations. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | Health--Children's Insurance | Health--General | Human Services--Child Services | Human Services--Medical Assistance | MEDICAID | Mental Health & Mental Retardation | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
SB 14 78-4 (2003) Author: Shapleigh, Eliot Relating to certain essential health and human services programs; making appropriations. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | Health--Children's Insurance | Health--General | Human Services--Child Services | Human Services--Medical Assistance | MEDICAID | Mental Health & Mental Retardation | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HB 316 77-0 (2001) Author: Keel, Terry Relating to the basic allotment under the Foundation School Program for mid-sized school districts. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Education--School Districts | FOUNDATION SCHOOL PROGRAM | State Finances--Budget
HB 1517 77-0 (2001) Author: Solomons, Burt Relating to posting the state budget on the Internet. House: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | Electronic Information Systems | INTERNET | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Budget
HB 1759 77-0 (2001) Author: Turner, Sylvester Relating to unexpended balances in the judicial and court personnel training fund. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | Courts--Personnel | STAFF DEVELOPMENT & TRAINING | State Finances--Budget
HB 2071 77-0 (2001) Author: Junell, Robert
Sponsor: Haywood, Tom
Relating to establishing a billing procedure to ensure that each state agency is billed for the cost of support services allocated to the agency under the statewide cost allocation plan. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Effective on 9/1/01 | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 2142 77-0 (2001) Author: Jones, Elizabeth Relating to the publication of certain brochures for the federal special supplemental food program for women, infants, and children. House: Public Health Companion considered in lieu of in committee | HEALTH, DEPARTMENT OF | Human Services--Food Programs | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget
HB 2189 77-0 (2001) Author: Junell, Robert Relating to crediting interest to a suspense account of the comptroller and transferring accumulated interest from the account. House: Ways & Means Referred to Ways & Means | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 2796 77-0 (2001) Author: Goolsby, Tony
Sponsor: Cain, David
Relating to a trust fund for the purpose of maintaining and preserving the Capitol, the General Land Office Building, their contents, and their grounds. House: House Administration
Senate: Administration
Effective on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | GENERAL LAND OFFICE | Historic Preservation & Museums | STATE CAPITOL BUILDING & GROUNDS | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 2852 77-0 (2001) Author: Junell, Robert
Sponsor: Ellis, Rodney
Relating to directing payment, after approval, of certain miscellaneous claims and judgments against the state out of funds designated by this Act; making appropriations. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Effective on 9/1/01 | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | SUITS AGAINST THE STATE
HB 3064 77-0 (2001) Author: Junell, Robert
Sponsor: Ellis, Rodney
Relating to the issuance of general obligation bonds by the Texas Public Finance Authority for certain construction and repair projects and equipment purchases. House: Financial Institutions
Senate: Finance
Effective on adoption of const. amendment | BONDS | PUBLIC FINANCE AUTHORITY, TEXAS | State Finances--Budget
HJR 97 77-0 (2001) Author: Junell, Robert | et. al.
Sponsor: Ellis, Rodney
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the issuance of general obligation bonds for construction and repair projects and for the purchase of needed equipment. House: Financial Institutions
Senate: Finance
Filed with the Secretary of State | BONDS | PUBLIC FINANCE AUTHORITY, TEXAS | Purchasing--State | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Budget
HR 1188 77-0 (2001) Author: Junell, Robert Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, H.J.R. No. 97. Reported enrolled | BONDS | PUBLIC FINANCE AUTHORITY, TEXAS | Purchasing--State | Resolutions--Conf. Comm. Reports | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Budget
SB 146 77-0 (2001) Author: Wentworth, Jeff Relating to the basic allotment under the Foundation School Program for mid-sized school districts. Senate: Education Referred to Education | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Education--School Districts | FOUNDATION SCHOOL PROGRAM | State Finances--Budget
SB 192 77-0 (2001) Author: Lucio, Jr., Eddie | et. al.
Sponsor: Pickett, Joseph
Relating to inclusion of certain ports of entry in state highway planning and funding. House: Transportation
Senate: Business & Commerce
Effective on 9/1/01 | State Finances--Budget | TRANSPORTATION, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Transportation--Miscellaneous | Water--Navigation & Ports
SB 196 77-0 (2001) Author: Lucio, Jr., Eddie | et. al. Relating to the adjustment of Texas Department of Transportation funding formulas to account for certain international traffic. Senate: Business & Commerce Co-author authorized | Highways | NORTH AMERICAN FREE TRADE AGREEMENT--NAFTA | State Finances--Budget | Transportation--Miscellaneous
SB 521 77-0 (2001) Author: Shapleigh, Eliot Relating to posting the state budget on the Internet. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | Electronic Information Systems | INTERNET | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Budget
SB 848 77-0 (2001) Author: Ellis, Rodney | et. al.
