HBA-TBM H.B. 644 77(R) BILL ANALYSIS Office of House Bill AnalysisH.B. 644 By: Jones, Delwin County Affairs 3/5/2001 Introduced BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE In 1987 the 70th Legislature amended the Local Government Code to provide for salary grievance committees in each county to hear salary grievances by county or precinct offices. While the process may have worked well in some counties, in other counties it has created alleged abuses which resulted in certain county officials receiving salary increases in excess of what the budget allowed and are not necessarily due to job performance. House Bill 644 authorizes a county to abolish the county's salary grievance committee by local election. RULEMAKING AUTHORITY It is the opinion of the Office of House Bill Analysis that this bill does not expressly delegate any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency, or institution. ANALYSIS House Bill 644 amends the Local Government Code to authorize the commissioners court of a county to call an election on the question of whether the county's salary grievance committee should be abolished. The bill sets forth provisions regarding the administration of the election, ballot requirements, and when the results of the election take effect. EFFECTIVE DATE On passage, or if the Act does not receive the necessary vote, the Act takes effect September 1, 2001.