Samuel Jonathan King, birth date 9/21/1859 in Hopkins County, death date 6/16/1950 in Sulphur Springs, Hopkins County. All Kings Family Tree, Photo from the Celia Wright Collection. .
Marriage to Ava Neely 12/26/1881 in Hopkins County. Samuel Jonathan King in birth records of daughters Fanny (1894) and Gladys (1898); wife Ava Neely King. Census of 1900 - Samuel J. King, Hopkins County, age 40, born September 1859 in Texas, spouse Ava, daughters Vera, Eva, Nela, Fannie, Ruth, and Gladys. Marriage to Bettie L. Whitfield 8/19/1903 in Hopkins County.
Census of 1910 - Sam J. King, Sulphur Springs Ward 3, Hopkins County, age 50, born circa 1860 in Texas, teacher,/prof. school, spouse Bettie, daughters Ruth and Gladis.
Census of 1920 - Sam J. King, Sulphur Springs Ward 3, Hopkins County, age 60, born circa 1860 in Texas, teacher, spouse Bettie, daughter Gladys.
Census of 1930 - Sam King, Sulphur Springs, Hopkins County, age 70, born circa 1860 in Texas, spouse Bettie.
Census of 1940 - Sam King, Sulphur Springs, Hopkins County, age 80, born circa 1860 in Texas, spouse Bettie.
FamilySearch . Texas Births and Christenings, 1840-1981 (1)Texas Births and Christenings, 1840-1981 (2)
Sam J. King, birth date 9/21/1859 in Hopkins County; death date 6/16/1950 in Sulphur Springs, Hopkins County; retired professor; father L.D. King, mother Ellen Hopkins, informant Mrs. Bettie King.
FamilySearch Texas Deaths, 1890-1976 .
Sam J. King (1859-1950), burial in Sulphur Springs City Cemetery, Sulphur Springs, Hopkins County.
Find a Grave .
Relatives: Capt. L.D. King - father; Sam J. King - son. Capt. L.D. King married Maryann Ellen Hopkins in 1857. Ava Neely, daughter of Matthew (Rev. Mack) Neely, married "Sam J. King, son of Capt. L.D. King of Sulphur Springs. Professor King and Ava ran the King's Collegiate Institute on Gilmer Street in Sulphur Springs. After retiring from teaching, Professor King served one term in the state legislature." Volume II, "The Hopkins," pp. 12-13, and "The Neelys of Hopkins County," pp. 235-238.
Pioneers of Hopkins County, Texas 1989.
"Prof. Sam J. King stands without a peer in Texas, as an educator and high tone christian gentleman." "King's School," The Hopkins County Echo (Sulphur Springs, Texas), 5/16/1919, p. 1, crediting Hopkins County Genealogical Society.
"Sam J. King Writes of His Former Students," The Daily News-Telegram (Sulphur Springs, Texas), 9/4/1927, p. 17, crediting Hopkins County Genealogical Society.
Portal to Texas History (University of North Texas Libraries) . May 16, 1919September 4, 1927
40th Legislature (1927) - Sam J. King, postoffice Sulphur Springs, Hopkins County, nativity Texas, age 66 (born circa 1861), teacher.
Texas Legislative Manual .