Sponsor: Junell, Robert
Relating to crediting interest to a suspense account of the comptroller and transferring accumulated interest from the account. House: Ways & Means
Senate: Finance
Effective immediately | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 945 77-0 (2001) Author: Van de Putte, Leticia
Sponsor: Jones, Elizabeth
Relating to the publication of certain brochures for the federal special supplemental food program for women, infants, and children. House: Public Health
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective immediately | HEALTH, DEPARTMENT OF | Human Services--Food Programs | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget
SB 1092 77-0 (2001) Author: Ellis, Rodney Relating to directing payment, after approval, of certain miscellaneous claims and judgments against the state out of funds designated by this Act; making appropriations. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | SUITS AGAINST THE STATE
SB 1486 77-0 (2001) Author: Haywood, Tom Relating to establishing a billing procedure to ensure that each state agency is billed for the cost of support services allocated to the agency under the statewide cost allocation plan. Senate: Finance Left pending in committee | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 1499 77-0 (2001) Author: Lucio, Jr., Eddie Relating to implementation of annual legislative sessions, to allowing for an annual budget, and to political contributions made during a legislative session. Senate: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | Elections--Campaign Financing | Legislature | POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS | State Finances--Budget
SB 1624 77-0 (2001) Author: Cain, David Relating to a trust fund for the purpose of maintaining and preserving the Capitol, the General Land Office Building, their contents, and their grounds. Senate: Administration Referred to Administration | GENERAL LAND OFFICE | Historic Preservation & Museums | STATE CAPITOL BUILDING & GROUNDS | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SJR 39 77-0 (2001) Author: Lucio, Jr., Eddie Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for annual sessions of the legislature and allowing for an annual state budget. Senate: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | Legislature | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Budget
SR 1130 77-0 (2001) Author: Ellis, Rodney Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, H.J.R. No. 97. Reported enrolled | Resolutions--Conf. Comm. Reports | State Finances--Budget
HB 47 76-0 (1999) Author: Pitts, Jim Relating to unclaimed lottery prizes. House: Ways & Means Referred to Ways & Means | Amusements, Games, Sports | GAMBLING | LOTTERIES | State Finances--Budget
HB 2241 76-0 (1999) Author: Hupp, Suzanna Relating to allowing state agency officials to hold town hall meetings in various parts of the state. House: State Affairs No action taken in committee | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget
HB 3742 76-0 (1999) Author: Greenberg, Sherri Relating to the disposition of savings resulting from a state agency's reduction in workforce or privatization of a function. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | LAYOFFS & WORKFORCE REDUCTIONS | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Employees | State Finances--Budget
HJR 79 76-0 (1999) Author: Isett, Carl Proposing a constitutional amendment relating to the restriction on the rate of growth of appropriations. House: Appropriations Left pending in committee | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 2 76-0 (1999) Author: Ratliff, Bill General Appropriations Bill. Senate: Finance Left pending in committee | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
SB 810 76-0 (1999) Author: Barrientos, Gonzalo Relating to the disposition of savings resulting from a state agency's reduction in workforce or privatization of a function. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | LAYOFFS & WORKFORCE REDUCTIONS | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Employees | State Finances--Budget
SB 1386 76-0 (1999) Author: Shapleigh, Eliot
Sponsor: Pickett, Joseph
Relating to a review and study of the effects of formulas for state funding on programs and institutions. House: Appropriations
Senate: Border Affairs - Special
Placed on General State Calendar | BORDER | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Economic & Industrial Development | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 1414 76-0 (1999) Author: Shapiro, Florence Relating to paying for services provided by the State Office of Administrative Hearings. Senate: State Affairs No action taken in committee | ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS, STATE OFFICE OF | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget
HB 1 75-0 (1997) Author: Junell, Robert
Sponsor: Ratliff, Bill
General Appropriations Bill. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Effective on 9/1/97 | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HB 2948 75-0 (1997) Author: Turner, Sylvester
Sponsor: Ratliff, Bill
Relating to the creation and re-creation of funds and accounts in the state treasury, the dedication and rededication of revenue, and the exemption of unappropriated money from use for general governmental purposes. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Effective immediately | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 3302 75-0 (1997) Author: Heflin, Talmadge Relating to the limit on the growth of appropriations under Chapter 316 of the Government Code. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HB 3303 75-0 (1997) Author: Heflin, Talmadge Relating to limiting expenditures from the state treasury. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HR 298 75-0 (1997) Author: Kubiak, Dan Joining the Texas Public Employees Association in opposition to legislation that would cause harm to state employees in the course of balancing or controlling the state budget. House: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | Resolutions--Legislative Policy | State Employees | State Finances--Budget
SB 5 75-0 (1997) Author: Ratliff, Bill General Appropriations Bill. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
SB 709 75-0 (1997) Author: Haywood, Tom Relating to reports of long-term state capital improvement projects and credit programs financed through state debt. Senate: Finance No action taken in committee | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 1 74-0 (1995) Author: Junell, Robert
Sponsor: Montford, John
General Appropriations Bill. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Effective on 9/1/95 | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HB 599 74-0 (1995) Author: Junell, Robert | et. al. Relating to the distribution of certain state funds appropriated for education and certain statewide retirement systems. House: Appropriations Companion considered in lieu of in committee | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Retirement Systems--State Employees | Retirement Systems--Teachers | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 3067 74-0 (1995) Author: Conley, Karyne Relating to the implementation of budget sessions of the legislature during even-numbered years and to political contributions made during a legislative session. House: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | ANNUAL SESSIONS | Legislature | State Finances--Budget
HJR 118 74-0 (1995) Author: Conley, Karyne Proposing a constitutional amendment to provide for budget sessions of the legislature during even-numbered years. House: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | ANNUAL SESSIONS | Legislature | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Budget
SB 2 74-0 (1995) Author: Montford, John General Appropriations Bill. Senate: Finance Left pending in committee | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
SB 8 74-0 (1995) Author: Montford, John
Sponsor: Junell, Robert | et. al.
