Session summaries

House Research Organization

Topics for the 88th Legislature
Highlights topics that the 88th Legislature may consider during its regular session.

Texas Legislative Council

Summary of Enactments: 88th Legislature
Provides synopses of significant legislation, including governor's vetoes. Organized by subject.

House Research Organization

Topics for the 87th Legislature
Highlights topics that the 87th Legislature may consider during its regular session.

Major Issues of the 87th Legislature
Summarizes legislation considered by the 87th Legislature.

Texas Legislative Council

Summary of Enactments: 87th Legislature
Provides synopses of significant legislation, including governor's vetoes. Organized by subject.

House Research Organization

Topics for the 86th Legislature
Highlights topics that the 86th Legislature may consider during its regular session.

Major Issues of the 86th Legislature
Summarizes legislation considered by the 86th Legislature.

Senate Research Center

Highlights of the 86th Legislature, Volume I
Summarizes significant legislative action. Organized by subject. Includes an analysis of the Appropriations Act. (471 pages)

Highlights of the 86th Legislature, Volume II
Summarizes significant legislative action. Organized by subject. (246 pages)

Texas Legislative Council

Summary of Enactments: 86th Legislature
Provides synopses of significant legislation, including governor's vetoes. Organized by subject.

House Research Organization

Topics for the 85th Legislature
Highlights topics that the 85th Legislature may consider during its regular session.

Major Issues of the 85th Legislature, Regular Session and First Called Session
Summarizes legislation considered by the 85th Legislature.

Senate Research Center

Issues Facing the 85th Texas Legislature
Examines issues that will likely be addressed by the 85th Legislature.

Highlights of the 85th Texas Legislature, Volume I
Summarizes significant legislative action. Organized by subject. Includes an analysis of the Appropriations Act. (427 pages)

Highlights of the 85th Texas Legislature, Volume II
Summarizes significant legislative action. Organized by subject. (426 pages)

Texas Legislative Council

Summary of Enactments: 85th Legislature
Provides synopses of significant legislation, including governor's vetoes. Organized by subject. (327 pages)

House Research Organization

Major Issues of the 85th Legislature, Regular Session and First Called Session
Summarizes legislation considered by the 85th Legislature.

Senate Research Center

Highlights of the 85th Texas Legislature, Volume I
Summarizes significant legislative action. Organized by subject. Includes an analysis of the Appropriations Act. (427 pages)

Highlights of the 85th Texas Legislature, Volume II
Summarizes significant legislative action. Organized by subject. (426 pages)

Texas Legislative Council

Summary of Enactments: 85th Legislature
Provides synopses of significant legislation, including governor's vetoes. Organized by subject. (327 pages)

House Research Organization

Topics for the 84th Legislature
Highlights topics that the 84th Legislature may consider during its regular session.

Major Issues of the 84th Legislature
Summarizes legislation considered by the 84th Legislature.

Senate Research Center

Highlights of the 84th Texas Legislature, Volume I
Summarizes significant legislative action. Organized by subject. Includes an analysis of the Appropriations Act. (494 pages)

Highlights of the 84th Texas Legislature, Volume II
Summarizes significant legislative action. Organized by subject. (462 pages)

Issues Facing the 84th Texas Legislature
Examines issues that will likely be addressed by the 84th Legislature.

Texas Legislative Council

Summary of Enactments: 84th Legislature
Provides synopses of significant legislation, including governor's vetoes. Organized by subject. (347 pages)

House Research Organization

Topics for the 83rd Legislature

Major Issues of the 83rd Legislature, Regular Session, and First, Second and Third Called Sessions
Summarizes legislation considered by the 83rd Legislature

Senate Research Center

Highlights of the 83rd Texas Legislature, Volume I
Summarizes significant legislative action. Organized by subject. Includes an analysis of the Appropriations Act. (719 pages)

Highlights of the 83rd Texas Legislature, Volume II
Summarizes significant legislative action. Organized by subject. (635 pages)

Issues Facing the 83rd Texas Legislature
Examines issues that will likely be addressed by the 83rd Legislature.

