Office of House Bill AnalysisH.B. 2335
By: Maxey
Public Health


Under current law, a person providing ophthalmic services or products in
Texas can be a physician, an optometrist, a person supervised by a
physician or optometrist, a person registered under the Opticians' Registry
Act, or any other person.  The Contact Lens Prescription Act, passed during
the 75th Regular Session, requires a person dispensing contact lenses to
obtain a contact lens dispensing permit, but there are no licensing
requirements for a person other than a physician, an optometrist, a person
supervised by a physician or optometrist, or a person registered under the
Opticians' Registry Act to provide ophthalmic services or products. 

H.B. 2335 amends the Opticians' Registry Act to require a person other than
a physician, an optometrist, a person supervised by a physician or
optometrist, or a person registered under the Optician's Registry Act
providing ophthalmic services or products to be registered as either a
spectacle dispenser or a contact lens dispenser.  Additionally, this bill
eliminates the Contact Lens Dispensing Permit Program and mandates the
release of spectacle and contact lens prescriptions to patients. 


It is the opinion of the Office of House Bill Analysis that rulemaking
authority is expressly delegated to the Texas Board of Health in SECTION 1
(Sections 7, 8, 12, and 13, Article 4551-1, V.T.C.S. (Opticians' Registry
Act)) and that rulemaking authority previously delegated to the Texas Board
of Health is modified in SECTION 1 (Sections 8 and 18, Article 4551-1,
V.T.C.S. (Opticians' Registry Act)) of this bill. 


SECTION 1.  Amends Article 4551-1, V.T.C.S. (Opticians' Registry Act), as

Sec. 1.  SHORT TITLE.  Makes no change.

Sec. 2.  PURPOSE; CONSTRUCTION.  (a)  Establishes that the purpose of this
Act is to safeguard public health, safety, and welfare by providing for the
registration of certain providers of ophthalmic goods and services.
Deletes language relating to providing a means for the public to identify
providers of ophthalmic dispensing services and products that meet minimum
standards of competence and a certification system for dispensing

(b)  Establishes that the purpose of this Act is to assure that the
consumer can purchase such items from the provider of the consumer's choice
by providing for the release of prescriptions for spectacles and contact
lenses by the examining physician or optometrist. 

(c)  Makes changes conforming to Section 4 of this Act and nonsubstantive

Sec. 3.  DEFINITIONS.  Adds to the definitions under this section by
defining "committee," "contact lens duplication," "contact lens fitting,"
"directed or approved," "dispensing of opticianry," "disposable contact
lenses," "optometrist," "person," "pharmacist," "physician," "registered
contact lens dispenser," "registered contact lens duplication
establishment," "registered contact lens technician," "registered
dispensing optician," "registered ophthalmic  assistant," "registered
ophthalmic dispenser," "registered optician," "registered optometric
assistant," "registered spectacle dispenser," "supervision," and
"therapeutic optometrist." Redefines "contact lens dispensing," "contact
lens prescription," "spectacle dispensing," and "spectacle prescription."
Deletes definitions of "dispensing optician" and "ophthalmic dispenser."
Redesignates existing Subdivisions (2), (3), (4) and (7) to (3), (6), (8),
and (25), respectively.  Makes conforming changes. 

Sec. 4.  PROHIBITED ACTS.  (a)  Prohibits a person from representing to the
public that the person is a "Registered Optician," "Registered Ophthalmic
Dispenser," "Registered Contact Lens Technician," "Registered Contact Lens
Dispenser," "Registered Ophthalmic Assistant," "Registered Ophthalmic
Technician," "Registered Ophthalmic Medical Technologist," or a "Registered
Optometric Assistant", among other professional titles, unless the person
is appropriately registered with the Texas Board of Health (board) and
complies with this Act. 

(b)  Makes conforming and nonsubstantive changes.

(c)  Makes conforming and nonsubstantive changes.

(d)  Makes conforming and nonsubstantive changes.

