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3 Document(s) [ Subject: Judicial Retirement System of Texas ]

Committee: Senate Finance
Title: Interim Report - General Budget and Tax Issues
Library Catalog Title: Interim report of the Senate Finance Committee : recommendations to the 79th Legislature.
Subjects: Economic Stabilization Fund | Employees Retirement System of Texas | Fire Fighter's Pension Commissioner | Judicial Retirement System of Texas | Public retirement systems | State budget certification | State budgets | State government debt | Tax revenue | Teacher Retirement System of Texas |
Library Call Number: L1836.78 F49 v. 1
Session: 78th R.S. (2003)
Online version: View report [355 pages  File size: 15,793 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. General Budget Oversight. Monitor state agency implementation of HB 1, 78th R.S., by reviewing key strategies, programs, and rider provisions.
2. Revenue Oversight. Monitor and track the Texas' key revenue sources. Develop recommendations to keep the Legislature apprised of key revenue source activity throughout the duration of this and future fiscal biennia.
3. General Budget and Tax Issues Rainy Day Fund. Track the history of appropriations out of and deposits of revenue into the Texas' rainy day fund. Monitor FY 2004-2005 deposits of revenue to the fund. As needed, make recommendations on how to improve revenue sources and the manner in which the fund can be spent. Pension Fund Review. Report on the current condition of the state's pension systems, including an analysis of unfunded liabilities. Make recommendations, as necessary, to ensure Texas meets its financial obligations in the future. Issuance of State Bonds. Review the role of the Public Finance Authority and the Bond Review Board in the issuance of state bonds, and make recommendations, as necessary, for improvements. Budget Certification. Study the budget certification process. Make recommendations on how to improve the process of certifying the state budget by the Comptroller of Public Accounts. General Appropriations Act Bill Pattern Review. Review effectiveness of current and past bill patterns, and make recommendations, as necessary, for improvements.
Committee: Senate Jurisprudence
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: Interim report : report to the 79th Legislature
Subjects: Alternative dispute resolution | Courts | Criminally insane | Judge salaries | Judicial Retirement System of Texas | Penalties and sentences (Criminal justice) |
Library Call Number: L1836.78 J979
Session: 78th R.S. (2003)
Online version: View report [99 pages  File size: 5,013 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Study the jurisdiction of all local and state courts, including civil and criminal justice courts. Make recommendations for changes to any court's jurisdiction to improve the efficiency or effectiveness of the judicial system. Review and make recommendations relating to concurrent jurisdiction of county courts at law and district courts over eminent domain proceedings.
2. Study judicial salaries, supplements, retirement, and benefit issues for sitting, visiting and retired judges.
3. Study arbitration statutes, and the role of the American Arbitration Association. Specifically, the Committee shall make recommendations to improve and ensure the efficiency, effectiveness, and fairness of arbitrators and arbitrations.
4. Study insanity defense laws, specifically evaluating the impact of changing the defense of "not guilty by reason of insanity" to "guilty, but insane."
Committee: House Public Retirement Systems, Select
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: To the speaker and members of the Texas House of Representatives, 68th Legislature : report of the / Select Committee on Public Retirement Systems, Texas House of Representatives.
Subjects: Employees Retirement System of Texas | Judicial Retirement System of Texas | Teacher Retirement System of Texas |
Library Call Number: L1836.67 r314
Session: 67th R.S. (1981)
Online version: View report [141 pages  File size: 4,610 kb]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. Study the direction being taken by the retirement systems covering public employees in Texas, and the effect of the systems upon employees and taxpayers. The following issues should be among those addressed:
  • a review of the investment practices of all public pension funds in Texas
  • a review of the Judicial Retirement System and the County Courts at Law
  • an examination of the problems faced by faculty of public junior colleges in the area of pensions
  • a study on the possibility of including lay members on public pension boards

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