Relating to the distribution of certain state funds appropriated for education and certain statewide retirement systems. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Effective immediately | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Retirement Systems--State Employees | Retirement Systems--Teachers | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 1417 74-0 (1995) Author: Truan, Carlos Relating to establishment of an investment budgeting pilot project for state spending. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Referred to Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 1418 74-0 (1995) Author: Truan, Carlos Relating to benchmarks for the state strategic planning process. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Referred to Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 1495 74-0 (1995) Author: Montford, John Relating to transferring money and to reducing the appropriations of certain state agencies for the fiscal year ending August 31, 1995, to reflect the savings and reimbursements to the state under a contract for computer services; making an appropriation. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | COMPUTERS | Purchasing--State | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
SJR 20 74-0 (1995) Author: Barrientos, Gonzalo Proposing a constitutional amendment requiring the legislature to appropriate money for public schools before appropriating money for other purposes. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HB 650 73-0 (1993) Author: Junell, Robert General Appropriations Bill. House: Appropriations Left pending in committee | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HB 746 73-0 (1993) Author: Yost, Gerald Relating to implementation of annual legislative sessions and to political contributions made during a legislative session. House: State Affairs Left pending in committee | ANNUAL SESSIONS | Legislature | State Finances--Budget
HB 1109 73-0 (1993) Author: Oliveira, Rene Relating to the regulation of video lottery games; providing penalties. House: Licensing & Administrative Procedures Withdrawn from schedule | Amusements, Games, Sports | GAMBLING | LOTTERIES | State Finances--Budget
HB 1529 73-0 (1993) Author: Junell, Robert Relating to an emergency fund transfer and appropriation. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HB 2094 73-0 (1993) Author: Turner, Sylvester Relating to abolition of certain dedicated funds and establishment of an interim study committee on those funds. House: Appropriations Considered in Calendars | Interim Studies | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 2574 73-0 (1993) Author: Parra, Tony Relating to implementation of annual legislative sessions. House: State Affairs Left pending in committee | ANNUAL SESSIONS | Legislature | State Finances--Budget
HCR 152 73-0 (1993) Author: Tallas, Jim Urging the Congress of the United States to cease mandating programs that state governments are required to fund. House: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | Resolutions--Memorializing Congress | State Finances--Budget
HJR 116 73-0 (1993) Author: Parra, Tony Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for annual legislative sessions. House: State Affairs Left pending in committee | ANNUAL SESSIONS | Legislature | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Budget
SB 5 73-0 (1993) Author: Montford, John
Sponsor: Junell, Robert
General Appropriations Bill. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Effective on 9/1/93 | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
SB 244 73-0 (1993) Author: Henderson, Don Relating to the regulation of video lottery games; providing penalties. Senate: State Affairs Recommitted to committee | Amusements, Games, Sports | GAMBLING | LOTTERIES | State Finances--Budget
SB 1017 73-0 (1993) Author: Wentworth, Jeff Relating to implementation of legislative budget sessions in even-numbered years and to related changes in the date of the runoff primary election and other election laws. House: State Affairs
Senate: Finance
Referred to State Affairs | ANNUAL SESSIONS | Elections--Primaries | Legislature | State Finances--Budget
SB 1068 73-0 (1993) Author: Whitmire, John | et. al.
