Daily Legislative Clipping Service for May 2, 2024Select another date

The Legislative Reference Library produces a Daily Newspaper Clipping Service for members of the Legislative community. Each morning, Library staff members select and compile articles of interest to the legislature from over 30 national and regional newspapers.

Headline Newspaper Columnist Date Related Links
Don’t vote for a political party. Vote for the candidate who will make North Texas better Dallas Morning News  Eppler, S. 05/02/24  
Police breaking up UT Dallas students’ encampment, arrests begin Dallas Morning News  Olivares, V. 05/02/24 2 doc(s)
Cy-Fair ISD may eliminate nearly half of its librarians as district tackles $138M budget shortfall Houston Chronicle  Sander, E. 05/02/24  
HISD union leaders vote 'no confidence' in Superintendent Miles, demanding his removal Houston Chronicle  Kelly, S. 05/02/24 2 doc(s)
TEA is using computers to grade the STAAR test. Just don't call it AI, officials say San Antonio Express News  McKinley, E. 05/02/24 1 doc(s)
Massive pro-Palestine protest takes place at UNT. Here’s what happened Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Bach, N. 05/01/24 1 doc(s)
Two new misdemeanor charges filed for Fox 7 Austin photojournalist covering UT protests Austin American Statesman  Lin, S. 05/02/24 1 doc(s)
Avian flu is in Texas. Will H5N1 cause a pandemic? Here's everything you need to know Austin American Statesman  Villalpando, N. 05/02/24 2 doc(s)
UT-Dallas students stage pro-Palestinian encampment on May Day. What to know Austin American Statesman  Addison, B. 05/02/24  
Texas sues to void rules aimed at expanding kind of gun sales requiring background checks Dallas Morning News  Morton, J. 05/02/24 4 doc(s)
Texans split over how to handle Israel-Hamas war as university protests escalate, UT poll finds Houston Chronicle  Goldenstein, T. 05/02/24 1 doc(s)
Houston immigration and labor activists rally against migrant deportation law SB4 at City Hall Houston Chronicle  Romero, J. 05/02/24 1 TX bill 2 doc(s)
UTSA students hold ‘emergency protest’ to support Palestinians amid campus tensions nationwide San Antonio Express News  Ybarra, G. 05/02/24 1 doc(s)
There's more to learning than a high STAAR test score San Antonio Express News  Short, M. 05/02/24  
Answer Line: Yes, vehicle inspections are going away in 2025 Longview News-Journal  Ferguson, J. 05/01/24 1 TX bill
Public hearing/formal meeting notice     05/01/24  

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