Legislative Reference Library

43rd 2nd Called Session
January 29, 1934 - February 27, 1934


Governor: Miriam Ferguson
Lieutenant Governor: information not available.
Speaker(s) of the House: Coke Robert Stevenson 

Special Session Topics

  • Pass such law or laws as may be necessary to issue and sell the remaining bonds proposed and permitted under the constitutional amendment of the State adopted by the voters of Texas at an election duly held on the twenty-sixth day of August, 1933, for the purpose of affording relief to the unemployed and indigent persons of the State [Thu Jan 25, 1934]
  • Pass such law or laws as will grant relief in certain cases during the present emergency and depression from inequitable foreclosure of mortgages on real estate and execution sales of real estate and for postponing certain sales and for extending the periods of redemption from certain others, and relating to the jurisdiction and procedure for such relief and for the right to possession during the extended period and for limiting the right to maintain actions for deficiency judgment and for extending the expiration of certain periods of redemption by moratorium provisions [Thu Jan 25, 1934]
  • Releasing all interest and penalities on registration fees on motor vehicles for which a license fee is due on or before January 31, 1934, and extending the time of payment of same until April 1, 1934 [Mon Jan 29, 1934]
  • Raising, by taxation, revenues with which to pay the interest and sinking fund necessary to retire the bonds authorized under said Constitutional Amendment, adopted on the twenty-sixth day of August 1933, by the people, at an election duly held [Wed Feb 7, 1934]
  • Texas Relief Commission should be composed of nine members - three to be appointed by the Lieutenant Governor, three by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and two by the Governor, and the Governor allowed to vote as any other member [Wed Feb 7, 1934]
  • Making an appropriation to pay deficiencies for interest on bonds of the State of Texas, held by Permanent School Fund, Permanent Lunatic Asylum Fund, Permanent Blind Institute Fund, Permanent Deaf and Dumb Institute Fund, and Permanent Orphans Home Fund of the State of Texas; authorizing payment of interest on the taking effect of this Act [Thu Feb 8, 1934]
  • Emergency legislation that by the Federal Government is required to be passed before approving the expenditure of some $4,853,000 in the construction of an irrigation project in Willacy and Hidalgo Counties [Sat Feb 10, 1934]
  • Amend Article 2529, of the Revised Civil Statutes of 1925; as amended by the Acts of 1933, Forty-third Legislature, page 840, Chapter 240; as amended by Acts of 1933, Forty-third Legislature, page 854, Chapter 244; and as amended by Acts of 1933, Forty-third Legislature, First Called Session, page 215, Chapter 80, Section 1, providing qualifications for State depositories; and declaring an emergency [Tue Feb 13, 1934]
  • Amend Article 3264, Revised Civil Statutes of 1925, by authorizing irrigation districts, water improvement districts and water power control districts to condemn land under the general condemnation statutes, and declaring an emergency [Tue Feb 13, 1934]
  • Amend Articles 1111, 1112, 1113, and 114, of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, of 1925, and amendments thereof, as passed by the Fortieth Legislature, and declaring an emergency [Tue Feb 13, 1934]
  • Amend Chapter 29, Acts of the First Called Session of the Forty-third Legislature; and declaring an emergency [privilege license for commercial fishermen and fish dealers] [Tue Feb 13, 1934]
  • Amend Section 14, Chapter 186, Senate Bill No. 74, passed at the Regular Session, Thirty-ninth Legislature, as amended by Chapter 10, Senate Bill No. 24, passed at the Third Called Session, Forty-first Legislature, as amended; and declaring an emergency [Authorizing commissioners' court to acquire land for road right-of-way, etc.] [Tue Feb 13, 1934]
  • Amend Senate Bill No. 111, passed at the Third Called Session of the Thirty-eighth Legislature as amended; and declaring an emergency [Tue Feb 13, 1934]
  • Amending Article 287, of the Penal Code of the State of Texas, of 1925, as amended by Chapter 139 of the General Laws of the Regular Session of the Thirty-ninth Legislature, as amended by Chapter 116 of the General Laws of the Regular Session of the Forty-second Legislature, by adding thereto, after the words 'ice dealers,' the words 'fruit dealers, vegetable dealers,' and declaring an emergency [Tue Feb 13, 1934]
  • Amending Article 879 and Article 879 [sic.] of Chapter 6, Title 13, Revised Criminal Statutes of Texas, 1925, as amended; providing a penalty; and declaring an emergency [Tue Feb 13, 1934]
