Full Name: John Le Gory
Other surnames:
LeGorey, LeGory
Birth date: July 31, 1877
Death date: June 9, 1955
Terms of Service
1/20/1915 - 1/9/1917
John Le Gory sworn 1/20/1915, Oath of Office Administered, p. 135.
House Journal .
John Hairston, member-elect from District 24, died 12/21/1914, and the incumbent from the 33rd Leg., Patton, by resolution adopted 1/14/1915, was seated until his successor, John LeGorey, was elected and, on 7/20/1915
[sic], sworn.
Members of the Texas Congress 1836-1845; Members of the Texas Legislature 1846-2004 2005.
"Democratic Nominee for Representative Issues Statement," by John LeGory,
The Crockett Courier, 1/14/1915, p. 1, crediting Dolph Briscoe Center for American History.
"Returns from Monday's Election in Houston County: John LeGory Represents This County in the Legislature, Succeeding Hon. John R. Hairston, Deceased,"
The Crockett Courier, 1/21/1915, p. 1, crediting Dolph Briscoe Center for American History.
Portal to Texas History (University of North Texas Libraries) .
January 14, 1915
January 21, 1915