Sponsor: Hightower, Allen
Relating to authorizing the issuance of general obligation bonds for projects relating to facilities of corrections institutions, including youth corrections institutions, and mental health and mental retardation institutions. House: Corrections
Senate: Committee of the Whole Senate
Effective on adoption of const. amendment | BONDS | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | State Finances--Budget
SB 1332 73-0 (1993) Author: Truan, Carlos
Sponsor: Bomer, Elton
Relating to analyses of state budget proposals and programs and of the budgetary effects of proposed legislation. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Effective in 90 days -- 8/30/93 | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SJR 42 73-0 (1993) Author: Wentworth, Jeff | et. al. Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for a 55-day budget session of the legislature in even-numbered years and an annual state budget. House: State Affairs
Senate: Finance
Referred to State Affairs | ANNUAL SESSIONS | Legislature | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Budget
HB 342 72-0 (1991) Author: Clemons, Billy Relating to implementation of annual legislative sessions and to political contributions made during a legislative session. House: State Affairs Referred to subcommittee | ANNUAL SESSIONS | Ethics | Legislature | State Finances--Budget
HB 1070 72-0 (1991) Author: Robnett, Nolan Relating to reimbursement of contributions to the group insurance program for retired public school employees; providing a penalty. House: Retirement and Aging Laid on the table subject to call | Insurance--Life, Health & Accident | Retirement Systems--Teachers | State Finances--Budget
HB 1302 72-0 (1991) Author: Robnett, Nolan Relating to the use of bond proceeds received by an issuer. House: Financial Institutions Left pending in committee | State Finances--Budget
HB 1507 72-0 (1991) Author: Wilson, Ron Relating to a nonbinding referendum on the question of establishing a state lottery. House: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | Amusements, Games, Sports | Elections--Initiative, Referendum & Recall | LOTTERIES | State Finances--Budget
HB 1907 72-0 (1991) Author: Greenberg, Sherri Relating to a separate state budget for capital expenditures. House: Appropriations Referred directly to subcommittee by chair | State Finances--Budget
HB 2001 72-0 (1991) Author: Hury, James Relating to raising revenue to support state and local government, and to the imposition, application, rates, collection, administration, and criminal and civil enforcement of, and the allocation, limitation, and use of revenue from, various state and state-authorized taxes and fees. House: Ways & Means Referred to Ways & Means | State Finances--Budget | Taxation--Cigarette | Taxation--Mixed Beverage | Taxation--Sales
HB 2111 72-0 (1991) Author: Rudd, Jim
Sponsor: Montford, John
Relating to the transfer of the fund balances of certain occupational regulatory agencies. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Effective immediately | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | State Finances--Budget
HB 2249 72-0 (1991) Author: Rudd, Jim Relating to increases in various fees collected by certain state agencies; the imposition of new fees in connection with certain state government functions; and the disposition of certain fee revenue. House: Ways & Means Referred to Ways & Means | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State | State Finances--Budget
HB 2366 72-0 (1991) Author: Heflin, Talmadge | et. al. Relating to the Legislative Budget Board and the calculation of the limit on the growth of state appropriations as required by Article VIII, Section 22 of the Texas Constitution. House: Appropriations Left pending in committee | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HB 2642 72-0 (1991) Author: Williamson, Richard Relating to the disposition of cigarette tax revenues. House: Ways & Means Left pending in committee | Parks & Wildlife--Parks | State Finances--Budget | Taxation--Cigarette
HB 2644 72-0 (1991) Author: Williamson, Richard Relating to state and local taxes and fees, the funding structure of state and local government, and the expenditure of funds by state and local government. House: Ways & Means Referred to Ways & Means | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--State
HJR 25 72-0 (1991) Author: Clemons, Billy | et. al. Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for annual legislative sessions and for an annual state budget. House: State Affairs Referred to subcommittee | ANNUAL SESSIONS | Legislature | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Budget
HJR 27 72-0 (1991) Author: Yost, Gerald Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for annual legislative sessions. House: State Affairs Referred to subcommittee | ANNUAL SESSIONS | Legislature | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Budget
SB 111 72-0 (1991) Author: Montford, John | et. al.
Sponsor: Rudd, Jim
Relating to the complete review of state spending and bugetary procedures; providing for a reduction in certain appropriations and for the transfer of certain fund balances to the General Revenue Fund. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Effective immediately | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed | STATE BUDGET POLICY COMMITTEE | State Employees | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
SB 529 72-0 (1991) Author: Barrientos, Gonzalo
Sponsor: Robnett, Nolan
Relating to reimbursement of contributions to the group insurance program for retired public school employees; providing a penalty. House: Retirement and Aging
Senate: State Affairs
Effective on 9/1/91 | Insurance--Life, Health & Accident | Retirement Systems--Teachers | State Finances--Budget
SB 1360 72-0 (1991) Author: Leedom, John
Sponsor: Robnett, Nolan
Relating to the use of bond proceeds received by an issuer. House: Financial Institutions
Senate: State Affairs
Effective in 90 days -- 8/26/91 | BONDS | State Finances--Budget
SJR 18 72-0 (1991) Author: Montford, John Proposing a constitutional amendment relating to the establishment of a state lottery. Senate: State Affairs No action taken in committee | Amusements, Games, Sports | LOTTERIES | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Budget
HB 11 72-1 (1991) Author: Hury, James
Sponsor: Glasgow, Bob
Relating to raising revenue for the operation of state and local government; to the imposition, application, rates, collection, and administration of various fees and taxes and to the allocation of revenue from fees and taxes; to liability for the costs of certain state and local services; providing penalties; making appropriations. House: Ways & Means
Senate: Finance
Effective on 9/1/91 | Education--Higher--Tuition | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State | State Finances--Budget | Taxation--Franchise | Taxation--Income | Taxation--Motor Fuels | Taxation--State
HB 15 72-1 (1991) Author: Heflin, Talmadge | et. al. Relating to the limit on the rate of growth of state legislative appropriations. House: Appropriations Coauthor Authorized | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HB 54 72-1 (1991) Author: Wilson, Ron | et. al.