(e)  Prohibits unregistered persons from engaging in the dispensing of
opticianry, spectacle dispensing, contact lens fitting, or contact lens
dispensing, unless acting under the supervision of specified registered
persons, except as authorized under Section 20 (Application of Act) or 21
(Physician's Prescriptions; Delegation) of this Act or Section 5.17
(Exceptions), Article 4552-5.17, V.T.C.S. (Texas Optometry Act). 

(f)  Prohibits a corporation or business entity from engaging in providing
duplicate contact lenses directly to the public without being a registered
contact lens duplication establishment unless the work is performed by or
under the supervision of specified registered persons. 

(g)  Prohibits a contact lens prescription from containing and a physician,
optometrist, or therapeutic optometrist from requiring a patient to sign a
form or notice that waives or disclaims the liability of the physician,
optometrist, or therapeutic optometrist for the accuracy of the eye
examination or of the contact lens prescription provided. 

(h)  Provides that a physician, optometrist, or therapeutic optometrist is
not liable for later use of a contact lens prescription by a patient if the
physician, optometrist, or therapeutic optometrist does not reexamine the
patient and the patient is no longer a proper candidate for the contact
lens or lenses prescribed. 

each  physician, optometrist, or therapeutic optometrist who performs an
eye examination and fits a patient for contact lenses to, on request,
prepare and give a contact lens prescription to the patient for no
additional charge.  Authorizes a physician, optometrist, or therapeutic
optometrist to exclude categories of contact lenses for clinical reasons. 

(b)  Requires a physician, optometrist, or therapeutic optometrist to
prepare and give the contact lens prescription to the patient when the
parameters of the prescription are determined if a patient requests a
contact lens prescription during an initial or annual examination. 

(c)  Authorizes the patient to request the patient's contact lens
prescription at any time during which the prescription is valid and
requires the physician, optometrist, or therapeutic optometrist to provide
the patient with the prescription.  Authorizes the physician, optometrist,
or therapeutic optometrist to charge the cost of delivery to the patient if
the patient requests that the prescription be delivered. 

 (d)  Authorizes a physician, optometrist, or therapeutic optometrist to
refuse to give a contact lens prescription to a patient if it would damage
or potentially harm the patient's ocular health; the patient has not met
certain financial obligations to the physician, optometrist, or therapeutic
optometrist; or if the request is made more than a year after the patient's
last eye examination. 

(e)  Provides that Subsection (d) of this section does not prohibit a
physician, optometrist, or therapeutic optometrist from giving a patient
the patient's contact lens prescription. 

(f)  Prohibits a physician, optometrist, or therapeutic optometrist from
requiring a patient to purchase contact lenses or other ophthalmic goods
from any specific ophthalmic dispenser as a condition for an examination, a
contact lens fitting, or a contact lens prescription. 

(g)  Prohibits a physician, optometrist, or therapeutic optometrist from
issuing a contact lens prescription that expires less than a year after
determination of the patient's prescription parameters unless a shorter
prescription period is warranted by the patient's ocular health or by
potential harm to the patient's ocular health.  Authorizes a physician,
optometrist, or therapeutic optometrist to extend the expiration date
without completing another eye examination. 

(h)  Provides that a physician, optometrist, or therapeutic optometrist
must give the patient a verbal explanation and maintain a written
explanation of the reason in the patient's record if a physician,
optometrist, or therapeutic optometrist refuses to give the patient the
patient's contact lens prescription for a reason permitted under Subsection
(d) of this section or writes a prescription for a period of less than one

physician, optometrist, or therapeutic optometrist from failing to provide
to a patient a copy of the patient's prescription immediately after
completing an eye examination; requiring the patient to agree to purchase
any ophthalmic goods from the physician, optometrist, or therapeutic
optometrist as a condition for receiving an eye examination; charging a
patient a fee in addition to the examination fee as a condition for
releasing a prescription to the patient; or placing on a prescription,
requiring a patient to sign, or delivering to a patient a form or notice
that waives or disclaims the liability of the physician, optometrist, or
therapeutic optometrist for the accuracy of the eye examination or
ophthalmic goods and services dispensed by another seller. 

(b)  Authorizes a physician, optometrist, or therapeutic optometrist to
refuse to give a patient a copy of the patient's prescription until the
patient has paid for an eye examination only if immediate payment would
have been required had no ophthalmic goods been required. 