Texas Legislative Council

Summary of Enactments: 83rd Legislature
Provides synopses of significant legislation, including governor's vetoes. Organized by subject. (497 pages)

House Research Organization

Major Issues of the 83rd Legislature, Regular Session, and First, Second and Third Called Sessions
Summarizes legislation considered by the 83rd Legislature

Senate Research Center

Highlights of the 83rd Texas Legislature, Volume I
Summarizes significant legislative action. Organized by subject. Includes an analysis of the Appropriations Act. (719 pages)

Highlights of the 83rd Texas Legislature, Volume II
Summarizes significant legislative action. Organized by subject. (635 pages)

Texas Legislative Council

Summary of Enactments: 83rd Legislature
Provides synopses of significant legislation, including governor's vetoes. Organized by subject. (497 pages)

House Research Organization

Major Issues of the 83rd Legislature, Regular Session, and First, Second and Third Called Sessions
Summarizes legislation considered by the 83rd Legislature

Senate Research Center

Highlights of the 83rd Texas Legislature, Volume I
Summarizes significant legislative action. Organized by subject. Includes an analysis of the Appropriations Act. (719 pages)

Highlights of the 83rd Texas Legislature, Volume II
Summarizes significant legislative action. Organized by subject. (635 pages)

Texas Legislative Council

Summary of Enactments: 83rd Legislature
Provides synopses of significant legislation, including governor's vetoes. Organized by subject. (497 pages)

House Research Organization

Major Issues of the 83rd Legislature, Regular Session, and First, Second and Third Called Sessions
Summarizes legislation considered by the 83rd Legislature

Senate Research Center

Highlights of the 83rd Texas Legislature, Volume I
Summarizes significant legislative action. Organized by subject. Includes an analysis of the Appropriations Act. (719 pages)

Highlights of the 83rd Texas Legislature, Volume II
Summarizes significant legislative action. Organized by subject. (635 pages)

Texas Legislative Council

Summary of Enactments: 83rd Legislature
Provides synopses of significant legislation, including governor's vetoes. Organized by subject. (497 pages)

Comptroller of Public Accounts

Biennial Revenue Estimate

House Research Organization

Topics for the 82nd Legislature
Highlights topics that the 82nd Legislature may consider during its regular session.

Major Issues of the 82nd Legislature, Regular Session and First Called Session
Summarizes legislation considered by the 82nd Legislature.

Senate Research Center

Highlights of the 82nd Texas Legislature, Volume I
Summarizes significant legislative action. Organized by subject. Includes an analysis of the Appropriations Act. (555 pages)

Highlights of the 82nd Texas Legislature, Volume II
Summarizes significant legislative action. Organized by subject. (438 pages)

Issues Facing the 82nd Texas Legislature
Examines issues that will likely be addressed by the 82nd Legislature.

Texas Legislative Council

Summary of Enactments: 82nd Legislature
Provides synopses of significant legislation, including governor's vetoes. Organized by subject. (512 pages)

House Research Organization

Major Issues of the 82nd Legislature, Regular Session and First Called Session
Summarizes legislation considered by the 82nd Legislature.

Senate Research Center

Highlights of the 82nd Texas Legislature, Volume I
Summarizes significant legislative action. Organized by subject. Includes an analysis of the Appropriations Act. (555 pages)

Highlights of the 82nd Texas Legislature, Volume II
Summarizes significant legislative action. Organized by subject. (438 pages)

Texas Legislative Council

Summary of Enactments: 82nd Legislature
Provides synopses of significant legislation, including governor's vetoes. Organized by subject. (512 pages)

Comptroller of Public Accounts

Biennial Revenue Estimate

House Research Organization

Accomplishments of the 81st Legislature
Provides a summary of significant legislation by topic.

Topics for the 81st Legislature
Highlights topics that the 81st Legislature may consider during its regular session.

Major Issues of the 81st Legislature, Regular Session and First Called Session
Summarizes legislation considered by the 81st Legislature

Constitutional amendments proposed for November 2009 ballot

Senate Research Center

Issues Facing the 81st Texas Legislature
Examines issues that will likely be addressed by the 81st Legislature.

Highlights of the 81st Texas Legislature
Summarizes significant legislative action. Organized by subject. Includes an analysis of the Appropriations Act. (794 pages)

Texas Legislative Council

Summary of Enactments: 81st Legislature, Regular and First Called Sessions
Provides synopses of significant legislation. Organized by subject. (574 pages)

House Research Organization

Major Issues of the 81st Legislature, Regular Session and First Called Session
Summarizes legislation considered by the 81st Legislature

Senate Research Center

Highlights of the 81st Texas Legislature
Summarizes significant legislative action. Organized by subject. Includes an analysis of the Appropriations Act. (794 pages)

Texas Legislative Council

Summary of Enactments: 81st Legislature, Regular and First Called Sessions
Provides synopses of significant legislation. Organized by subject. (574 pages)

Comptroller of Public Accounts

Biennial Revenue Estimate

House Research Organization

Accomplishments of the 80th Legislature
Provides a brief summary of significant legislation by topic.

