Office of House Bill AnalysisH.B. 2390
By: Maxey
Environmental Regulation


When the Texas Clean Air Act passed in 1971, all industrial facilities in
existence or under construction at the time were exempted from the new
pollution control requirements.  Currently, more than 40 percent of the
state's approximately 2,500 active industrial plants are at least partially
grandfathered in this manner.  According to the Texas Natural Resource
Conservation Commission, grandfathered facilities are responsible for more
than a third of all industrial air pollution. Seven counties are now in
violation or near violation of federal air quality laws.  Continuing to
exempt these facilities from pollution control requirements increases the
likelihood of more counties violating federal air quality laws and the
imposition of more costly pollution controls on idividuals and other
businesses, may increase the risk of losing federal highway funds, and may
give grandfathered facilities an unfair competitive advantage should
restructuring of the electric power industry take place. 

H.B. 2390 requires grandfathered facilities to come into compliance with
current permitting procedures by June 1, 2001,  eliminates the cap on
emissions fees, and allows the increased revenue to be used for air quality


It is the opinion of the Office of House Bill Analysis that rulemaking
authority is expressly delegated to the Texas Natural Resource Conservation
Commission in SECTION 1 (Section 382.0519, Health and Safety Code) of this


SECTION 1.  Amends Subchapter C, Chapter 382, Health and Safety Code, by
adding Section 382.0519, as follows: 

Prohibits a person from operating a facility that was exempted from permit
requirements under Section 382.0518(g), as that section existed on May 31,
2001, on or after June 1, 2001, without an emissions permit for the
facility issued under this section or another appropriate permit issued
under this subchapter. 

(b)  Requires the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC),
by rule, to provide a process for applications for and contested hearings
regarding an emissions permit under this section.  Provides that the rules
must provide for at least one hearing, to be held in the locality of the
facility for which the permit application is made, for public comments on
each application if requested by an affected party.  Requires TNRCC to
grant a permit to a facility exempted from permit requirements under
Section 382.0518(g), as that section existed on May 31, 2001, if after a
hearing TNRCC finds that the facility will use at least the best available
control technology, considering the technical practicability and economic
reasonableness of reducing or eliminating the emissions resulting from the
facility, and no indication that the emissions from the facility will
contravene the intent of this chapter, including protection of the public's
health and physical property. 

 (c)  Requires TNRCC, in considering the issuance, amendment, or renewal of
an emissions permit, to consider the results of a review of the facility's
emissions on the public health, as provided by TNRCC rules.  Authorizes
TNRCC to consider an adjudicated decision or compliance proceeding during
the five years prior to the application being filed that addressed the
applicant's past performance and compliance with the statutes, rules, and
regulations of this state, another state, or the United States governing
air contaminants or any permit or order issued by TNRCC. 

(d)  Prohibits TNRCC from granting a permit if it finds that the emissions
from the proposed facility will contravene the standards under Subsection
(b) or will contravene the intent of this chapter and requires TNRCC to set
out its specific objections to the submitted plans of the proposed facility
in a report to the applicant. 

(e)  Requires TNRCC to grant the permit if the applicant makes alterations
in the plans and specifications to meet TNRCC's specific objections.
Prohibits TNRCC from granting the permit if the person fails or refuses to
alter the plans and specifications.  Authorizes TNRCC to refuse to accept a
person's new application until its objections to the previous plan are

(f)  Requires TNRCC to take final action on a permit application within 24
months of receipt of an administratively complete permit application that
was originally filed between September 1, 1999, and June 1, 2001; and
within 18 months of receipt of an administratively complete application
filed on or after June 1, 2001. 

(g)  Authorizes an applicant to obtain judicial review under Section
382.032 (Appeal of Commission Action) if the commission fails to take final
action within the specified time. Authorizes a reviewing court to order
TNRCC to act on the application without additional delay if it finds that
its failure to act is arbitrary or unreasonable. 

(h)  Requires TNRCC, by rule, to provide for an emissions permit to be
conditioned on the facility completing all equipment improvements and
achieving all emissions reductions within two years of the issuance of the
permit; provide a process for extending the time limit if TNRCC determines
improvements and reductions are not feasible within the time limit but can
be accomplished expeditiously; provide that a facility that does not
accomplish the required improvement and reductions the facility must cease
operation until they are complete; establish a maximum terms of 10 years
for an emissions permit; set a renewal deadline which precedes the
expiration date of a permit; adopt general requirements for a permit
renewal application; and establish procedures for reviewing and acting on
renewal applications. 

(i)  Requires TNRCC to provide written notice to the permit holder, by
registered or certified mail, at least 180 days before the renewal
application deadline, that the permit is scheduled for review.  Provides
that the notice must include a description of the permit renewal
application filing procedure and the information that must be included in
the application. 