  • Amending Chapter 49, Acts of the Forty-third Legislature, First Called Session, page 145 (Article 3886-b), providing for the maximum compensation of assistant county attorneys and other employees of the county attorney in all counties in the State, having a population of 100,001 inhabitants and not more than 150,000 inhabitants and containing two cities of 50,000 population or more, each ; and declaring an emergency [Tue Feb 13, 1934]
  • Amending Chapter 53, Acts of the Forty-third Legislature, First Called Session, declaring the economic conditions and policy of this State concerning co-operation with the National Government, in authorizing and providing for action by trade groups, labor and management of industry, eliminating unfair competition; and declaring an emergency [Tue Feb 13, 1934]
  • Amending Section 111, of Chapter 67, Acts of the First Called Session of the Forty-third Legislature, same being Senate Bill No. 52; and declaring an emergency [Appropriation to reimburse growers and producers of cotton for expenses incurred in prevention of spread of pink boll worm] [Tue Feb 13, 1934]
  • Amending Section 6 of Senate Bill No. 69, passed by the First Called Session of the Forty-third Legislature; and declaring an emergency [Valley Conservation and Reclamation District] [Tue Feb 13, 1934]
  • Amending Section 7 of Chapter 13 of the Third Called Session of the Forty-second Legislature, as amended by Senate Bill No. 300, passed by the Regular Session of the Forty-third Legislature; and declaring an emergency [Management of Road District Highway Fund by board of county and road district indebtedness] [Tue Feb 13, 1934]
  • Amending Sections 1, 2,4,5,6,8,9, and 12, Chapter 241, Acts of the Regular Session, Forty-third Legislature, page 845, and further amending Chapter 241, Acts, Regular Session, Forty-third Legislature, page 843; and declaring an emergency [legalizing fistic combat, wrestling matches, boxing, sparring contests or exhibitions for money] [Tue Feb 13, 1934]
  • Amending Subsection 5 of Article 6675-a, of Vernon's Annotated Texas Civil Statutes, same being Section 5, of page 172, Chapter 88, of the Acts of the Forty-first Legislature, Second Called Session of 1929 [Tue Feb 13, 1934]
  • Apportion the State of Texas into Congressional Districts, naming the counties composing the same, and providing for the election of a Member of the Congress of the United States from each district, transferring Duval County from the Fourteenth District to the Fifteenth District, repealing all laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith, and declaring an emergency [Tue Feb 13, 1934]
  • Appropriation for additional employees in the Bureau of Labor Statistics, beginning March 1, 1934, and ending August 31, 1935, and declaring an emergency [Tue Feb 13, 1934]
  • Authorizing any county or district, organized, or which may be hereafter organized in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas to purchase for the use or benefit of the people within and adjacent to any such county or district, or the use and benefit of a portion of the area of the county or district served thereby, works, building, equipment, together with all the rights, land and easements, appurtenant thereto and necessary therefor, for rendering irrigation, flood prevention, water supply, drainage and /or sewerage service, and declaring an emergency [Tue Feb 13, 1934]
  • Authorizing independent school districts to build or purchase buildings or grounds for the purpose of constructing gymnasia, stadia, or other recreational facilities, and to encumber the same and the income thereof to secure the payment of the purchase price to evidence the indebtedness created thereby by the issuance of bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness, and declaring an emergency [Tue Feb 13, 1934]
  • Authorizing the Board of Regents of the University of Texas and the branches thereof, and the Board of Directors of the Agricultural and Mechanical College and its branches, and other State institutions therein mentioned to construct, acquire, operate, maintain through and only through funds or loans to be obtained from the Government of the United States or agencies thereof, created under the National Recovery Act, and declaring an emergency [Tue Feb 13, 1934]
  • Declaring the policy of the Legislature to provide for the general welfare by co-operation with the Federal Government, in making effective the provisions of the National Agricultural Adjustment Act and the National Recovery Act within the State of Texas, with reference to producers, distributors, and processors of milk and milk products; and declaring an emergency [Tue Feb 13, 1934]
  • Define license tax, regulate and control recreation establishments, fixing penalties for violation of said Act, and declaring an emergency [Tue Feb 13, 1934]
