39th Regular Session
Members of the Texas Senate
- John H. Bailey
- Benjamin Franklin Berkeley
- William Harrison Bledsoe
- Richard Saffarans Bowers
- John Davis
- I.D. Fairchild
- Charles Richard Floyd
- Carl Clara Hardin
- J. Roy Hardin
- Thomas Jefferson Holbrook
- Henry LaFayette Lewis
- Eugene Miller
- Joseph M. Moore
- William Samuel Moore
- Charles Alfred Murphy, Sr.
- John Dwyght Parnell
- Archie Parr
- Tomas Glover Pollard
- Lloyd Edwin Price
- Julius Real
- John William Reid
- Gus Russek
- Jesse Richard Smith
- James Garrison Strong
- Robert Alda Stuart
- Henry Franklin Triplett
- Pierce Butler Ward
- Alvin Jacob Wirtz
- Edgar Earnest Witt
- Ashley Elijah Wood
- Walter Calisto Woodward
Members of the Texas House of Representatives
- Walter P. Acker
- James Crawford Albritton
- Robert Bruce Alexander
- William Preston Alexander
- John Charles Amsler
- Gustavus Adolphus Atkinson
- James David Avis
- Oscar Lindsey Baker
- Sidney Smith Baker
- Charles A. Barker
- Wingate Stuart Barron
- Drummond Webster Bartlett
- Samuel Edwin Bateman
- Benjamin Franklin Bean
- Fine Gordon Bedford
- John Logan Bird
- Eugene H. Blount
- Robert Lee Bobbitt
- J. Herschel Boggs
- Herbert Spencer Bonham
- Henry Turner Brown
- Samuel Anthony Bryant
- John Robert Cade
- Lindsey L. Carter
- Richard Mortimer Chitwood
- James Madison Coffey
- Virgil E. Conway
- George W. Coody
- Elmer Lee Covey
- Ernest Calvin Cox
- George Joshua Cox
- Emry Spencer Cummings
- Francis Aaron Dale
- Roy Joyner Daniel
- John Napoleon Davis
- John E. Davis
- Thomas Arthur DeBerry
- Henry Benedict Dielmann
- Clifford Eugene Dinkle
- John Rankin Donnell
- Edward Dennis Downs
- Edwin Donald Dunlap
- Andrew Connolly Dunn
- James McMurry Dunn
- Abel James Durham
- David John Enderby
- Bowd Farrar
- Harry Lee Faulk
- William Abner Fields
- James Finlay
- John Hicks Florence
- Benjamin Frank Foster
- Joseph Vinc Frnka
- William Thomas Graves
- Eli Clark Gray
- Matthew Hilsman Hagaman
- James William Hall
- William Murdock Harman
- James Wright Harper
- Robert Elbert High
- Desoto Shelton Hollowell
- Baker Blount Hoskins
- Samuel Vaughan Houston
- Thomas Phillip Hull
- Thomas Kirk Irwin
- Nathaniel Green Jacks
- John E.V. Jasper
- Robert Milton Johnson
- Walter Edwin Jones
- Harry Clinton Jordan
- Hyle Appleton Justice
- Harold Kayton
- George Clark Kemble
- Lee Miller Kenyon
- Arthur Howard King
- James William Kinnear
- Norman Goree Kittrell, Sr.
- John Wesley Laird
- Lawrence N. Lane
- Wade Pope Lane
- George Raiford Lipscomb
- Ruben Loftin
- Sam D.W. Low
- Luke Mankin
- Alexander Ewing Masterson
- Homer Robert Maxwell
- Thomas John McBride
- William Thomas McDonald
- James Robinson McDougald
- William Doddridge McFarlane
- Joseph McGill
- Andrew Jackson McKean
- Hubert S. McNatt
- Joseph Andrew Merritt
- William Rogers Montgomery
- Harbin Hansbrow Moore
- Thomas P. Morris
- Carl Edmund Nicholson
- Overton L. Parish
- James Pavlica
- Allen Leroy Pearce
- James Madison Perdue
- Alfred P.C. Petsch
- William Robert Poage
- Adrian C. Pool
- Bowen Pope
- Robert Alfred Powell
- George Clark Purl
- John Allen Rawlins
- Felix Addison Raymer
- Thomas Jefferson Renfro
- Charles Culberson Rice
- Roger Finelle Robinson
- John Carlton Rogers
- Thomas David Rowell, Jr.
- Charles Thomas Rowland
- Roscoe Conkling Runge
- Gary Bonner Sanford
- Lee Satterwhite
- Amon Robert Shearer
- Corry Thaddeus Sheats
- William Judson Simmons
- Gordon Simpson
- Ed R. Sinks
- John Thomas Smith
- Leon Columbus Smith
- Rawleigh Portue Smyth
- Joe Frank Sparks
- Adolph P. Stautzenberger
- James William Stell
- Richard B. Stevens
- James William Stevenson
- Cecil Storey
- Alexander Royce Stout
- True Strong
- Ellis Alexander Taylor
- Claude Duval Teer
- Charles Hilliard Thompson
- Walter Sidney Tomme
- John Holland Veatch
- William Andrew Wade
- Thomas Luther Walker
- John Forsythe Wallace
- Henry E. Webb
- Howard Walling Wells
- Joseph Robert Westbrook
- James Kyle Wester
- W. Albert Williamson
- Bates Frayser Wilson
- Henry Grady Woodruff
- William Dewey Young