(j)  Requires TNRCC to consider the facility's compliance history and the
condition and effectiveness of the facility's emission control equipment
and practices in determining whether and under which conditions an
emissions permit should be renewed. 

(k)  Requires TNRCC to impose as a condition for renewal of an emissions
permit only those requirements it determines to be economically reasonable
and technically practicable considering the age of the facility and the
effect of its emissions on the surrounding area.  Prohibits TNRCC from
imposing requirements more stringent than those of the existing permit
unless it determines that more stringent requirements are necessary to
avoid a condition of air pollution or to ensure compliance with otherwise
applicable federal or state air quality control requirements.  Prohibits
TNRCC from imposing requirements less stringent than those of the existing
permit unless it determines that a proposed change will meet the
requirements of this section and Section 382.0541  (Administration and
Enforcement of Federal Operating Permit). 

(l)  Requires TNRCC, within 180 days of the application for renewal being
filed, to renew the permit of a facility that it determines meets the
requirements for permit renewal or, if it determines that the facility will
not meet the requirements, set out in a report to the applicant the basis
for its determination and establish a schedule to which the applicant must
adhere in meeting TNRCC's requirements that includes a final date for
meeting the requirements and requires completion of that action as
expeditiously as possible. 

(m)  Requires TNRCC to renew the permit if the applicant meets the
requirements in accordance with the schedule.  Provides that the applicant
must show in a contested case proceeding why the permit should not expire
immediately if the applicant does not meet those requirements in accordance
with the schedule.  Provides that the applicant's permit is effective until
the final date specified by TNRCC's report to the applicant, the existing
permit is renewed, or the date specified by a TNRCC order issued following
a contested case proceeding held under this section. 

(n)  Provides that a permit expires according to its terms if the holder to
whom TNRCC has mailed notice under this section does not apply for renewal
within the specified time period. 

(o)  Provides that this section does not affect TNRCC's authority to issue
an order under Subchapter L (Emergency and Temporary Orders), Chapter 5,
Water Code, or to begin an enforcement action under Chapter 7
(Enforcement), Water Code. 

SECTION 2.  Amends Section 382.0541(c), Health and Safety Code, to make
conforming changes. 

SECTION 3.  Amends Section 382.056(a), Health and Safety Code, to make
conforming changes. 

SECTION 4.  Amends Section 382.057(a), Health and Safety Code, to make
conforming changes. 

SECTION 5.  Amends Section 382.062(a), Health and Safety Code, to make
conforming changes. 

SECTION 6.  Amends Section 7.177(a), Water Code, to include intentional or
knowing violation of Section 382.0519(a), Health and Safety Code, among the
actions which constitute an offense. 

SECTION 7.  (a)  Repealer:  Section 382.0621(d), Health and Safety Code,
prohibiting TNRCC from imposing an operating permit fee for any amount of
emissions of an air contaminant regulated under the federal Clean Air Act
Amendments of 1990 (Pub.L. No. 101-549) in excess of 4,000 tons per year
from any source. 

(b)  Authorizes any increase in the amount of operating permit fees
collected that results from the repeal of Section 382.0621(d), Health and
Safety Code, to be applied to the small business stationary source
technical and environmental compliance assistance program and the costs of
public hearings held in the locality of a facility for which a permit
application is made under Section 382.0519, as added by this Act, and any
other clean air program funded by fees on emissions of air contaminants. 

SECTION 8.  (a)  Repealer:  Section 382.0518(g), Health and Safety Code,
granting an exemption from permitting requirements for a person who has
executed a contract or has begun construction for an addition, alteration,
or modification to a new or an existing facility on or before August 30,
1971, but not later than February 29, 1972, and who has complied with the
requirements of Section 382.060, as it existed on November 30, 1991. 

(b)  Provides that this section takes effect June 1, 2001.

SECTION 9.  Authorizes a person to continue operating a facility that is
subject to Section 382.0519(a), Health and Safety Code, as added by this
Act, until final action is taken on the application if on June 1, 2001, the
permit application is pending before TNRCC and TNRCC has  determined that
the application is administratively complete. 

SECTION 10.  (a)  Prohibits TNRCC from initiating an enforcement action
against a person for an act that violates Chapter 382 (Clean Air Act),
Health and Safety Code, or a rule adopted or order issued by TNRCC under
that chapter, that is related to the modification of a facility that may
emit air contaminants if the person files an application for a permit for
the facility under Section 382.0519, Health and Safety Code, as added by
this Act, by January 1, 2001. 

(b)  Provides that this section does not apply to an act related to a
modification of a facility that occurs after March 1, 1999. 

SECTION 11.  Effective date: September 1, 1999, except as provided by
Section 8 of this Act. 

SECTION 12.  Emergency clause.