Sponsor: Montford, John
Relating to the establishment and operation of a state lottery; providing penalties; making an appropriation. House: Ways & Means
Senate: Finance
Effective on adoption of const. amendment | Amusements, Games, Sports | LOTTERIES | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | STATE LOTTERY ACT
HB 173 72-1 (1991) Author: Repp, Glenn Relating to raising state revenue through the imposition of certain fees for seller-training courses for the sale and service of alcoholic beverages. House: Liquor Regulation Referred to Liquor Regulation | Alcoholic Beverage Regulation | State Finances--Budget | Taxation--Mixed Beverage
HJR 8 72-1 (1991) Author: Wilson, Ron | et. al.
Sponsor: Montford, John
Proposing a constitutional amendment relating to the establishment of a state lottery. House: Ways & Means
Senate: Finance
Filed with the Secretary of State | Amusements, Games, Sports | LOTTERIES | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 5 72-1 (1991) Author: Glasgow, Bob | et. al. Relating to the imposition, application, rates, collection, and administration of various fees and taxes and to the allocation of revenue from fees and taxes. Senate: Finance Co-author authorized | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--State | State Finances--Budget | Taxation--State
SB 32 72-1 (1991) Author: Lucio, Eddie Relating to an appropriation to the General Land Office for the demolition and removal of the Old Queen Isabella Causeway State Fishing Pier. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | GENERAL LAND OFFICE | Public Lands, Buildings & Resources | State Finances--Budget
SB 98 72-1 (1991) Author: Montford, John Relating to the establishment and operation of a state lottery; providing penalties; making an appropriation. Senate: Finance No action taken in committee | Amusements, Games, Sports | LOTTERIES | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | STATE LOTTERY ACT
SJR 15 72-1 (1991) Author: Montford, John Proposing a constitutional amendment relating to the establishment of a state lottery. Senate: Finance No action taken in committee | Amusements, Games, Sports | LOTTERIES | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 7 70-2 (1987) Author: Hollowell, Bill
Sponsor: Jones, Grant
Relating to state budget execution. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Effective immediately | Governor | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
SB 7 70-2 (1987) Author: Jones, Grant Relating to state budget execution. Senate: Finance Reported favorably w/o amendments | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
SCR 43 70-2 (1987) Author: Edwards, Chet Requesting the House to return House Bill Number 7 to the Senate for further consideration. Filed | Resolutions--Recall | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
SCR 88 69-0 (1985) Author: Parmer, Hugh Declaring that withholding of federal appropriations by the Office of Management and Budget is injurious to citizens of Texas. Senate: Health & Human Resources Reported favorably w/o amendments | MANAGEMENT & BUDGE, OFFICE OF, U.S. | Resolutions--Memorializing Congress | State Finances--Budget
HB 69 69-2 (1986) Author: Craddick, Tom Relating to state budget execution. House: Appropriations Laid on table subj. to call in comm. | BUDGET EXECUTION BOARD, STATE | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed | State Finances--Budget
SB 25 69-2 (1986) Author: Farabee, Ray Relating to certification of bills appropriating or transferring funds or reducing amounts of previous appropriations. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Referred to Appropriations | BUDGET BALANCING ACT OF 1986 | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HCR 4 69-3 (1986) Author: Criss, Lloyd Creating the Select Committee on the Financial Future of State Government. House: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | Legislature | Resolutions--Legislative Policy | State Finances--Budget
HB 875 68-0 (1983) Author: Smith, Ashley Relating to the requirement that certain state agencies and departments submit projected budgets to the Legislative Budget Board. House: Appropriations Committee report printed and sent to Committee on Calendars | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget
HCR 14 68-2 (1984) Author: Wolens, Steven Directing the legislature to review the fiscal year 1985 budget with the goal of finding areas where tax dollars might be saved or used for other programs. House: Appropriations Referred to Committee on Appropriations | Legislature | Resolutions--Legislative Policy | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SJR 6 67-0 (1981) Author: Doggett, Lloyd Proposing an amendment of the Texas Constitution, prohibiting the incurring of state debt. Senate: State Affairs No action taken | DEBT | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 651 66-0 (1979) Author: Henderson, Don Relating to limitation of the rate of growth of legislative appropriations. House: Ways & Means Coauthor authorized | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HB 1125 66-0 (1979) Author: Simpson, Bob Relating to the budget execution powers of the governor. House: Ways & Means Coauthor authorized | BUDGET EXECUTION ACT | Governor | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 608 66-0 (1979) Author: Harris, O.H. Relating to execution of the state budget. Senate: State Affairs Reported from committee favorably with substitute | BUDGET EXECUTION ACT | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed | State Finances--Budget
SB 977 66-0 (1979) Author: Jones, Grant Relating to a limit on the rate of growth of appropriations. Senate: Finance Reported from committee favorably without amendments | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