(c)  Authorizes a physician, optometrist, or therapeutic optometrist to
charge an additional fee for verifying ophthalmic goods dispensed by
another seller at the time the verification is performed. 

(d)  Provides that a physician, optometrist, or therapeutic optometrist is
not liable for ophthalmic goods or services dispensed by another seller. 

Prohibits a person or entity from filling a contact lens prescription or
selling, delivering, or dispensing contact lenses in this state except as
provided by this Act. 

(b)  Prohibits a person, other than the prescribing physician, optometrist,
or therapeutic optometrist, from selling, delivering, or dispensing contact
lenses to a patient or other consumer in this state except as provided by
this Act. 

(c)  Authorizes certain registered persons to sell, deliver, or dispense
corrective, cosmetic,  or therapeutic contact lenses. 

(d)  Prohibits the modification of a contact lens prescription except as
provided by this Act. 

(e)  Provides that an instruction by a physician to fit contact lenses or
other language indicating contact lenses have been prescribed is considered
direction or approval for the fitting of contact lenses by a registered
contact lens technician.  Requires a registered contact lens technician to
prepare and give to the patient a copy of the contact lens specification
upon request.  Authorizes a registered contact lens technician to refuse to
give the patient a copy of the specification until the patient has paid for
the contact lens fitting services. 

(f)  Requires a person who dispenses contact lenses from a contact lens
prescription to fill the prescription accurately without modification and
prohibits the person from filling an expired prescription. 

(g)  Sets forth the recordkeeping requirements for filling a written
contact lens prescription with fewer than the total number of lenses

(h)  Authorizes a physician, optometrist, or therapeutic optometrist to
telephone or fax a contact lens prescription to a person authorized to fill
contact lenses if a patient needs an emergency refill of a contact lens
prescription.  Sets forth the recordkeeping requirements for an emergency
prescription refill. 

(i)  Requires a physician, optometrist, or therapeutic optometrist to
authorize a two-month extension of a patient's contact lens prescription at
least once on request by the patient. Authorizes the extension to be made
in accordance with the provisions for emergency refills in Subsection (h)
of this section. 

(j)  Authorizes the board to adopt rules that permit a contact lens
prescription required to be maintained under this Act to be scanned into a
computer and the original paper prescription destroyed. 

Sec. 8.  New title:  DUTIES OF BOARD; ADVISORY COMMITTEE.  Redesignated
from existing Section 5.  (a)  Requires the board to adopt substantive and
procedural rules relating to the circumstances requiring immediate referral
of a patient to a physician, optometrist, or therapeutic optometrist, and
the preparation of informational  materials regarding routine examinations
for the early diagnosis of ocular disease.  Makes conforming changes. 

(b)  Requires the board to prepare and provide to the public and
appropriate state agencies information regarding the release of contact
lens prescriptions.  Authorizes the board to adopt rules as necessary to
implement this subsection. 

(c)  Makes no change.

(d)  Requires the board to appoint a nine-member advisory committee to be
known as the Opticians' Registry Advisory Committee (committee).  Requires
the members to be appointed from the different geographical areas of the

(e)  Sets forth the composition of the committee.

(f)  Requires the committee to annually elect a presiding officer and
assistant presiding officer. 

(g)  Provides that a committee member is not entitled to compensation, but
is entitled to a per diem and a transportation allowance. 

(h)  Provides that members serve staggered terms of six years until the
expiration date of  the term to which the member was appointed or until the
member's successor has qualified.  Prohibits a member from serving more
than two consecutive terms. 

Sec. 9.  POWERS AND DUTIES OF DEPARTMENT.  Redesignated from existing
Section 6. 

Sec. 10.  EXAMINATIONS.  Redesignated from existing Section 7.  Makes
conforming changes.   

from existing Section 8.  Makes conforming changes. 

OR REGISTERED CONTACT LENS DISPENSER.  (a)  Provides that a person must be
registered under this Act as a registered spectacle dispenser before
dispensing spectacles in this state, unless the person is physician,
optometrist, therapeutic optometrist, or a registered dispensing optician. 