Major Issues of the 80th Legislature, Regular Session
Summarizes legislation considered by the 80th Legislature.

Topics for the 80th Legislature
Highlights topics that the 80th Legislature may consider during its regular session

Senate Research Center

Highlights of the 80th Texas Legislature
Summarizes significant legislative action. Organized by subject. Includes an analysis of the Appropriations Act. (498 pages)

Issues Facing the 80th Texas Legislature
Examines issues that will likely be addressed by the 80th Legislature.

Texas Legislative Council

Summary of Enactments: 80th Legislature
Provides synopses of significant legislation. Organized by subject. (472 pages)

House Research Organization

Major Issues of the 79th Legislature, Regular Session and First and Second Called Sessions
Summarizes legislation considered by the 79th Legislature.

Topics for the 79th Legislature
Highlights topics that the 79th Legislature may consider during its regular session.

Senate Research Center

Highlights of the 79th Texas Legislature
Summarizes significant legislative action. Organized by subject. Includes an analysis of the Appropriations Act. (311 pages)

Issues Facing the 79th Texas Legislature
Examines issues that will likely be addressed by the 79th Legislature.

Texas Legislative Council

Summary of Enactments: 79th Legislature, Regular and 1st and 2nd Called Sessions
Provides synopses of significant legislation, including governor's vetoes. Organized by subject, with proposed constitutional amendments, state agency changes, and sunset legislation treated separately. (426 pages).

House Research Organization

Major Issues of the 79th Legislature, Regular Session and First and Second Called Sessions
Summarizes legislation considered by the 79th Legislature.

Texas Legislative Council

Summary of Enactments: 79th Legislature, Regular and 1st and 2nd Called Sessions
Provides synopses of significant legislation, including governor's vetoes. Organized by subject, with proposed constitutional amendments, state agency changes, and sunset legislation treated separately. (426 pages).

House Research Organization

Major Issues of the 79th Legislature, Regular Session and First and Second Called Sessions
Summarizes legislation considered by the 79th Legislature.

Texas Legislative Council

Summary of Enactments: 79th Legislature, Regular and 1st and 2nd Called Sessions
Provides synopses of significant legislation, including governor's vetoes. Organized by subject, with proposed constitutional amendments, state agency changes, and sunset legislation treated separately. (426 pages).

House Research Organization

Schools and Taxes: A Summary of Legislation of the 2006 Special Session

Texas Legislative Council

Summary of Enactments: 79th Legislature, 3rd Called Session
Provides synopses of significant legislation, including governor's vetoes. Organized by subject, with proposed constitutional amendments, state agency changes, and sunset legislation treated separately.

House Research Organization

Major Issues of the 78th Legislature, Regular Session
Summarizes legislation considered by the 78th Legislature.

Topics for the 78th Legislature
Highlights topics that the 78th Legislature may consider during its regular session.

Senate Research Center

Highlights of the 78th Texas Legislature
Summarizes significant legislative action. Organized by subject. Includes an analysis of the Appropriations Act. (478 pages)

Issues Facing the 78th Texas Legislature
Examines issues that will likely be addressed by the 78th Legislature.

Texas Legislative Council

Summary of Enactments: 78th Legislature
Provides synopses of significant legislation, including governor's vetoes. Organized by subject, with proposed constitutional amendments, state agency changes, and sunset legislation treated separately. (488 pages).

Texas Legislative Council

Summary of Enactments: 78th Legislature
Provides synopses of significant legislation, including governor's vetoes. Organized by subject, with proposed constitutional amendments, state agency changes, and sunset legislation treated separately. (488 pages).

Texas Legislative Council

Summary of Enactments: 78th Legislature
Provides synopses of significant legislation, including governor's vetoes. Organized by subject, with proposed constitutional amendments, state agency changes, and sunset legislation treated separately. (488 pages).

Texas Legislative Council

Summary of Enactments: 78th Legislature
Provides synopses of significant legislation, including governor's vetoes. Organized by subject, with proposed constitutional amendments, state agency changes, and sunset legislation treated separately. (488 pages).

Governor Rick Perry

Accomplishments of the 77th Legislature
Matches topics from the State of the State Address with legislation enacted by the 77th Legislature.

