34th Legislature - Roll Call of holdover Senators, 1/12/1915, pp. 1-2.
Senate Journal .
33rd Legislature - List of Senators elected on November 5, 1912, oath of office administered, 1/14/1913, pp. 3-4.
Senate Journal .
Listed in "Men who have represented Grimes County in the House of Representatives/State Senate, 1846-1931," pp. 205-209. Includes Date, Legislatures, District, and Source of Data.
Early History of Grimes County 1930.
Clinton West Nugent, birth date 9/19/1865 in Montgomery County, death date 12/19/1925 in Galveston, Galveston County, attorney at law.
FamilySearch .
Clinton West Nugent (1865-1925), burial in Lakeview Cemetery, Galveston, Galveston County.
Find a Grave .
Photo and obituary, "Nugent Funeral to be Held Tomorrow," 12/20/1925, p. 1. Clinton West Nugent, "former judge of Montgomery County and one time state senator and acting lieutenant governor of Texas."
Galveston Daily News .