Office of House Bill AnalysisH.B. 2624
By: Maxey
Human Services


The Texas Council on Purchasing from People with Disabilities (council) is
charged with running the state's program to encourage state agencies to,
when possible, purchase goods and services from community rehabilitation
programs that employ disabled Texans. The legislation controlling this
program mandates that the council contract with a central nonprofit agency
to manage and coordinate the daily operations of the program and to market
goods and services from the community programs to state agencies.  Although
competitive bidding is a general rule when the state contracts with private
entities, the current legislation for the program does not clearly state
the council's rights to competitively re-bid this contract with a central
nonprofit agency. 

H.B. 2624 clarifies the council's ability to competitively bid the contract
for the central nonprofit agency and requires state agencies to report to
the council the total number and dollar amount of purchases made through
the program. 


It is the opinion of the Office of House Bill Analysis that this bill does
not expressly delegate any additional rulemaking authority to a state
officer, department, agency, or institution. 


SECTION 1.  Amends Section 122.008, Human Resources Code, to require the
head of each state agency to report to the Texas Council on Purchasing from
People with Disabilities (council) in writing, by September 30 of each
year, with regard to the agency's purchases during the preceding fiscal

_the total number and dollar amount of purchases made by the agency under
this section; and 

_a complete explanation of the reasons for a purchase by the agency from
another source of any product or service that was available under this

SECTION 2.  Amends Section 122.019, Human Resources Code, by amending
Subsections (d) and (e) and by adding Subsection (g), as follows: 

(d) Authorizes the council, following the review of an existing contract
with a central nonprofit agency, to approve the performance of the central
nonprofit agency under the contract and renegotiate the contract with the
central nonprofit agency, or to enter  into a new contract in accordance
with Chapter 2155 (Purchasing: General Rules and Procedures), Government
Code, using competitive bidding or competitive sealed proposals, as
determined by the General Services Commission. Deletes the requirement that
the council renegotiate a contract with a central nonprofit agency. 

(e)  Provides that the computational method for including the management
fee rate in the selling price or contract price must be approved by the

(g)  Authorizes the council to review a proposal in a closed meeting when
the council is  using the competitive sealed proposals method to enter into
a contract under Subsection (d). 

SECTION 3.  Section 122.022(b), Human Resources Code, to provide that a
report submitted under this section must, rather than shall, include a
compilation of the amount and number of purchases and a summary of the
explanations contained in reports received by the council under Section
122.088, among the other existing requirements of this section. 

SECTION 4.  Effective date: September 1, 1999.

SECTION 5.  Emergency clause.