HBA-NMO H.B. 81 76(R)BILL ANALYSIS Office of House Bill AnalysisH.B. 81 By: Gallego State Affairs 7/28/1999 Enrolled BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Prior to the 76th Legislature, the governor appointed the three-member State Conservatorship Board to oversee state agencies and public junior colleges that demonstrated fiscal mismanagement. The board could have been assigned to one or more agencies, and board members did not receive a salary. H.B. 81 authorizes the governor to appoint a conservator, rather than a board, as needed, for specific agencies; entitles a conservator to receive a salary; and provides that the governor may recommend that a state agency or public junior college enter into a rehabilitation plan in lieu of a conservatorship. RULEMAKING AUTHORITY It is the opinion of the Office of House Bill Analysis that rulemaking authority is expressly delegated to a conservator of a state agency or public junior college in SECTION 1 (Section 2104.014, Government Code) of this bill. SECTION BY SECTION ANALYSIS SECTION 1. Amends Chapter 2104, Government Code, as follows: CHAPTER 2104. CONSERVATORSHIP AS A RESULT OF FISCAL MISMANAGEMENT SUBCHAPTER A. GENERAL PROVISIONS Sec. 2104.001. DEFINITIONS. Defines "conservator" as a person appointed by the governor to act as the conservator of a state agency or public junior college in accordance with this chapter. Deletes the definition of "board." Sec. 2104.002. APPLICABILITY OF CHAPTER. Makes no change. SUBCHAPTER B. New Heading: CONSERVATORS. Sec. 2104.011. New Title: APPOINTMENT OF CONSERVATOR; TERMS. Provides that a conservator, rather than a three-member board, is appointed by the governor with advice and consent from the senate. Establishes a maximum two-year term for a conservator. Provides that a conservator may be reappointed. Deletes language referring to the board. Sec. 2104.012. New Title: COMPENSATION OF CONSERVATOR. Entitles a conservator to receive a salary that is equal to the salary of the chief administrative officer of the state agency or public junior college under conservatorship. Requires the conservator's salary be paid from money appropriated or otherwise available to the state agency or public junior college, unless money for the salary is specifically made available through the budget execution process. Deletes language referring to the board. Sec. 2104.013. New Title: EXPENSES OF CONSERVATOR. Provides that the limit on reimbursement to state officers or members of state boards and commissions does not apply to the reimbursement of the reasonable and necessary expenses incurred by a conservator. Requires these expenses be reimbursed from money appropriated or otherwise available to the agency or public junior college under conservatorship, unless money to pay these expenses is specifically made available through the budget execution process. Deletes language referring to the board. Sec. 2104.014. RULES. Authorizes a conservator to adopt and enforce rules necessary to administer the conservatorship for which the conservator is appointed. Authorizes a conservator to adopt initial emergency rules effective for not longer than 120 days, to be renewed for not more than 60 days, if the conservator determines that rules with immediate effect are necessary to alleviate the effect of gross fiscal mismanagement. Deletes language referring to the board. Sec. 2104.015. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES. Requires the governor to provide a conservator with administrative services. Deletes language referring to the board. SUBCHAPTER C. CONSERVATORSHIP OF STATE AGENCIES Sec. 2104.021. New Title: MISMANAGEMENT FINDING; RECOMMENDATION; CONSERVATORSHIP ORDER. Authorizes the legislative audit committee, on finding that a gross mismanagement exists in a state agency, to notify the governor and recommend that the governor appoint a conservator for the agency or recommend to the agency that it agree to enter into a rehabilitation plan in accordance with Section 2104.0215, Government Code. Authorizes the governor, after receipt of a notice, to appoint a conservator for the agency. Deletes language referring to the board. Makes a conforming change. Sec. 2104.0215. REHABILITATION PLAN IN LIEU OF CONSERVATORSHIP. Requires a state agency that agrees to enter into a rehabilitation plan to employ the services of an independent management consulting team (team) approved by the governor and the legislative audit committee. Authorizes the team to include the state auditor, appropriate state agencies, and private consultants. Requires the agency to pay the costs of the team's services from money appropriated or otherwise available to the agency, unless money to pay the costs is specifically made available through the budget execution process. Requires the team to assist the agency in developing its rehabilitation plan. Provides that the plan must include specific performance goals to be achieved within a specific time frame. Provides that the plan must be approved by the governing body of the agency, the governor, and the legislative audit committee. Authorizes the governor to appoint a conservator if the state agency does not adopt the rehabilitation plan within a reasonable time or if the state auditor determines that the agency is not making sufficient progress in the implementation of the rehabilitation plan. Sec. 2104.022. ASSUMPTION OF POLICY FUNCTIONS. Requires the conservator to assume all powers and duties of the officers of the state agency responsible for policy direction. Prohibits those officers from acting unless authorized by the conservator. Deletes language referring to the board. Makes conforming and nonsubstantive changes. Sec. 2104.023. CONSERVATORSHIP POWERS AND DUTIES. Makes conforming changes. Sec. 2104.024. REPORT. Makes conforming changes. Sec. 2104.025. DURATION OF CONSERVATORSHIP. Makes no change. SUBCHAPTER D. CONSERVATORSHIP OF PUBLIC JUNIOR COLLEGES Sec. 2104.031. MISMANAGEMENT FINDING; CONSERVATORSHIP ORDER. Authorizes the governor to appoint a conservator for a public junior college, if the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, with the assistance of the state auditor, finds a condition of gross fiscal mismanagement at the college. Requires a conservator of a public junior college to act in the manner provided for conservatorship of state agencies, unless otherwise provided. Makes a conforming change. Sec. 2104.032. REPORTS. Makes a conforming change. Sec. 2104.033. DURATION OF CONSERVATORSHIP. Makes no change. SECTION 2. Makes application of this Act prospective. SECTION 3. Emergency clause. Effective date: upon passage.