(b)  Provides that a person must be registered under this Act as a
registered contact lens dispenser before dispensing contact lenses in this
state, unless the person is physician, optometrist, therapeutic
optometrist, pharmacist, or a registered contact lens technician. 

(c)  Requires TDH to issue a certificate of registration under this section
to an applicant who agrees to federal laws and regulations regarding the
sale, delivery, or dispensing of spectacles or contact lenses, has not had
a registration revoked for cause in the previous two years, provides TDH
with the trade names and addresses of all locations in which the applicant
intends to conduct business and any other information TDH requires, and
pays a registration fee. 

(d)  Prohibits TDH from requiring an applicant for renewal of a certificate
of registration to provide more information than is required for issuance
of an original certificate. 

(e)  Prohibits the board from requiring more than 10 classroom hours of
training as a prerequisite to registration. 

(f)  Authorizes a person to qualify and be registered in more than one

(g)  Requires a person issued a certificate of registration by TDH to
display it as specified by board rule. 

(h)  Provides that a certificate of registration is the property of TDH and
must be surrendered on demand. 

certificate of registration as a registered ophthalmic assistant,
registered ophthalmic technician, registered ophthalmic medical
technologist, or registered optometric assistant to each applicant who
presents evidence satisfactory to TDH that the person has qualified for
registration.  Prohibits the board from requiring more than 30 classroom
hours of training as a prerequisite to registration.  Authorizes a person
to qualify and be registered in more than one category.  Requires a person
issued a certificate of registration by TDH to display it as specified by
board rule.  Provides that a certificate of registration is the property of
TDH and must be surrendered on demand. 

DUPLICATION ESTABLISHMENT.  (a)  Provides that a corporation or other
business entity must be registered under this Act as a registered contact
lens duplication establishment  at each location at which the service is
provided before providing contact lens duplication directly to the public. 

(b)  Requires TDH to issue a certificate of registration under this section
to an applicant who agrees to federal laws and regulations regarding the
sale, delivery, or dispensing of contact lenses, has not had a registration
revoked for cause in the previous two years, provides TDH with the trade
names and addresses of all locations in which the applicant intends to
conduct business and any other information TDH requires, and pays a
registration fee. 

(c)  Prohibits TDH from requiring an applicant for renewal of a certificate
of registration to provide more information than is required for issuance
of an original certificate. 

Sec. 15.  RENEWAL OF REGISTRATION.  Prohibits the board from requiring
classroom hours of continuing education to renew a certificate of
registration as a contact lens duplication establishment.  Redesignated
from existing Section 9. 

Sec. 16.  ENFORCEMENT; PENALTY.  Provides that TDH is responsible for
enforcing this Act with regard to a violation of this Act by a person
registered under this Act.  Provides that the Texas State Board of Medical
Examiners is responsible for enforcing this Act with regard to a violation
of this Act by a physician and that such a violation is considered a
violation of Article 4495b, V.T.C.S. (Medical Practice Act).  Provides that
the Texas Optometry Board is responsible for enforcing this Act with regard
to a violation of this Act by an optometrist or a therapeutic optometrist
and that such a violation is considered a violation of Article 4452-1.01 et
seq., V.T.C.S. (Texas Optometry Act).  Provides that the Texas State Board
of Pharmacy is responsible for enforcing this Act with regard to a
violation of this Act by a pharmacist and that such a violation is
considered a violation of Article 4542a-1, V.T.C.S. (Texas Pharmacy Act).
Redesignated from existing Section 10.  Makes conforming changes.  

Sec. 17.  ADMINISTRATIVE PENALTY.  Provides that each prescription filled
in violation of this Act is considered a separate violation.  Redesignated
from existing Section 10A. 

Sec. 18.  FEES; FUND.  Deletes the maximum amounts for fees the board, by
rule, is required to prescribe to administer this Act.  Redesignated from
existing Section 11. 

hearing on an application that is denied, suspended, or revoked is governed
by department rules for a contested hearing and Chapter 2001
(Administrative Procedure Act), Government Code, rather than Article 6252
13a, V.T.C.S. (Administrative Procedure and Texas Register Act).
Redesignated from existing Section 12. 