  • Defining and limiting jurisdiction of courts in matters affecting employers and employees; declaring the public policy of the State in such matters; declaring all contracts made in violation of such public policy to be unenforceable; and declaring an emergency [Tue Feb 13, 1934]
  • Emergency and supplemental appropriation out of the General Revenue of the State of Texas for the State Department of Health for the balance of the fiscal year, ending August 31, 1934; and declaring an emergency [Tue Feb 13, 1934]
  • Emergency appropriation out of that portion of the Special Racing Fund that has been or will be allocated to the State Department of Agriculture, for the purpose of purchasing and erecting necessary machinery, and conducting essential work, necessary for preventing the further spread of the pink boll worm; and declaring an emergency [Tue Feb 13, 1934]
  • Emergency appropriation out of the General Revenue of the State for the purpose of enforcing the provisions of House Bill No. 76, Chapter 52, First Called Session, Forty-first Legislature, and declaring an emergency [Tue Feb 13, 1934]
  • Granting the the Houston Yacht Club, it successors and assigns, all right, title, and interest of the State of Texas to certain land under the waters of Galveston Bay, and declaring an emergency; said legislation is necessary to secure a loan of $120,000 from the Federal Government [Tue Feb 13, 1934]
  • Prohibit the taking, killing or possession of wild fox for the purpose of barter or sale, and prohibiting the use of steel traps, for taking fur-bearing animals in Coryell County; and declaring an emergency [Tue Feb 13, 1934]
  • Prohibit the taking, killing, or possession of wild fox for the purpose of barter or sale, in certain counties, and declaring an emergency [Tue Feb 13, 1934]
  • Prohibiting persons allowing certain animals and live stock grazing, running upon, and trespassing upon certain designated highways in this State; and declaring an emergency [Tue Feb 13, 1934]
  • Prohibiting the taking of minnows for the purpose of sale, from certain waters of Bell County; prohibiting the transportation by any one person at one time of more than one hundred (100) minnows beyond the borders of Bell County; providing a penalty, and declaring an emergency [Tue Feb 13, 1934]
  • Protecting the employment of women and minors; authorizing the Labor Commission to investigate and deal with such employment; and declaring an emergency [Tue Feb 13, 1934]
  • Providing for the Agricultural and Mechanical College Substation No. 12, located in Hardeman County, Texas, in order to provide material and labor to reconstruct buildings, destroyed by fire on January 18, 1934; making an appropriation to said Agricultural and Mechanical College Substation No.12 for said purpose; and declaring an emergency [Tue Feb 13, 1934]
  • Providing that cities with a population of more than 160,000 inhabitants, according to the last preceding Federal Census, may mortgage and encumber their airports and the income thereof, or either of them, for the purpose of acquiring or improving the same, and declaring an emergency [Tue Feb 13, 1934]
  • Providing that every person, firm, corporation, partnership, or association of persons, before engaging in the business of a wholesale fish dealer or a retail fish dealer, shall make application to, and receive from, the Game, Fish, and Oyster Commission, a license to engage in such business; and declaring an emergency [Tue Feb 13, 1934]
  • Reappropriating any unexpended balances of the funds appropriated in aid of rural schools of the State of Texas in the emergency appropriation, to pay outstanding indebtedness incurred through the operation of the rural aid law, as made by Chapter 1734, Acts Regular Session, Forty-third Legislature; and declaring an emergency [Tue Feb 13, 1934]
  • Releasing the interest and penalties on all ad valorem and poll taxes delinquent on February 1 1934, due State, county, common school districts, road districts, levee improvement districts, water improvement districts, and water control and improvement districts, irrigation districts and other defined subdivisions of the State, other than incorporated cities, towns, and villages; providing said taxes are paid on or before December 31, 1934; and declaring an emergency [Tue Feb 13, 1934]
  • Repealing House Bill No. 854, as passed by the Regular Session of the Forty-third Legislature in Regular Session, and declaring an emergency [Tue Feb 13, 1934]
  • Validate the adoption papers that were signed by the adopting parent or parents, prior to January 1, 1933 [Tue Feb 13, 1934]
