Office of House Bill AnalysisC.S.H.B. 1237
By: Naishtat
Human Services
Committee Report (Substituted)


Current law provides protection against retaliation for employees and
residents who initiate or cooperate with any investigation of nursing home
operators and other employees of these facilities. However, the statute
does not specifically extend this protection to contract employees, and
volunteers.  C.S.H.B. 1237 provides protection against retaliation for
volunteers who file a grievance or complaint, cooperate in an
investigation, or report a violation of law involving the care, services,
or conditions of a nursing home facility.  


It is the opinion of the Office of House Bill Analysis that this bill does
not expressly delegate any additional rulemaking authority to a state
officer, department, agency, or institution. 


SECTION 1. Amends Section 242.133, Health and Safety Code, as follows:

Defines "employee." 

(b) Expands the existing provisions regarding an employee's cause of action
against an institution, or the owner or another employee of the
institution, to include reporting to the employee's supervisor, an
administrator of the institution, a state regulatory agency, or a law
enforcement agency a violation of law, including a violation of this
chapter or a rule adopted under this chapter. Deletes language regarding a
report or complaint for reporting the abuse or neglect or other complaint
to the person's supervisors. Makes nonsubstantive changes. 

(c) Redesignated from existing Subsection (b). Makes no change.

(d) Redesignated from existing Subsection (c).  Provides that a person
whose employment is suspended or terminated is entitled to appropriate
injunctive relief. 

(e) Redesignated from existing Subsection (d). Updates references to the
Texas Workforce Commission (commission), previously known as the Texas
Employment Commission. 

(f)-(g)  Redesignated from existing Subsections (e)-(f). Makes no change.

(h)  Redesignated from existing Subsection (g).  Makes a conforming change.

SECTION 2.  Amends Section 242.1335, Health and Safety Code, as follows:

(a)  Provides that an institution may not retaliate or discriminate against
a volunteer or a resident because the volunteer, the resident, the
resident's guardian, or any other person  makes a complaint or files a
grievance concerning the facility, reports a violation of law, including a
violation of this chapter or a rule adopted under this chapter, or
initiates or cooperates in an investigation or proceeding of a governmental
entity relating to care, services, or conditions at the institution.  Makes
conforming and nonsubstantive changes.  

(b) Includes the greater of $1,000 or actual damages including damages for
mental anguish if an injury other than mental anguish is not shown among
the list of items for which a volunteer or a resident is entitled to sue
under the existing provisions of this subsection. 

(c)  Makes conforming changes.

SECTION 3.  Amends Section 242.042, Health and Safety Code, by amending
Subsection (a) and by adding Subsection (d), as follows: 

(a) Includes among the list of items that each institution is required to
prominently and conspicuously post for display in a public area of the
institution that is readily available to residents, employees, and
visitors, a notice that employees, other staff, and residents are protected
from discrimination or retaliation as provided by Sections 242.133 and
242.1335. Makes nonsubstantive  changes. 

(d) Provides that the notice required above must be posted in English and a
second language as required by the Texas Department of Human Services
(department) rule.   

SECTION 4.  Makes application of this Act prospective.

SECTION 5.  Effective date: September 1, 1999.

SECTION 6.  Emergency clause.


C.S.H.B. 1237 modifies the original by changing the caption to specify that
this Act concerns suits for retaliation against volunteers, rather than
nonemployees, and employees of nursing homes. 

C.S.H.B. 1237 modifies the original in SECTION 1 (Section 242.133, Health
and Safety Code) by adding completely new text for Subsection (a), to
define "employee."  This substitute modifies the original in proposed
Subsection (c), redesignated from existing Subsection (b), by providing
that a person whose employment is suspended or terminated is entitled to
appropriate injunctive relief, rather than reinstatement in the person's
former position and reinstatement of lost fringe benefits or seniority
rights.  In proposed new  Subsection(e), redesignated from existing
Subsection (d), this substitute deletes the proposed 90 increase in the
amount of time a petitioner has after suspension or termination in which to
bring a suit or notify the Texas Workforce Commission of intent to sue.
This substitute modifies the original to make conforming changes relating
to a volunteer, rather than to a nonemployee. 

C.S.H.B. 1237 modifies the original in SECTION 2 (Section 242.1335, Health
and Safety Code) by changing the section title to read "RETALIATION AGAINST
This substitute modifies the original by including including as actual
damages,  damages for mental anguish if an injury other than mental anguish
is not shown, among the list of items for which a volunteer or a resident
is entitled to sue  under the existing provisions of this subsection. This
substitutes deletes the proposed entitlement of damages for lost wages if
the nonemployee's employment was suspended or terminated.  This substitute
modifies the original to make conforming changes relating to a volunteer,
rather than to a nonemployee.