HBA-PDH H.B. 2055 76(R) BILL ANALYSIS Office of House Bill AnalysisH.B. 2055 By: Giddings Criminal Jurisprudence 3/21/1999 Introduced BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Currently, Texas law allows security officers, peace officers, and private investigators to execute warrants. H.B. 2055 sets forth standards of conduct for a private investigator executing an arrest warrant on behalf of a bail bond surety and the steps a surety must take in obtaining a private investigator to execute an arrest warrant. This bill also provides criminal penalties for violating the provisions of this bill. RULEMAKING AUTHORITY It is the opinion of the Office of House Bill Analysis that this bill does not expressly delegate any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency, or institution. SECTION BY SECTION ANALYSIS SECTION 1. Amends Subchapter C, Article 4413(29bb), V.T.C.S. (Private Investigators and Private Security Agencies Act), by adding Section 43A, as follows: Sec. 43A. EXECUTION OF ARREST WARRANT ON BEHALF OF SURETY ON BAIL BOND; OFFENSE. (a) Prohibits a private investigator executing an arrest warrant on behalf of a bail bond surety from entering a residence without the consent of the occupants. Prohibits a private investigator from executing the warrant without written authorization from the surety, or wearing, carrying, or displaying any uniform, badge, shield, or other insignia or emblem that implies that the private investigator is an employee, officer, or agent of the federal government, the state, or a political subdivision of the state. (b) Authorizes a private investigator to display identification that indicates that the person is acting on behalf of a surety on a bail bond. (c) Provides that a person commits a state jail felony if the person violates this section. SECTION 2. Amends Chapter 550, Acts of the 63rd Legislature, Regular Session, 1973(Article 2372p-3, V.T.C.S.), by adding Section 12A to read as follows: Sec. 12A. USE OF PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR TO EXECUTE ARREST WARRANT; OFFENSE. (a) Prohibits a bail bond surety from authorizing or allowing a person to execute an arrest warrant on behalf of the surety if the person is not a private investigator. (b) Prohibits a person who is not licensed in this state but who holds a license as a surety issued by another state from retaining a private investigator to execute an arrest warrant in this state unless the person contracts with a surety licensed in this state. (c) Requires a surety to give written notice to the county bail bond board (board) not later than 24 hours after the time that the surety retains a private investigator to execute an arrest warrant. Specifies the required contents of the written notice. (d) Requires a surety to provide the board with an annual report. Specifies the required contents of the report. (e) Provides that a person commits a state jail felony if the person violates this section. SECTION 3.Effective date: September 1, 1999. Proposes to except Subsection (b) from the requirements of this section. (Subsection (b) does not currently exist.) SECTION 4.Emergency clause.