  • Validate the organization and creation of all school districts, including common school districts, independent school districts, consolidated common school districts, consolidated independent school districts, county line school districts, consolidated county line school districts and rural high school districts; and declaring an emergency [Tue Feb 13, 1934]
  • Validating all elections, election orders, election proceedings, and city ordinances, annexing adjacent territory in incorporated cities having not less than 3,000 and not more than 6,000 inhabitants, and declaring an emergency [Tue Feb 13, 1934]
  • Validating refunding bonds issued by certain water improvement districts, under authority of the Acts of 1933, Forty-third Legislature, page 171, Chapter 78, and declaring an emergency [Tue Feb 13, 1934]
  • Additional emergency relief appropriations for the Insurance Department, the State Board of Control, the Texas State Parks Board, the Executive Department, the Texas State Department of Agriculture, the Live Stock Sanitary Commission, the Ranger Service, the State Auditor, and Efficiency Expert, the Attorney General's Department, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the General Land Office, the State Health Department, the State Commission for the Blind, the Court of Civil Appeals, and the Board of Water Engineers [Wed Feb 14, 1934]
  • Amend Article 4629, of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925, relating to grounds for divorce, and declaring an emergency [Wed Feb 14, 1934]
  • Amending Section 5, of Chapter 26, Acts, Forty-second Legislature, First Called Session, providing for the control of refineries, requiring reports of same, authorizing the Railroad Commission agents to inspect refinery properties; requiring such refineries to equip their pipe lines with meters and report measurements of same, and declaring an emergency [Wed Feb 14, 1934]
  • Correcting the conflicting provisions of House Bill No. 154 and House Bill No. 844, passed by the Regular Session of the Forty-third Legislature, the former being a gross production tax bill of crude petroleum and the latter making it penal offenses to violate certain provisions thereof with reference to oil and gas; also to make the president of any corporation the chief managing executive of each association, and the active members of each firm and partnership and the trustees of each trust company criminally responsible for failure to comply with the provisions of House Bill No. 844, as it may be amended by you [Wed Feb 14, 1934]
  • Declaring the collared peccary or javelina a game animal; providing an open season for taking same and the number that may be taken or possessed; prohibiting the sale of any peccary or part of such animal; providing suitable penalty, and declaring an emergency [Wed Feb 14, 1934]
  • Providing for the compensation of county commissioners in certain counties having a population of not less than 17,570 and not more than 17,580, and not less than 16,550, and not more than 16,575, according to the Federal Census for the year 1930; and defining from what fund such salaries shall be paid, and declaring an emergency [Wed Feb 14, 1934]
  • Providing for the holding of a celebration or celebrations commemorating the Texas Centennial in 1936, and making appropriation therefor [Wed Feb 14, 1934]
  • Amend Article 1650 of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925, repealing all laws in conflict herewith and declaring an emergency. [County Auditor] [Thu Feb 15, 1934]
  • Amending Articles 5740, 5742, 5744, and 5757, of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925, relating to co-operative marketing associations, said articles being a portion of what is commonly known as the Co-operative Marketing Act of Texas, and declaring an emergency [Thu Feb 15, 1934]
  • Amending House Bill No. 322, known as Chapter 196, of the General Laws of the Forty-third Legislature, at its Regular Session, 1933, fixing the tuition to be collected for students registered in schools of collegiate rank supported in whole or in part by appropriations of public funds from the State Treasury; etc., and declaring an emergency [Thu Feb 15, 1934]
  • Amending Section 7 of Chapter 13, of the Third Called Session of the Forty-second Legislature, as amended; etc., and declaring an emergency [Thu Feb 15, 1934]
  • Authorizing the Board of Regents of the University of Texas to complete the construction, furnishing, and equipment of the administration and library building, and for the payment of the cost thereof to issue its negotiable notes or bonds, payable solely from revenues from grazing and other surface leases of University lands; etc., and declaring an emergency [Thu Feb 15, 1934]
  • Make it unlawful to take, hunt, trap, shoot, or kill any wild quail of any species, for a period of five (5) years in Midland County, Texas; fixing penalty, and declaring an emergency [Thu Feb 15, 1934]
