HB 12, 88th R.S. history

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HB 12, 88th R.S.
Relating to the duration of services provided under Medicaid to women following a pregnancy.

Last action: Effective immediately

Author: Toni Rose
Joint Author: Senfronia Thompson | Armando Walle | Shawn Thierry | Donna Howard
Coauthor: Alma Allen | Steve Allison | Diego Bernal | Salman Bhojani | Rhetta Bowers | John Bryant | Brad Buckley | John Bucy III | Angie Button | Terry Canales | Giovanni Capriglione | Sheryl Cole | Nicole Collier | David Cook | Drew Darby | Jay Dean | Lulu Flores | Erin Gámez | Josey Garcia | Jessica González | Vikki Goodwin | R. D. "Bobby" Guerra | Sam Harless | Ana Hernandez | Jacey Jetton | Ann Johnson | Jarvis Johnson | Julie Johnson | Venton Jones | Suleman Lalani | Stan Lambert | Jeff Leach | Janie Lopez | Ray Lopez | Christian Manuel | Morgan Meyer | Thresa "Terry" Meza | Penny Morales Shaw | Christina Morales | Eddie Morales | Claudia Ordaz | Angelia Orr | Evelina "Lina" Ortega | Jared Patterson | Mihaela Plesa | Four Price | Ana-Maria Ramos | John Raney | Ron Reynolds | Glenn Rogers | Matt Shaheen | Carl Sherman, Sr. | John Smithee | David Spiller | Ed Thompson | Chris Turner | Cody Vasut | Gene Wu | Erin Zwiener
Sponsor: Lois Kolkhorst
CoSponsor: Nathan Johnson | Carol Alvarado | Judith Zaffirini | Royce West | Juan Hinojosa | Sarah Eckhardt | César Blanco | John Whitmire

Session Law Chapter:
Acts 2023, 88th R.S., ch. 996, General and Special Laws of Texas

Signed legislation

Conference Committee:

Conference Committee Report 
House Members: (appointed 05/23/2023) Toni Rose (Chair) | Dustin Burrows | Sam Harless | Donna Howard | Jacey Jetton |

Senate Members: (appointed 05/25/2023) Lois Kolkhorst (Chair) | Donna Campbell | Bryan Hughes | Charles Perry | Judith Zaffirini |

Speaker of the House documents:

Human Services--Medical Assistance

House Committee: Health Care Reform, Select (Sam Harless, Greg Bonnen, John Bucy III, James B. Frank, Donna Howard, Stephanie Klick, Eddie Morales, Tom Oliverson, Four Price, Toni Rose, Armando Walle)
Minutes: March 16 2023 | March 21 2023
Senate Committee: Health & Human Services (Lois Kolkhorst, César Blanco, Bob Hall, Kelly Hancock, Bryan Hughes, Morgan LaMantia, Borris Miles, Charles Perry, Kevin Sparks)
Minutes: May 16 2023 | May 18 2023

Index to Sections Affected

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