House Research Organization

Major Issues of the 77th Legislature, Regular Session
Summarizes legislation considered by the 77th Legislature.

Topics for the 77th Legislature
Highlights topics that the 77th Legislature may consider during its regular session.

Senate Research Center

Highlights of the 77th Texas Legislature
Summarizes significant legislative action. Organized by subject. Includes an analysis of the Appropriations Act. (353 pages)

Issues Facing the 77th Texas Legislature
Examines issues that will likely be addressed by the 77th Legislature.

Texas Legislative Council

Summary of Enactments: 77th Legislature
Provides synopses of significant legislation, including governor's vetoes. Organized by subject, with proposed constitutional amendments, state agency changes, and sunset legislation treated separately. (693 pages).

House Research Organization

Major Issues of the 76th Legislature, Regular Session
Summarizes legislation considered by the 76th Legislature.

Topics for the 76th Legislature
Highlights topics that the 76th Legislature may consider during its regular session.

Senate Research Center

Highlights of the 76th Texas Legislature
Summarizes significant legislative action. Organized by subject. Includes an analysis of the Appropriations Act. (388 pages)

Texas Legislative Council

Summary of Enactments: 76th Legislature
Provides synopses of significant legislation, including governor's vetoes. Organized by subject, with proposed constitutional amendments, state agency changes, and sunset legislation treated separately. (485 pages).

House Research Organization

Major Issues of the 75th Legislature, Regular Session
Summarizes legislation considered by the 75th Legislature.

Senate Research Center

Highlights of the 75th Texas Legislature
Summarizes significant legislative action. Organized by subject. Includes an analysis of the Appropriations Act. (328 pages)

Texas Legislative Council

Summary of Enactments: 75th Legislature
Provides synopses of significant legislation, including governor's vetoes. Organized by subject, with proposed constitutional amendments, state agency changes, and sunset legislation treated separately. (448 pages).

House Research Organization

Major Issues of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session
Summarizes legislation considered by the 74th Legislature.

Texas Legislative Council

Summary of Enactments: 74th Legislature
Provides synopses of significant legislation, including governor's vetoes. Organized by subject, with proposed constitutional amendments, state agency changes, and sunset legislation treated separately. (356 pages)

House Research Organization

Major Issues of the 73rd Legislature, Regular Session
Summarizes legislation considered by the 73rd Legislature.

Senate Research Center

Highlights of the 73rd Texas Legislature
Summarizes significant legislative action. Organized by subject. Includes an analysis of the Appropriations Act. (265 pages)

The 73rd Texas Legislature: Summary of Significant Legislation

Speaker of the House Pete Laney

Highlights of legislation passed, 73rd Legislature, Regular Session
Summarizes new legislation by subject.

Texas Legislative Council

Summary of Enactments: 73rd Legislature
Provides synopses of significant legislation, including governor's vetoes. Organized by subject, with proposed constitutional amendments, state agency changes, and sunset legislation treated separately. (324 pages)

House Research Organization

Major Issues of the 72nd Legislature, Regular Session
Summarizes legislation considered by the 72nd Legislature.

Senate Research Center

Summary of Significant Legislation

Speaker of the House Gib Lewis

Highlights of legislation passed, 72nd Legislature, Regular Session
Summarizes new legislation by subject.

Texas Legislative Council

Enactments of the 72nd Legislature

House Research Organization

Summary of 1991 Special Session Legislation
Summarizes laws of statewide importance enacted during the 1st and 2nd called sessions of the 72nd Legislature including: constitutional amendments to allow a state lottery; authorization of $1.4 billion in new general-obligation bonds for correctional and mental health/mental retardation facilities and student loans; reorganization and consolidation of environmental protection, health and human services, and transportation agencies; adoption of fiscal management measures in response to recommendation of the Texas Performance Review; and approval of a comprehensive criminal justice.

Senate Research Center

Summary of Major Legislation, 72nd Legislature, 1st Called Session

House Research Organization

Major Issues of the 71st Legislature
Summarizes legislation considered by the 71st Legislature in the regular, first, and second called sessions.

Office of Senate Bill Analysis

Summary of Significant Legislation

Texas Legislative Council

Summary of Enactments: 71st Legislature, Regular Session and First through Sixth Called Sessions
Provides synopses of significant legislation, including governor's vetoes. Organized by subject, with proposed constitutional amendments, state agency changes, and sunset legislation treated separately. (312 pages)

House Research Organization

Major Issues of the 71st Legislature
Summarizes legislation considered by the 71st Legislature in the regular, first, and second called sessions.