  • Providing that the State Department of Agriculture shall co-operate with and aid in, the enforcement of any proclamation, trade, or code agreement made by the President of the United State or passed under any Act of Congress, relating to agriculture or agricultural products, and declaring an emergency [Thu Feb 15, 1934]
  • Relating to the conservation and development of lands in the State of Texas, pursuant to Section 59, of Article XVI of the State Constitution, etc.; providing for the creation of districts known as 'cedar eradication districts'; etc., and declaring an emergency [Thu Feb 15, 1934]
  • Validate all proceedings and acts of governing boards of cities containing a population of not more than 11,000 and less than 10,500, according to the next preceding Federal Census, in connection with the issuance of funding warrants and funding bonds heretofore authorized or attempted to be authorized, under the provisions of Chapter 163, Acts Forty-second Legislature, Regular Session; and declaring an emergency [Thu Feb 15, 1934]
  • Amend Article 6869, of the Revised Civil Statutes, as amended by the Acts of the Forty-first Legislature, dealing with the appointment, authority, duties, and qualifications of deputy sheriffs, limiting the number of such deputies in any county, and providing for the payment of their compensation, by adding a clause thereto excepting counties of over 355,000 population from the provisions of said Article 6869, as amended as aforesaid, in so far as the same relates to the number of deputies to be appointed by the sheriff in said counties, and declaring an emergency. [Fri Feb 16, 1934]
  • Amend Article 7065-a-13(a), of Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, being Section 13-a, of Chapter 44, page 75, of the General Laws of the Forty-third Legislature, so as to entitle all incorporated municipalities in Texas to a refund of motor fuel taxes paid on motor fuel used in the operation of motor vehicles owned and operated for public purposes only by said incorporated municipalities [Fri Feb 16, 1934]
  • Amend Article 920, of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the State of Texas for 1925; etc., and declaring an emergency [Discharge from jail] [Fri Feb 16, 1934]
  • Amend Chapter 105, Special Laws passed by the Thirty-third Legislature, at its Regular Session, 1913, the same being a special road law for Jackson County, Texas; etc., and declaring an emergency [Fri Feb 16, 1934]
  • Amending Article 2688, Title 49, Chapter 11, of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925, as amended; etc., and declaring an emergency [County School Superintendent] [Fri Feb 16, 1934]
  • Amending Article 3832, Title 57, 1925 Revised Civil Statutes of Texas; etc., and declaring an emergency [Property exempt from Forced Sale] [Fri Feb 16, 1934]
  • Amending Sections 1 and 77, of Chapter 27, of the General and Special Laws passed by the Forty-second Legislature at its Third Called Session, approved September 21, 1932 [Navigation Districts; Loans form Reconstruction Finance Corporation] [Fri Feb 16, 1934]
  • Amending Subdivision f, of Section 6, of Chapter 116, Acts of the Forty-third Legislature; and declaring and emergency. [Tax on Beer] [Fri Feb 16, 1934]
  • Amending Title 26, of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925, providing for the creation of trust funds for maintenance of cemetery lots, and the appointment of trustees and substitute trustees therefor; etc., and declaring an emergency [Fri Feb 16, 1934]
  • Designate certain short wave radio stations as bureaus of criminal intelligence, providing a license fee therefor, providing further the right to designate a central criminal intelligence bureau, and declaring an emergency [Fri Feb 16, 1934]
  • Licensing and regulating loan brokers, providing for a license fee, providing for the payment of said fee into the General Revenue Fund of the State Treasury; etc., and declaring an emergency [Fri Feb 16, 1934]
  • Making it a criminal offense for any person to move into the house of another, without the consent of the owner thereof or his duly authorized agent and fixing a penalty for the violation of this Act, and declaring an emergency [Fri Feb 16, 1934]
  • Permit any county, one or more of the boundaries of which is coincident with any part of the international boundary between the United States and Mexico. or any county contiguous to any county of such described class, by resolution of the county commissioners court of any such county, to agree: (1) to indemnify and save harmless the United States of America, its officers, agents, and employees, on account of damage or claims to damage by whomsoever asserted, arising out of or connected with entry upon, occupancy, construction upon, or exercise of rights in and to lands or rights in lands situated in any one or more of said class of counties by the United States, it officers, agents, and employees, in connection with construction, reconstruction, extension, alternation, improvement, maintenance, and operation of flood control works [Fri Feb 16, 1934]