SCR 32 66-0 (1979) Author: Schwartz, A.R. "Babe" Resolved that money from the portion of P&W Fund Nine dedicated to seafood marketing in an adequate amount be appropriated to the Texas Coastal & Marine Council to contract on a competitive basis for certain surveys. Senate: Natural Resources Coauthor authorized | COASTAL & MARINE COUNCIL, TEXAS | PARKS & WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT | Resolutions--Legislative Policy | SEAFOOD MARKETING PROGRAM | State Finances--Budget
HB 2090 65-0 (1977) Author: Allen, Joe Requiring state budget expenditures to offer productive justification or condition of need for the general welfare. House: Ways & Means Referred to subcommittee | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed | State Finances--Budget
HJR 11 65-0 (1977) Author: Simpson, Bob
Sponsor: Sherman, Max
Proposing an amendment to Article IV, Section 9, of the Texas Constitution, to permit the legislature to give budget execution authority to the governor. House: Constitutional Amendments
Senate: Finance
Reported from committee favorably | Governor | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HJR 43 65-0 (1977) Author: Evans, Charles Proposing a constitutional amendment relating to the budget execution authority of the governor. House: Constitutional Amendments Considered by committee in public hearing | Governor | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HJR 44 65-0 (1977) Author: Evans, Charles Proposing an amendment of Article III, Section 49, of the Texas Constitution, relating to the incurring of state debt. House: Constitutional Amendments Referred to Committee on Constitutional Amendments | DEBT | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HJR 50 65-0 (1977) Author: Gaston, Frank Proposing an amendment to the Texas Constitution authorizing the creation of state debt for the purpose of financing the construction of state buildings. House: Constitutional Amendments Referred to Committee on Constitutional Amendments | DEBT | Public Lands, Buildings & Resources | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SJR 4 65-0 (1977) Author: Doggett, Lloyd Relating to the incurring of state debt. Senate: Finance Referred to subcommittee | DEBT | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SJR 29 65-0 (1977) Author: Patman, W.N. "Bill" Proposing a constitutional amendment relating to the budget execution authority of the governor. Senate: Finance Considered by committee in public hearing | Governor | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SJR 32 65-0 (1977) Author: Sherman, Max To permit the legislature to give budget execution authority to the governor. Senate: Finance Referred to Committee on Finance | Governor | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 111 64-0 (1975) Author: Reynolds, Richard F. Relating to the balance of unappropriated revenue derived from statutory funds. House: Appropriations Referred to Committee on Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SJR 52 64-0 (1975) Author: Patman, W.N. "Bill" Amending Constitution relating to Governor's budget execution authority. Senate: Texas Constitution Referred to Committee on Texas Constitution | Governor | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Budget
SJR 58 64-0 (1975) Author: McKnight, Peyton Amending Constitution to create the Budget Execution Board. Senate: Texas Constitution Referred to Committee on Texas Constitution | BUDGET EXECUTION BOARD, STATE | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Budget
HB 170 63-0 (1973) Author: Kaster, James J. Directing the Legislative Budget Board to study Revenue Earmarking; providing authority to hire extra staff; requiring a reporting date; providing a severability clause; and declaring an emergency. House: State Affairs
Senate: Finance
Referred to Committee on Finance | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | State Finances--Budget
HCR 96 63-0 (1973) Author: Menefee, Hawkins
Sponsor: Schwartz, A.R. "Babe"
Instructing the Legislative Budget Board to prepare budget recommendations which it will present to the Regular Session of the 64th Legislature in the format of a Program Budget as well as the traditional type of budget. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Filed without Governor's signature | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | Resolutions--Legislative Policy | State Finances--Budget
SB 89 63-0 (1973) Author: Jones, Grant Requiring state agencies and departments to submit quarterly expenditure plans; authorizing the governor, as the state's chief executive officer, to review agency and department expenditure plans; authorizing the Governor to withhold spending approval for certain expenditures; authorizing the governor to transfer certain funds within a state agency or department; providing severability clause. Senate: Finance Sent to subcommittee | Governor | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 427 63-0 (1973) Author: Mauzy, Oscar Relating to the powers and duties of the Coordinating Board, Texas College and University System, with reference to requests for appropriations by institutions of higher education. Senate: Education Motion to suspend rules lost | Education--Higher--Finance | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
SB 473 63-0 (1973) Author: Santiesteban, H. Relating to a referendum election on proposals for raising revenue for the support of the state government; providing for submission of propositions on establishment of a state lottery in Texas. Senate: State Affairs Reported by subcommittee favorably | Amusements, Games, Sports | Elections--Initiative, Referendum & Recall | LOTTERIES | State Finances--Budget
SCR 34 63-0 (1973) Author: Jones, Grant
Sponsor: Kaster, James J.
