Full Name: Howard Francis O'Neal
Other surnames:
Birth date: September 22, 1853
Death date: December 6, 1935
Terms of Service
1/8/1895 - 10/21/1896
O'Neal resigned 10/21/1896.
Members of the Texas Congress 1836-1845; Members of the Texas Legislature 1846-2004 2005.
Lists "H.F. O'Neal of Cass" in State Democratic Conventions (1873, 1898, 1908), as Attorney General nominee of Greenback-Labor State Convention (1880), Greenback State Convention (1884); and Howard F. O'Neal of Cass County in Democratic State Convention (1896). All are indexed together as one entry; however, it is unclear if H.F. O'Neal refers to Henry (father) or Howard (son).
Platforms of Political Parties in Texas 1916.