  • Provide a more efficient system for the appointment of deputy district clerks serving in counties of more than 355,000 population, in which counties there are more than one district court, including criminal district courts, by providing that the clerk of the district court may appoint a deputy for each district court or criminal district court in his county when directed so to do by the judge of any such court; fixing the salaries of such deputies, and providing a method for their payment, and declaring an emergency [Fri Feb 16, 1934]
  • Regulate the conducting in public competition for prizes, awards, or admission fees, any personal, physical, or mental endurance contests, regulating the manner in which contestants may participate in such contest; etc., and declaring an emergency [Fri Feb 16, 1934]
  • Validating all bonds heretofore issued by the City of Aransas Pass for the purpose of constructing and maintaining sea walls, breakwaters, and shore protections out into Red Fish Bay; etc., and declaring an emergency [Fri Feb 16, 1934]
  • Amending Section 3, of Chapter 215, pages 719, General Laws of Texas, Forty-third Legislature of Texas, 1933, providing a basis for salaries for services in summer schools at certain State supported institutions of higher learning, and repealing certain provisions for the collection of certain matriculation and tuition fees from students of summer schools in certain Sate supported institutions of higher learning, and declaring an emergency [Sat Feb 17, 1934]
  • Releasing penalties and interest accrued or that may accrue on all franchise taxes that may be due or to become due under the provisions of Articles 7089 and 7091, Revised Civil Statutes of 1925, for the years 1928 to 1933, inclusive; etc., and declaring an emergency [Sat Feb 17, 1934]
  • Repealing all of Section 6-a, of House Bill No. 11, Chapter 214, Acts, Regular Session, Forty-third Legislature, page 637, and declaring an emergency [Payment of certain tax to state department heads under protest] [Sat Feb 17, 1934]
  • Aid the Counties of Dallam, Sherman, Hansford, Hartley, Moore, Hutchinson, Ochiltree, Roberts, Lipscomb, Hemphill, Potter, Oldham, Carson, Armstrong, Randall, and Deaf Smith, by releasing said counties from the payment of all ad valorem taxes levied for State purposes, and all interest and penalties which have accrued on such taxes which may have become delinquent, and all such ad valorem taxes as have heretofore been paid for the years 1933 to and including the year 1938... [Mon Feb 19, 1934]
  • Amending Article 3883, of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925, as amended by Chapter 220, Acts of the Regular Session of the Forty-third Legislature; and amending Article 3902, of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925, as amended by Chapter 220, Acts of the Regular Session of the Forty-third Legislature; providing for the fees of office that may be retained by certain precinct officers in certain counties; providing for salaries that may be paid certain assistants to certain officers in certain counties; and declaring an emergency [Mon Feb 19, 1934]
  • Amending Senate Bill No. 4, of Acts 1933, Forty-third Legislature of the State of Texas, First Called Session, by amending Sections 6,7, and 8 thereof [tax lien transfer by counties and other political subdivisions] [Mon Feb 19, 1934]
  • Amending the Code of Criminal Procedure [four specific bills at request of Senator Woodward] [Mon Feb 19, 1934]
  • Amending the Code of Criminal Procedure [six specific bills at request of Senator Collie] [Mon Feb 19, 1934]
  • Authorize certain cities in this State to issue bonds, notes, or warrants payable from revenues other than taxation for construction, maintenance, and operation of a toll bridge or toll bridges over and across any stream, inlet or arm of the Gulf of Mexico, or entrance channel to a port in any such city; the construction, maintenance and operation of a sewage disposal plant; construction of sanitary and/or storm sewer lines; construction of water mains or lines from sources of water supply; acquisition, reclamation, reconstruction and filling in of any submerged lands along the water front of said city and construction of sidewalks, streets, and gas lines within territory so acquired or reclaimed; construction of sea walls, breakwaters and other shore protections; construction, reconstruction, maintenance, operation and dredging out of any channel in connection with such port; providing certain improvements may be constructed within or without limits of any such city, etc., and declaring an emergency [Mon Feb 19, 1934]