Requesting the Legislative Budget Board to study revenue dedication and priority allocation practices. House: Appropriations
Senate: Finance
Signed by Governor | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | Resolutions--Legislative Policy | State Finances--Budget
HB 1480 62-0 (1971) Author: Heatly, W.S. "Bill" Relating to creating a State Budget Commission. | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed | STATE BUDGET COMMISSION | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | TEXAS BUDGET ACT OF 1971
HJR 8 62-0 (1971) Author: Heatly, W.S. "Bill" Providing that bills for raising revenue may originate in either house of the Legislature; and amending Article III, Section 3 of the Constitution of the State of Texas. | Legislature | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HJR 92 62-0 (1971) Author: Traeger, John Proposing an amendment providing for an orderly procedure for the preparation of a state budget. | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 141 62-0 (1971) Author: Aikin, Jr., A.M. Relating to the transfer of unencumbered balances in line-item appropriations, including contingency appropriations, of state aid to public junior colleges, to certain junior colleges. | Education--Junior College Districts | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HR 74 62-3 (1972) Author: Kaster, James J. Regarding quarterly budget reporting by certain departments, agencies and institutions of the State of Texas. | Resolutions--Legislative Policy | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | State Finances--Budget
HB 4 62-4 (1972) Author: Doran, Jr., Hilary B. Relating to execution of the budget of the executive department of state government. | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
SB 15 62-4 (1972) | BUDGET EXECUTION ACT | Governor | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
SB 28 62-4 (1972) | Governor | Legislature | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HB 1049 61-0 (1969) Author: Heatly, W.S. "Bill" Relating to the submission date of the Governor's budget. | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
SB 598 61-0 (1969) Author: Aikin, Jr., A.M. Relating to the submission date of the Governor's Budget. | State Finances--Budget
HB 135 58-0 (1963) Author: Pipkin, Maurice Snow "Pip" Relating to creating in the office of the Governor a Division of Finance and Administration; providing for an effective date for this Act. | Governor | State Finances--Budget
SB 193 58-0 (1963) Author: Calhoun, Jr., C. Galloway Relating to the allocation of funds for public junior colleges and providing an audit thereof. | AUDITS & AUDITORS | Education--Junior College Districts | State Finances--Budget
HB 479 57-0 (1961) Author: McGregor, Malcolm | et. al. Relating to providing for the annual adoption by the State Board of Education of an operating budget for the administration and supervision of the Central Education Agency. | EDUCATION, STATE BOARD OF | State Finances--Budget
SB 205 57-0 (1961) Author: Aikin, Jr., A.M. | et. al. Relating to providing for the annual adoption by the State Board of Education of an operating budget for the administration and supervision of the Central Education Agency, for procedure and filing incident thereto; providing amount budgeted shall not exceed a fixed percentage of the total cost of the Foundation School Program annually estimated for purposes of the Foundation School Program Act; providing authority of the State Board of Education to accept grants to discharge responsibilities assigned. | EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | EDUCATION, STATE BOARD OF | State Finances--Budget
HB 110 57-1 (1961) Author: Atwell, Ben Relating to providing that all bills for raising revenue enacted by the First Called Session of the 57th Legislature shall become effective on September 1, 1961. | State Finances--Budget | Taxation--State
HJR 9 56-0 (1959) Author: Jones, William M. "Bill" Proposing an amendment requiring that all bills for raising revenue must receive a two-thirds vote of the membership of each house of the Legislature. | Legislature | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Budget
SJR 8 56-0 (1959) Author: Fly, William S. "Bill" Proposing an amendment providing that no bill levying taxes shall hereafter be enacted into law without the affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the elected membership of each House of the Legislature. | Legislature | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Budget
HB 418 55-0 (1957) Author: Smith, Max Carlton Relating to the budget system of the State; repealing certain Laws. | Governor | Legislature | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
SJR 13 53-0 (1953) Author: Martin, Crawford Collins Relating to proposing a constitutional amendment so as the provide for the State Auditor to certify the appropriation bills. | AUDITOR, STATE | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
SB 413 52-0 (1951) Author: Phillips, Jimmy Relating to transferring to the Governor all powers, duties, prerogatives, rights and functions now held, exercised or performed by the State Board of Control and the Division of Estimates and Appropriations with respect to the compilation of biennial appropriation budgets. | Governor | State Finances--Budget
HB 613 51-0 (1949) Author: Jameson, William S. Relating to amending a previous Act, to require the heads of departments of government to submit budgets to the State board of Control at certain times; repealing all laws and parts of laws in conflict. | State Finances--Budget
SB 388 51-0 (1949) Author: Aikin, Jr., A.M. Relating to amending Statutes so as to provide that the budgets shall be prepared by the State Auditor instead of the State Board of Control; repealing all laws and parts of laws in conflict therewith to the extent of said conflict only; providing a severability clause. | AUDITOR, STATE | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HB 106 50-0 (1947) Author: Wright, Jr., James Claude "Jim" | et. al. Relating to furthering the general welfare and governmental economy and bringing about increased efficiency in the service of all departments and agencies of the State Government by establishing effective budget control and more effective long range budget planning to the end that the funds of the State shall not be expended except in strict compliance with law and as authorized by the Legislature; creating the office of State Director of the Budget; providing that if any part of this Act shall be declared invalid the remaining parts shall not be affected. | FINANCE CONTROL ACT OF 1947 | State Finances--Budget
