Comprehensive State Vocational Education, Special - 67th R.S. (1981)
Committee Members
- Jerry Clark, Chair
- Grant Jones, Vice Chair
- Erwin W. Barton
- Wayne Peveto
- Bill Presnal
- Hector Uribe
- Receive and review the completed study [ordered by HCR 23, 67th R.S., regarding a comprehensive state occupational education program] and transmit the study to the 68th Legislature with any additional recommendations and with drafts of legislation considered necessary by the committee.
Senate members appointed by Lieutenant Governor 8/11/1981 (Senate Journal, 67th 1st C.S., pp. 369-370).
House members appointed by the Speaker 9/14/1981. Bill Presnal appointed as ex-officio member 12/4/1981. (Memorandum, Bill Clayton, Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives, September 14, 1981 and December 4, 1981.. See House Speaker Clayton Appointments, L1801.1 P926a 1979-92. )
HCR 23, 67th Legislature, requested that the State Board of Education select an entity to conduct a study and make recommendations to the 68th Legislature regarding a comprehensive state occupational education program. The resolution also ordered that a special legislative committee be created to review this report. The legislative committee did not publish a report.
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