  • Fix the salaries and compensation of county commissioners in counties with a population of not less than 48,500, and not more than 49,000 according to the last Federal Census, and declaring an emergency [Mon Feb 19, 1934]
  • Prohibit the operation of travel bureaus; to prohibit anyone from holding out to the public that such person is engaged in the business of a travel bureau; to prohibit anyone from soliciting other persons to travel by motor vehicle over the public roads of Texas, where such person is to pay money for said transportation or any portion of the expense thereof; defining a travel bureau, making violations of the Act a misdemeanor, fixing penalties; etc., and declaring an emergency [Mon Feb 19, 1934]
  • Validation of the organization of all defined districts organized as water improvement districts, the name of which has been changed to water power control district, and providing for the validation of elections held in water power control districts for authorization of issuance of bonds and/or incurring debts and/or obligations, and providing for and authorizing any water power control district to make and enter into contracts with the United States of America and/or any agencies acting under laws passed by the Congress of the United States for the purpose of acquiring property and the construction of works and improvements for such water power control districts; etc., and declaring an emergency [Mon Feb 19, 1934]
  • Agriculture and agricultural products; providing for investigations of the business and affairs of wholesale purchasers thereof, whether under contracts or otherwise; and for licensing and bonding and regulating dealers in such products; etc. [Tue Feb 20, 1934]
  • Amend Article 1283, Title 30, Revised Civil Statutes of 1925, prescribing the conditions and amounts of bonds to be given by live stock commission merchants, and providing for notice of cancellation of such bonds, and declaring an emergency [Tue Feb 20, 1934]
  • Amend Section 1, Chapter 90, House Bill No. 610, Special Laws of the Forty-second Legislature, Acts of the Regular Session, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 33, House Bill No. 236, Special Laws of the Regular Session of the Forty-third Legislature, and declaring an emergency [fishing laws] [Tue Feb 20, 1934]
  • Authorizing W.B. Cross, of Travis County, Texas, as innocent purchaser of deficiency certificates Nos. 1205, 1320, and 1395, issued by the Comptroller of the State of Texas, to sue the State of Texas on said deficiency certificates; etc., and declaring an emergency [Tue Feb 20, 1934]
  • Changing the open season on dove and quail to open November 15 to January 16, inclusive, in Brazos County, Texas; repealing all laws in conflict herewith, and declaring an emergency [Tue Feb 20, 1934]
  • Creating the office of securities consulting officer of the Board of Education for the purpose of assisting the Board of Education in the carrying out of its duties in investment of the Permanent School Fund; prescribing the duties of the securities consulting officer and his assistants; amending Articles 2669 and 2673, Revised Civil Statutes, 1925; making appropriation for the carrying out of the provisions of this Act, and declaring an emergency [Tue Feb 20, 1934]
  • Declaring it to be the policy of the State of Texas to provide for the standardization of certain vegetables as a protection to grower, shipper, carrier, and consumer; placing the jurisdiction of grades and classifications thereof under the direction of the Commissioner of Agriculture of the State of Texas; etc., [Tue Feb 20, 1934]
  • Fixing a limitation period of two years for the bringing of suits of any kind on account of the closing and abandonment of public streets or alleys or public roads or thoroughfares, or any parts thereof, other than State highways, by ordinance of the governing body of a city or town or by order of the commissioners court of a county;, etc., and declaring an emergency [Tue Feb 20, 1934]
  • Validating the consolidation proceedings consolidating Buffalo Independent School District, of Leon County, and Concord Common School District No., 41, and Martin Common School District No. 8, of Freestone County; etc., and declaring an emergency [Tue Feb 20, 1934]
  • Amending Article 515, of the Revised Civil Statutes of the State of Texas, 1925, as amended, limiting the indebtedness of State banking corporations, so as to permit same to borrow in excess of this amount form the United States of America and from any corporation wholly owned by the United States of America, validating all such obligations heretofore incurred, and declaring an emergency [Wed Feb 21, 1934]