HB 8 49-0 (1945) Author: Pruett, Harry D. | et. al. Relating to making appropriations for an increase in salaries of State officials and State employees for the period beginning with the effective date of this Act and ending on August 31, 1945, supplementing the salaries designated and/or provided for in House Bill No.666, Acts of the Regular Session of the Forth-eighth Legislature. | Salaries & Expenses | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Officers
HB 42 49-0 (1945) Author: Humphrey, Joe C. | et. al. Relating to furthering the general welfare and governmental economy and bring about increased efficiently in the service of all departments and agencies of the State Department by establishing effective budget control and more effective long range budget planning to the end that the funds of the State shall not be expended except in strict compliance with law and as authorized by the Legislature. | FINANCE CONTROL ACT OF 1945 | State Finances--Budget
HB 7 48-0 (1943) Author: Humphrey, Joe C. | et. al. Relating to furthering the general welfare and governmental economy and to bring about increased efficiency in the service of all State departments, agencies and institutions of the State; prescribing penalties for violations of provisions of the act. | FINANCE & CONTROL ACT OF 1943 | STATE BOARD OF CONTROL | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 77 48-0 (1943) Author: Humphrey, Joe C. | et. al. Relating to furthering the general welfare and governmental economy and to bring about increased efficiency in the service of all State departments, agencies and institutions of the State by providing a unified, comprehensive code of procedures for financial administration, including financial planning and budgeting, accounting and financial control, continuous post-auditing and pre-auditing of receivables, receipts and expenditures, purchasing and property control, management of general government buildings, and a merit system of appointing employees; repealing all laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith; prescribing penalties for violations and provisions of this Act. | FINANCE & CONTROL ACT OF 1943 | FINANCE & CONTROL, DEPARTMENT OF | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 288 48-0 (1943) Author: Reed, William Otey Relating to creating and providing for a budget system for the State Government and its departments and agencies; repealing any laws in conflict with this Act in so far as same conflict with this Act. | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 59 47-0 (1941) Author: Stinson, Jeff D. | et. al. Relating to repealing a certain House Bill of the Acts of the 41st Legislature (1st C.S.); providing for the creation of a Legislative Audit Committee; providing for the appointment of a State Auditor; creating and providing a uniform budget system for the State; designating the Governor as chief budget officer; providing for the appointment of a Director of the Budget; prescribing certain penalties. | City Government--Finance | County Government--Finance | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
SB 190 47-0 (1941) Author: Smith, John Lee Relating to providing a unified, comprehensive code of procedures for financial administration and the establishment and operation of a state department of finance; prescribing penalties. | FINANCE & CONTROL ACT OF 1941 | FISCAL CODE OF 1941 | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | State Officers
SB 150 46-0 (1939) Author: Moffett, George Clarence "Cotton" Relating to amending a certain Act creating and providing a uniform budget system for the State. | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control
HB 768 42-0 (1931) Author: Sanders, Phil L. | et. al. Relating to creating and providing a uniform budget system for the State, and all counties, cities, towns, villages, independent school districts, and common school districts; prescribing penalties for violation of this Act. | State Finances--Budget
HB 496 39-0 (1925) Author: Sinks, Ed R. | et. al. Relating to providing for the heating of the old Land Office Building, located in the southeast corner of the Capitol grounds, which building is now used as a museum and under the management of the Daughters of the Republic and the Daughters of the Confederacy. House: Appropriations | Public Lands, Buildings & Resources | State Finances--Budget
HB 550 37-0 (1921) Author: Satterwhite, Robert Lee | et. al. Relating to amend a certain Act regarding the duties of the Board of Control and the heads of departments, etc. | STATE BOARD OF CONTROL | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HB 13 36-0 (1919) Author: Johnson, Jack Relating to providing for the preparation and review of estimates for expenditures and revenue and to establish budgets for all State departments, bureaus, divisions, officer, boards, commissions, institutions, and other agencies and undertakings receiving or asking financial aid from the State of Texas. | Governor | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget
HB 113 36-0 (1919) Author: Tillotson, Leonard E. Relating to creating a State Budget Commission; prescribing the duties of such commission; indicating the policy of the State with reference to the official budget; and making an appropriation. | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed | STATE BUDGET COMMISSION | State Finances--Budget
HJR 13 36-0 (1919) Author: Laney, Charles O. Proposing an amendment to Section 49 of Article 3 of the Constitution of the State of Texas relating to the power to create debts by or on behalf of the State, so as hereafter to authorize the Legislature to enact a law directing the issuance of bonds by the Governor of the State in a sum not to exceed seventy-five million ($75,000,000.00) dollars, the proceeds of said bonds to be used in the construction of durable, hard surfaced roads upon public highways of the State. | Highways | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Budget | Taxation--State
SB 27 36-0 (1919) Author: Woods, James Hollins Relating to providing for the preparation and presentation to the Governor and through him to the legislature of definite and authoritative information, schedules and estimates of the needs and demands of the departments and institutions of the State from time to time as may be necessary in the consideration and passage of acts making appropriations and provision for funds to make such needs and demands of the State departments and institutions, defining the duties of the heads of departments and boards of control and officers of the State government in regard thereto. | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control

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