HBA-DMH C.S.S.B. 192 77(R) BILL ANALYSIS Office of House Bill AnalysisC.S.S.B. 192 By: Lucio Transportation 5/6/2001 Committee Report (Substituted) BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Several ports of entry along the Texas-Mexico border are not part of metropolitan planning organizations, which direct future transportation projects and systems in urbanized areas of the state. C.S.S.B. 192 requires the Texas Department of Transportation to include projects related to ports of entry for certain areas along the border in its unified transportation program. RULEMAKING AUTHORITY It is the opinion of the Office of House Bill Analysis that this bill does not expressly delegate any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency, or institution. ANALYSIS C.S.S.B. 192 amends the Transportation Code to require the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) to include projects related to ports of entry in its unified transportation program or any successor to that program. The bill requires a metropolitan planning organization that has a port of entry within its jurisdiction to include projects related to ports of entry in its transportation improvement plan. In allocating money to projects, the bill requires TxDOT to fund projects related to ports of entry from money other than North American Free Trade Agreement discretionary funds. The Act applies only to a port of entry on the border with the United Mexican States and does not apply to a port of entry at an airport. EFFECTIVE DATE September 1, 2001. COMPARISON OF ORIGINAL TO SUBSTITUTE C.S.S.B. 192 differs from the original bill by correcting a punctuation error.