Full Name: Erasmus Giles Collier
Birth date: 1802
Death date: 1858
Terms of Service
5th Legislature
11/7/1853 - 11/5/1855
Biographical Notes and Resources
Resolutions and Journal entries
5th Legislature - Roll of Members, Collier, age 50, native state Virginia, emigrated from Alabama in 1846, farmer, postoffice Montgomery, Montgomery County.
House Journal .
Other Resources
Erasmus Giles Collier, born 12/18/1802 in Virginia, died 12/18/1858 in Montgomery County, Texas. Collier Family Tree.
Ancestry.com .
Census of 1850 - E.G. Collier, Montgomery, Montgomery County, age 48, born circa 1802 in Virginia, hotel keeper, living in household with Sinai Collier.
FamilySearch .
Included on list of "Texas Whigs Named in Newspapers and Identified From the Census of 1850," in "The Whig Party of Texas in the Elections of 1848 and 1852," The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Volume 73, Number 1, pp. 30-33, crediting Texas State Historical Association.
Portal to Texas History (University of North Texas Libraries) .