Office of Senate Bill Analysis

Summary of Significant Legislation

Texas Legislative Council

Summary of Enactments: 71st Legislature, Regular Session and First through Sixth Called Sessions
Provides synopses of significant legislation, including governor's vetoes. Organized by subject, with proposed constitutional amendments, state agency changes, and sunset legislation treated separately. (312 pages)

House Research Organization

Major Issues of the 71st Legislature
Summarizes legislation considered by the 71st Legislature in the regular, first, and second called sessions.

Texas Legislative Council

Summary of Enactments: 71st Legislature, Regular Session and First through Sixth Called Sessions
Provides synopses of significant legislation, including governor's vetoes. Organized by subject, with proposed constitutional amendments, state agency changes, and sunset legislation treated separately. (312 pages)

House Research Organization

Wrap-up of the 1990 Special Sessions on Public Education
Summarizes legislation enacted during the four called sessions of 1990 (71st Legislature, 3rd-6th Called Sessions). Includes an update on the July hearings before state District Judge Scott McCown of Austin on whether the school-finance provisions of SB1 meet the Supreme Court's requirements for an equitable system as outlined in the Edgewood decision.

Texas Legislative Council

Summary of Enactments: 71st Legislature, Regular Session and First through Sixth Called Sessions
Provides synopses of significant legislation, including governor's vetoes. Organized by subject, with proposed constitutional amendments, state agency changes, and sunset legislation treated separately. (312 pages)

Texas Legislative Council

Summary of Enactments: 71st Legislature, Regular Session and First through Sixth Called Sessions
Provides synopses of significant legislation, including governor's vetoes. Organized by subject, with proposed constitutional amendments, state agency changes, and sunset legislation treated separately. (312 pages)

Texas Legislative Council

Summary of Enactments: 71st Legislature, Regular Session and First through Sixth Called Sessions
Provides synopses of significant legislation, including governor's vetoes. Organized by subject, with proposed constitutional amendments, state agency changes, and sunset legislation treated separately. (312 pages)

Texas Legislative Council

Summary of Enactments: 71st Legislature, Regular Session and First through Sixth Called Sessions
Provides synopses of significant legislation, including governor's vetoes. Organized by subject, with proposed constitutional amendments, state agency changes, and sunset legislation treated separately. (312 pages)

House Research Organization

Major Issues of the 70th Legislature
Summarizes legislation considered by the 70th Legislature.

Speaker of the House Gib Lewis

Highlights of legislation passed, 70th Legislature, Regular Session
Summarizes new legislation by subject.

Texas Legislative Council

Summary of Enactments: 70th Legislature, Regular, First, and Second Called Sessions
Provides synopses of significant legislation, including governor's vetoes. Organized by subject, with proposed constitutional amendments, state agency changes, and sunset legislation treated separately. (365 pages)

House Research Organization

Major Issues of the 70th Legislature
Summarizes legislation considered by the 70th Legislature.

Texas Legislative Council

Summary of Enactments: 70th Legislature, Regular, First, and Second Called Sessions
Provides synopses of significant legislation, including governor's vetoes. Organized by subject, with proposed constitutional amendments, state agency changes, and sunset legislation treated separately. (365 pages)

House Research Organization

Major Issues of the 70th Legislature
Summarizes legislation considered by the 70th Legislature.

Texas Legislative Council

Summary of Enactments: 70th Legislature, Regular, First, and Second Called Sessions
Provides synopses of significant legislation, including governor's vetoes. Organized by subject, with proposed constitutional amendments, state agency changes, and sunset legislation treated separately. (365 pages)

Texas Legislative Council

Summary of Enactments: 69th Legislature, Regular and First Called Sessions
Provides synopses of significant legislation, including governor's vetoes. Organized by subject, with proposed constitutional amendments, state agency changes, and sunset legislation treated separately. (324 pages)

Texas Legislative Council

Summary of Enactments: 69th Legislature, Regular and First Called Sessions
Provides synopses of significant legislation, including governor's vetoes. Organized by subject, with proposed constitutional amendments, state agency changes, and sunset legislation treated separately. (324 pages)

House Research Organization

Wrap-up of the 1986 Special Sessions
Summarizes all legislation of statewide importance enacted during the 2nd and 3rd called sessions of the 69th Legislature. Entries arranged by subject area.