  • Amending Chapter 9, Acts of the First Called Session of the Forty-second Legislature, by adding thereto a new section, 3-a, authorizing the governing bodies of cities, towns, and villages to reduce the required collateral of city depository banks in a sum equal to the amount of such deposits as may be guaranteed or insured by any Act of the Congress of the United States, or by the Legislature of Texas; and declaring an emergency [Wed Feb 21, 1934]
  • Authorize each county, and the commissioners court thereof, of the State of Texas, which has a population of more than 250,000, as shown by the last official Federal Census, to acquire, by purchase, lands for use as county public parks, and authorizing the commissioners court of each such county to issue and deliver bonds and/or time warrants in payment for such lands of not exceeding an aggregate principal amount of $25,000 without submitting the same to the voters or to any election; etc., and declaring an emergency [Wed Feb 21, 1934]
  • Further defining the offense of bribery; making any person employed in any Department of State Government guilty of bribery, who contributes to the head of the department in which he is employed, any money or property to further the campaign of such department head for nomination or election to any State office; etc., and declaring an emergency [Wed Feb 21, 1934]
  • Issuing additional relief bonds for the relief of the unemployed and indigent persons of our State [Wed Feb 21, 1934]
  • Amend Articles 1847 and 1848, Chapter 3, Title 39, of the Revised Statutes of 1925, as amended by Chapter 64, pages 98, of the Acts of the Regular Session of the Forty-second Legislature; etc., and declaring an emergency [Filing of records, submission and notification of trials] [Thu Feb 22, 1934]
  • Defining 'warehousemen' and 'warehouse,' names and words associated therewith; and providing for licensing and bonding of same, and the manner of securing license and bond, and exempting certain warehouses; etc., and declaring an emergency [Thu Feb 22, 1934]
  • Providing that cities with a population of more than nine thousand (9,000) and less than nine thousand one hundred (9,100) inhabitants, according to the last preceding Federal Census may mortgage and encumber their abbatoir and the income thereof, or either of them, for the purpose of acquiring or improving the same; etc., providing a saving clause, and declaring an emergency [Thu Feb 22, 1934]
  • Safeguard the public in the purchase of high-grade plant and nursery stock, true to name; further defining the duties of the State Seed and Plant Board; establishing a system of registration and certification for agricultural plants and nursery stock; etc., and declaring an emergency [Thu Feb 22, 1934]
  • Validate the organization and creation of all county line consolidated independent school districts, county line rural high school districts, and/or consolidated common school districts, whether created by the vote of the people or by the county boards of trustees, or commissioners courts, or by judgments of district courts, where such county line consolidated independent school districts, county line rural high school districts and consolidated common school districts are formed by the consolidation of districts or parts of districts lying in three adjoining counties; etc., and declaring an emergency [Thu Feb 22, 1934]
  • Amend Article 1134, of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas of 1925, by providing that no new election shall be had within two years of the date of an election whereby a town or village is incorporated under the General Laws of the State of Texas, and declaring an emergency [Fri Feb 23, 1934]
  • Amending Article 2676, of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925, as amended by Chapter 34, Acts, Third Called Session, Forty-second Legislature, and declaring an emergency [Election of county school trustee at large in certain counties] [Fri Feb 23, 1934]
  • Amending Chapter 220, Acts of the Forty-third Legislature, Regular Session, 1933, page 734; etc., and declaring an emergency [Annual fees to be retained by precinct, county and district officers] [Fri Feb 23, 1934]
  • Fixing the compensation of the county commissioners in every county having a population of not less than fifty-three thousand five hundred (53,500) nor more than fifty-four thousand (54,000) inhabitants, according to the last preceding United States Census, and prescribing how same shall be paid; etc., and declaring an emergency [Fri Feb 23, 1934]

Bill statistics for the 43rd Legislature, 2nd Called Session

Filed 174 38 2 39 78 40 0 33 252 404
Passed 53 30 0 33 21 21 0 32 74 190
Vetoed 5 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 5 7

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