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7 Document(s) [ Subject: 911 emergency telephone service ]

Committee: House Homeland Security and Public Safety
Title: Interim Report
Subjects: 911 emergency telephone service | Border Patrol, U.S. | Electroshock weapons | Emergency communications | Guns | Law enforcement | National Instant Criminal Background Check System | Weapons |
Library Call Number: L1836.88 P96H
Session: 88th R.S. (2023)
Online version: View report [58 pages  File size: 1,506 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Monitoring: Monitor the agencies and programs under the Committee’s jurisdiction and oversee the implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 88th Legislature. Conduct active oversight of all associated rulemaking and other governmental actions taken to ensure the intended legislative outcome of all legislation, including the following:
  • HB 3290, 88th R.S. relating to the next generation 9-1-1 service fund; and
  • SB 602, 88th R.S. relating to the law enforcement authority of federal border patrol agents.
2. Firearm Purchasing Fees: Examine existing firearm purchasing and transfer fees. Consider their efficacy and the impact of reducing or eliminating the fees.
3. Use of Less-Lethal Devices in Law Enforcement: Study the use of less-lethal devices in law enforcement encounters, including recent incidents, and their potential to reduce the risk of death or injury to officers and suspects. Consider methods to increase the use of less-lethal devices for the safety and benefit of all parties.
4. Communications Interoperability: Study the communications challenges of first responders and emergency personnel. Make recommendations, considering the need for a cross-agency communications upgrade or statewide interoperability plan, to increase reliable, available, and modern communications for public safety and emergency response purposes in communities across the state.
Committee: Senate Business and Commerce
Title: Interim Report
Subjects: 911 emergency telephone service | Blockchain technology | Broadband infrastructure | Digital currencies | Economy | Electric power plants | Electric Reliability Council of Texas | Electricity supplies | Electronic security | State employees | Telecommuters | Traffic | Universal Service Fund |
Library Call Number: L1836.87 B963
Session: 87th R.S. (2021)
Online version: View report [42 pages  File size: 639 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Broadband and Telecommunications: Study broadband and other telecommunications related issues impacting Texans, including:
  • Monitoring the implementation of HB 5, 87th R.S., and HB 1505, 87th R.S.; discuss anticipated federal infrastructure funding dedicated to broadband initiatives;
  • Reviewing the Texas Universal Service Fund and reporting what, if any, changes should be made through a review of both the fund's contributions and disbursements, as well as the impact of technology on the long-term stability of the Texas Universal Service Fund; and
  • Monitoring the implementation of HB 2911, 87th R.S., relating to next generation 9-1-1 service and the establishment of a next generation 9-1-1 service fund.
2. Supply Chains: Examine the causes and impacts of recent supply chain disruptions on the Texas economy and individual industries. Study the factors that weaken links in the supply chain and the extent the pandemic has exposed those vulnerabilities. Recommend actions to strengthen the supply chain in Texas and mitigate disruptions in the future.
3. Blockchain and Virtual Currencies: Study current state and federal regulations surrounding blockchain and virtual currencies. Examine how these technologies impact industries such as banking, business, and electricity. Make recommendations to protect consumers while encouraging innovation. Monitor the implementation of HB 1576, 87th R.S., and HB 4474, 87th R.S.
4. Electricity: Assess the electricity market in Texas. Study issues impacting the Texas electric grid, including weather preparedness, transmission planning, maintenance scheduling, and the natural gas supply chain. Study the consequences of increased electric vehicle usage and charging on the generation, transmission and distribution, and retail sectors of Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) and evaluate their potential impact on increased electric demand and reliability of the grid. Evaluate potential benefits of real-time transparency of the intrastate gas market with respect to the functions of ERCOT and the Texas Energy Reliability Council. Examine the growth of renewable energy generation in the state and evaluate its impact on grid reliability. Make recommendations to strengthen the reliability of the grid, and meet the future generation needs of ERCOT through new and existing dispatchable generation. Assess plans to expeditiously add new dispatchable generation. Monitor the implementation of SB 2, 87th R.S., and SB 3, 87th R.S.
5. Cybersecurity: Review current state and federal laws regarding cybersecurity protections and requirements for local governments, state agencies, and critical industries of our state. Make recommendations for legislation to improve resilience and protection against cybersecurity attacks and ensure the privacy protection of the citizens of Texas.
6. State Workforce: Study where state employees are located and the benefits and drawbacks of remote working. Evaluate the impact of the potential growth of remote work and proximity of employees to their place of employment on traffic studies over the next 10 years. Study and make recommendations for establishing uniform statewide standards for remote work. Study possible implications and standards for statewide recruitment and employment of remote state employees from all parts of the state.
Committee: House Technology
Title: Interim Report
Subjects: 911 emergency telephone service | Broadband infrastructure | High tech industry | Information Resources, Texas Department of | Personnel management | Privatization | Rural areas | Social media | Texas Emerging Technology Fund | Universal Service Fund | Workforce | Workforce Commission, Texas |
Library Call Number: L1836.82 T227
Session: 82nd R.S. (2011)
Online version: View report [41 pages]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Examine ways to create incentives for technology companies to come to Texas, including the feasibility of public-private partnerships. The study should include the economic impact of the high-tech industry in Texas and the state's ability to compete with other states for high-tech jobs. Examine the state's current areas of differentiated technology research and development and recommend strategies to capitalize on that intellectual property and commercialization. Include strategies to attract Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) funding to Texas.
2. Examine the benefits and financial costs associated with modernizing 911 call centers with the newest technology to connect dispatchers with callers using mobile means of communication in the fastest and most accurate manner possible during a time of emergency.
3. Study the impact of federal broadband expansion programs on rural areas. Coordinate this review with the Public Utility Commission's evaluation of the state Texas Universal Service Fund and the Federal Communications Commission's national broadband plan.