The August 1986 special session: a preview
Reviews proposals for reducing or eliminating the deficit and improving the states cash flow. Discusses other possible topis that might be added to the special session call. Explains special session rules and procedures.

Texas Legislative Council

Summary of Enactments: 68th Legislature, Regular and First Called Sessions
Provides synopses of significant legislation, including governor's vetoes. Organized by subject, with proposed constitutional amendments, state agency changes, and sunset legislation treated separately. (298 pages)

Texas Legislative Council

Summary of Enactments: 68th Legislature, Regular and First Called Sessions
Provides synopses of significant legislation, including governor's vetoes. Organized by subject, with proposed constitutional amendments, state agency changes, and sunset legislation treated separately. (298 pages)

House Study Group

Key Issues of the June 1984 Special Session
Outlines the principal features of the revenue, education, and highway bills passed during the second called session of the 68th Legislature

Texas Senate, Office of the Secretary

68th Legislature second called session summary

Texas Legislative Council

Summary of Enactments: 67th Legislature, Regular and 1st Called Sessions
Provides synopses of significant legislation, including governor's vetoes. Organized by subject, with proposed constitutional amendments, state agency changes, and sunset legislation treated separately. (325 pages)

House Study Group

The 1981 special session: a preview
Explains the procedures for a special session and discusses the issues included in Governor Clements' call for the session.

Texas Legislative Council

Summary of Enactments: 67th Legislature, Regular and 1st Called Sessions
Provides synopses of significant legislation, including governor's vetoes. Organized by subject, with proposed constitutional amendments, state agency changes, and sunset legislation treated separately. (325 pages)

House Study Group

The 1982 special session: a preview
Examines the background of issues to be considered during the special session.

Texas Legislative Council

Summary of Enactments: 67th Legislature, 2nd Called Session
Provides synopses of significant legislation, including governor's vetoes. Organized by subject, with proposed constitutional amendments, state agency changes, and sunset legislation treated separately.

Speaker of the House Bill Clayton

Highlights of legislation passed, 66th Legislature.
Provides an overview of legislative action on major issues of concern during the 66th Legislature.

Texas Legislative Council

Summary of Enactments: 66th Legislature
Provides synopses of significant legislation, including governor's vetoes. Organized by subject, with proposed constitutional amendments, state agency changes, and sunset legislation treated separately. (485 pages).

House Study Group

Special Sessions
Summarizes the law relating to special sessions and how they differ from regular sessions.

House Study Group

Special Sessions of the Legislature
Explains the procedures for a special session.

Speaker of the House Gus Mutscher

Accomplishments of the 62nd Legislature
Speeches by Speaker of the House Gus Mutscher reviewing and summarizing the work of the 62nd Legislature, Regular Session.

Texas Legislative Council

Accomplishments of the 62nd Legislature, regular session

Institute of Public Affairs

The fifty-ninth Texas Legislature a review of its work
Summarizes significant legislative action.

Texas Legislative Council

Accomplishments of the 59th Legislature
Summarizes significant legislative action.

Institute of Public Affairs

The fifty-eighth Texas Legislature a review of its work
Summarizes significant legislative action

Speaker of the House Byron Tunnell

Address by Speaker of the House Byron Tunnell
Address by Speaker of the House Byron Tunnell reviewing and summarizing the work of the 58th Legislature, Regular Session.

Texas Legislative Council

Accomplishments of the 58th Legislature
Summarizes significant legislative action.

Institute of Public Affairs

The fifty-seventh Texas Legislature a review of its work
Summarizes significant legislative action.

Texas Legislative Council

Accomplishments of the 57th Legislature
Summarizes significant legislative action.

Institute of Public Affairs

The fifty-sixth Texas Legislature a review of its work
Summarizes significant legislative action.

Speaker of the House Waggoner Carr

Address by Speaker of the House Waggoner Carr
Address by Speaker of the House Waggoner Carr reviewing and summarizing the work of the 56th Legislature, Regular Session.

Institute of Public Affairs

The fifty-fifth Texas Legislature a review of its work
Summarizes significant legislative action.

Institute of Public Affairs

The fifty-fourth Texas Legislature a review of its work
Summarizes significant legislative action.

Institute of Public Affairs

The fifty-third Texas Legislature a review of its work
Summarizes significant legislative action.

Office of the Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives

Inventory of Legislation

Senate Engrossing and Enrolling

Inventory of Legislation

Secretary of the Senate

Inventory of Legislation