Sec. 20.  APPLICATION OF ACT.  Provides that an employee of a physician,
optometrist, therapeutic optometrist, or pharmacist is not required to be
registered under this Act if the employee performs contact lens dispensing
services under the direct supervision and control of the physician,
optometrist, therapeutic optometrist, or pharmacist.  Provides that this
Act does not prevent an unregistered person from selling ready-to-wear
spectacles or eyeglasses as merchandise at retail or prevent an
unregistered person from making simple repairs to spectacles.  Redesignated
from existing Section 13.  Makes conforming changes. 

instruction by a physician to fit for contacts or other language indicating
contact lenses is considered direction or approval for the fitting of
contact lenses by a registered contact lens technician. Redesignated from
existing Section 14.  Makes conforming and nonsubstantive changes. 

SECTION 2.  Amends Section 5.17(d), Article 4552-5.17, V.T.C.S. (Texas
Optometry Act), to make conforming changes. 

SECTION 3.  Amends Section 5.21(e), Article 4552-5.21, V.T.C.S. (Texas
Optometry Act), to  provide that this section does not affect the right of
a patient under Article 4551-1, V.T.C.S. (Optician's Registry Act) , rather
than the Texas Contact Lens Prescription Act, to have access to the
patient's contact lens prescription. 

SECTION 4.  Repealer:  Article 4552-A, V.T.C.S. (Texas Contact Lens
Prescription Act). 

SECTION 5.  (a)  Effective date: September 1, 1999.

(b)  Requires TDH to issue a person registered as a spectacle dispenser
immediately before the effective date of this Act under Article 4551-1,
V.T.C.S. (Opticians' Registry Act), a certificate of registration as a
registered dispensing optician with the same registration number and
expiration date as the person's previous certificate of registration. 

(c)  Entitles a person who has been actively engaged in the dispensing of
opticianry as defined by Article 4551-1, V.T.C.S. (Opticians' Registry
Act), as amended by this Act, since September 1, 1997, to a certificate of
registration as a registered dispensing optician without examination if the
person applies to TDH before August 31, 2000, and pays the registration

(d)  Entitles a person who immediately before the effective date of this
Act was actively engaged in spectacle dispensing as defined by Article
4551-1, V.T.C.S. (Opticians' Registry Act), as amended by this Act, to a
certificate of registration as a registered spectacle dispenser if the
person applies to TDH before August 31, 2000, and pays the registration

(e)  Requires TDH to issue to a person registered as a registered contact
lens dispenser immediately before the effective date of this Act under
Article 4551-1, V.T.C.S. (Opticians' Registry Act), a certificate of
registration as a registered contact lens technician with the same
registration number and expiration date as the person's previous
certificate of registration. 

(f)  Entitles a person who has been actively engaged in the contact lens
fitting as defined by Article 4551-1, V.T.C.S. (Opticians' Registry Act),
as amended by this Act, since September 1, 1995, to a certificate of
registration as a registered contact lens technician without examination if
the person applies to TDH before August 31, 2000, and pays the registration

(g)  Requires TDH to issue to a person holding a contact lens dispensing
permit under Article 4552-A, V.T.C.S. (Texas Contact Lens Prescription
Act), immediately before the effective date of this Act a certificate of
registration as a registered contact lens dispenser with the same
expiration date as the permit. 

(h)  Entitles a person who immediately before the effective date of this
Act was actively engaged in contact lens dispensing as defined by Article
4551-1, V.T.C.S. (Opticians' Registry Act), to a certificate of
registration as a registered contact lens dispenser if the person applies
to TDH before August 31, 2000, and pays the registration fee. 

(i)  Requires TDH to appoint the initial members of the Opticians' Registry
Advisory Committee as soon possible on or after the effective date of this
Act.  Requires the terms of the initial members of the committee to be
determined by lot, with the terms of three members expiring February 28,
2001, the terms of three members expiring February 28, 2003, and the terms
of three members expiring February 28, 2005. 

SECTION 6.  Emergency clause.