HBA-NLM H.B. 368 76(R) BILL ANALYSIS Office of House Bill AnalysisH.B. 368 By: Seaman Higher Education 2/22/1999 Introduced BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Currently, payroll deductions from officers or employees who are compensated from state funds are prohibited unless the deductions are authorized by law. There is no statutory mechanism by which an employee of an institution of higher education can contribute through payroll deductions to a university or university fund-raising drive or foundation. H.B. 368 provides that an employee of an institution of higher education may authorize a salary or wage payment deduction each pay period for a charitable contribution to that institution or to any non-profit organization whose purpose is to support the programs of that institution of higher education. RULEMAKING AUTHORITY It is the opinion of the Office of House Bill Analysis that this bill does not expressly delegate any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency, or institution. SECTION BY SECTION ANALYSIS SECTION 1. Amends Subchapter Z, Chapter 51, Education Code, by adding Section 51.946, to provide that an employee of an institution of higher education may authorize a salary or wage payment deduction each pay period for a contribution to an institution of higher education or a charitable contribution to a nonprofit organization, the purpose of which is to support the programs of an institution of higher education. Provides that a nonprofit organization must comply with the rules, under Section 2255.001, Government Code (Rules), adopted by the institution of higher education that the organization supports to be eligible to receive charitable contributions under this section. Requires an institution of higher education to establish procedures to allow an employee of the institution to authorize a deduction under this section. Defines "institution of higher education." SECTION 2. Effective date: September 1, 1999. SECTION 3. Emergency clause.