House Committee on Extended Coverage Insurance - 62nd R.S. (1971)
Committee Members
Public members
- E.C. Chamness
- Robert Orton
- Make a statistical study of extended coverage insurance in the State of Texas; the committee shall compile facts and statistics relating to the existing weather zones and areas used for extended coverage purposes, widely divergent costs of premiums on extended coverage policies, the number of extended coverage policies issued in each applicable weather zone and area, the amounts paid out under extended coverage policies in each applicable weather zone and area, and the probabilities of such natural disasters occurring in the various parts of the state.
Appointed by Speaker, pursuant to HSR 79, 62nd 3rd C.S. Members listed in Interim Committees: 62nd-66th Legislatures, 1971-1979, L1800.1 In8 1971-79.
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