Last action: Referred to State Recreational Resources
Author: Barry Telford
Coauthor: Allan Ritter | Mary Denny | Chuck Hopson | Dan Ellis | Bob Glaze | Kent Grusendorf | Rick Hardcastle | Elizabeth Jones | Ken Yarbrough | Wayne Christian | Judy Hawley | Todd Smith | Kip Averitt | Joe Crabb | Terry Keel | Charlie Howard | Vilma Luna | David Swinford | George West | Joe Deshotel | Mike Krusee | Carl Isett | Ron Clark | Mark Homer | Yvonne Davis | Suzanna Hupp | Dora Olivo | Tom Ramsay | Dale Tillery | Sid Miller | Jim McReynolds | David Counts | Rick Green | Bob Turner | John Davis
Bill Analyses:
Introduced (Office of House Bill Analysis)
Parks & Wildlife--Hunting & Fishing
Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments
House Committee: State Recreational Resources (Edmund Kuempel, Clyde Alexander, Bill Callegari, Robert Cook, Myra Crownover, Dan Ellis, Mark Homer, Elizabeth Jones, Lois Kolkhorst)
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