4. Monitor the agencies and programs under the committee's jurisdiction and the implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 82nd Legislature.
5. Examine human resource policies of state agencies that would integrate the implementation of social media to strengthen the state's workforce.
Committee: Senate Intergovernmental Relations Subcommittee on Flooding and Evacuations
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: The Senate Subcommittee on Flooding and Evacuations interim report : report to the 82nd Legislature.
Subjects: 911 emergency telephone service | Emergency disaster shelters | Emergency management | Evacuations | Flood plains | Flooding | Natural disasters |
Library Call Number: L1836.81 L786f
Session: 81st R.S. (2009)
Online version: View report [69 pages  File size: 3,803 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Study the benefit of legislation that would require coastal regions, when making routine improvements to drainage systems and other infrastructure, to take into account probability of future flooding and any upgrades necessary to prevent future flooding.
2. Study and make recommendations on methods of emergency notification during a natural disaster. Look into alternative systems and new technologies for rerouting 911 ­type calls to become more efficient and effective. Study and make recommendations to streamline the process of informing citizens impacted by an emergency or disaster prior to the event about re-entry and aid.
3. Study and make recommendations relating to cost effective options to either retrofit or require new building structures to be built as shelters for use during future evacuations.
4. Monitor the implementation of legislation addressed by the Senate Subcommittee on Flooding & Evacuations, 81 st Legislature, Regular and Called Sessions, and make recommendations for any legislation needed to improve, enhance, and/or complete implementation.
Committee: House Law Enforcement
Title: Interim Report
Subjects: 911 emergency telephone service | Concealed weapons | Crime laboratories | Driver licenses | Homeland security | Houston Police Department | Identity requirements | Police departments |
Library Call Number: L1836.80 L41
Session: 80th R.S. (2007)
Online version: View report [95 pages  File size: 10,731 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Study the qualifications and standards necessary to be designated a police agency.
2. Monitor the impact of current Texas laws banning the carrying of firearms by holders of concealed carry licenses on the premises of educational institutions.
3. Study the funding of Texas 9-1-1 and poison control systems and the requirement to transition Texas 9-1-1 systems to the next generation of technology to meet future expectations for emergency communications.
4. Review the current requirements for receiving a Texas driver's license or ID card to determine whether they should be more stringent in order to prevent a criminal or terrorist from fraudulently obtaining an official form of Texas identification.
5. Monitor the report issued by the Independent Investigator for the Houston Police Department Crime Laboratory and Property Room, the independent panel review of certain criminal convictions prompted by the conclusions of this report, and the implementation by the City of Houston of any reforms recommended in this report. Also monitor other urban crime laboratories and their compliance with state laws regulating their functions. (Joint Interim Charge with the House Committee on Urban Affairs.)
6. Monitor the agencies and programs under the committee's jurisdiction.
Committee: Senate Economic Development
Title: Interim Report - 9-1-1 emergency
Library Catalog Title: Interim report to the 77th Texas Legislature / Senate Committee on Economic Development, Subcommittee on State 9-1-1 Emergency Communications.
Subjects: 911 emergency telephone service | Cellular telephones |
Library Call Number: L1836.76 ec74e
Session: 76th R.S. (1999)
Online version: View report [20 pages  File size: 535 kb]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. Study any needed changes to create a more efficient, cost effective and reliable 9-1-1 emergency communications system, including the development and implementation of wireless 9-1-1. The Committee shall hold joint hearings with the Committee on Intergovernmental Relations on this charge. Final preparation of the report shall be the responsibility of the Economic Development Committee.
Committee: House Public Safety
Title: Interim report
Library Catalog Title: Committee on Public Safety, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 1992 : a report to the House of Representatives, 73rd Texas Legislature.
Subjects: 911 emergency telephone service | At-risk youth | Cellular telephones | Concealed weapons | Gangs | Gun control | Gun laws | Guns | Homeland security | Law enforcement | Law Enforcement, Texas Commission on | Liability | Peace officers | Police officers | Police pursuits | Polygraph Examiners Board, Texas | Private Security Bureau, Texas | Public Safety, Texas Department of | Right to Carry Act | State buildings | Texas State Capitol |
Library Call Number: L1836.72 p96s
Session: 72nd R.S. (1991)
Online version: View report [119 pages  File size: 5,613 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Monitor and oversee legislation enacted during the 72nd regular and Special Called Sessions that was considered by the Committee on Public Safety; Performance Audit Review Recommendations; and any agency-initiated changes.
2. Carry out budget and oversight responsibilities for all agencies, boards, and commissions listed in Rule 3, Section 27. A. Monitor and oversee documentation of salary increases. B. Verify the number and status of outcomes and outputs as identified in the Appropriations Bill (HB 1, 72nd Legislature, 1st Called Session). C. Review agencies' existing performance standards and determine whether new standards are needed.
3. Study the process by which peace officers are commissioned by public, private, and quasi-public entities and to study the conflict of jurisdictional powers and limitations of officers commissioned by entities with limited geographic boundaries.
4. Coordinate with and monitor the Criminal Jurisprudence committee's study on youth crime and gangs.
5. Study the location of the Law Enforcement Management Institute as authorized by Article 415.092, Government Code.
6. Study the feasibility of implementing and funding an emergency network for mobile phone users similar to the 911 available to general phone users.
7. Study the indemnification and civil liability of peace officers involved in incidents or accidents while carrying out in good faith the official duties of their office.
8. Study the current state and federal laws concerning the right to carry weapons by citizens and other non-commissioned peace officers and to study possible policy alternatives surrounding the issue of allowing citizens to legally carry weapons.
9. Study the current organizational status of the Capitol Police Department and study the impact that the Capitol restoration will have on the security of the Capitol.

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