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6 Document(s) [ Subject: Skills Development/Smart Jobs Fund ]

Committee: House Economic Development
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: House Committee on Economic Development, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 2006 : a report to the House of Representatives, 80th Texas Legislature
Subjects: Economic development | Higher education | Job training programs | Skills Development/Smart Jobs Fund | Texas Enterprise Fund | Unemployment benefits | Unemployment Compensation Trust Fund |
Library Call Number: L1836.79 Ec74h
Session: 79th R.S. (2005)
Online version: View report [45 pages  File size: 9,261 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Review the application of the Development Corporation Act of 1979 (Article 5109.6 VTCS) to determine the appropriateness of including limited liability funding ability for higher education projects supporting the development or expansion of specialized educational facilities at institutions of higher education.
2. Study the use of the Skills Development Fund and the adequacy of the alternative funding mechanism created in HB 2421, 79th R.S..
3. Study the effectiveness of the Texas Enterprise Zone program and its contributions in creating economic development in this state.
4. Study the utilization of the Unemployed Insurance Fund.
5. Study the use of the Texas Economic Development Act since its enactment as HB 1200, 77th R.S.. Examine how successful the program has been in the promotion of economic development in this state, and its use by local government entities. Make recommendations for any statutory changes needed to the program, and consider whether the December 31, 2007, Sunset date should be extended.
6. Study the use of the Texas Enterprise Fund and other economic development tools created by SB 275, 78th R.S.. Examine how successful the new programs have been in the promotion of economic development in this state, and recommend any statutory enhancements that could be made.
7. Monitor the agencies and programs under the committee's jurisdiction.
Committee: House Economic Development
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: House Committee on Economic Development, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 2004 : a report to the House of Representatives, 79th Texas Legislature
Subjects: Job training programs | Ports | Rural economic development | Skills Development/Smart Jobs Fund | Tourism | Unemployment Compensation Trust Fund | Workers' compensation |
Library Call Number: L1836/78 Ec74h
Session: 78th R.S. (2003)
Online version: View report [56 pages  File size: 308 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Evaluate job training programs offered by the state and whether the state's efforts have been negatively impacted by the loss of the Smart Jobs program. Study the role of career and technology job training programs and their effectiveness in adult education programs, job retraining programs, post-secondary education and high school programs. Recommend legislative changes to enhance job training programs or provide incentives for business recruitment and retention.
2. Review the state's role in tourism and the effects of moving tourism functions within the Governor's office under SB 275, 78th R.S.. Examine how the state can assist rural communities in the promotion of tourism.
3. Actively monitor the status of the Unemployment Compensation Trust Fund. Review the impact of legislative changes enacted by SB 280, 78th R.S., on funding of the Unemployment Compensation Trust Fund.
4. Study how businesses currently view the Texas Workers' Compensation System and whether it deters business growth or expansion into Texas. Study any reforms that could be used as an incentive for economic development, business recruitment or business retention.
5. Study the role that Texas ports have in the economic growth of the state and how the state can partner with ports in developing trade, business recruitment and relocation and the transportation of goods and services both in domestic and foreign markets.
6. Evaluate the state's role in serving economic development interests in rural Texas after the passage of SB 275, 78th R.S., and other economic development legislation from the 78th Legislature.
7. Monitor the agencies and programs under the committee's jurisdiction, with special attention paid to the agencies' implementation of sunset legislation.
Committee: House Economic Development
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: House Committee on Economic Development, Texas House of Representatives interim report, 2000 : a report to the House of Representatives, 77th Texas Legislature.
Subjects: Aerospace Commission, Texas | Economic Development, Texas Department of | Job training programs | Local Workforce Development Boards | Skills Development/Smart Jobs Fund | Spaceports | State government contracts | Unemployment benefits | Unemployment Compensation Trust Fund | Unemployment taxes | Welfare | Welfare-to-work | Workforce |
Library Call Number: L1836.76 ec74h
Session: 76th R.S. (1999)
Online version: View report [96 pages  File size: 4,086 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Assess the strengths and weaknesses of local workforce development boards and their capacity to provide effective training and job services. Include a review of the boards' monitoring and verification of contractor performance and reports. Assess the workforce development system's effectiveness in the areas of (a) the TANF population, (b) dislocated workers, (c) persons with disabilities and (d) the high-technology workforce.
2. Actively monitor the status of the unemployment insurance compensation trust fund. Study the mechanisms in current law designed to keep the fund in the desired range.
3. Review current programs and examine other options for preparing students who do not seek advanced degrees for jobs in today's economy.
4. Conduct active oversight of the agencies under the committee's jurisdiction.
Committee: Senate Economic Development, Interim
Title: Interim report - Texas business climate
Library Catalog Title: Report on the Texas business climate.
Subjects: Economic development | Economic Stabilization Fund | Franchise taxes | Job training programs | Literacy | Skills Development/Smart Jobs Fund | Tax credits | Tax incentives | Telecommunications infrastructure | Tort reform | Transportation infrastructure | Workforce |
Library Call Number: L1836.75 ec74b
Session: 75th R.S. (1997)
Online version: View report [91 pages  File size: 3,894 kb]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. Study major legislation concerning economic development enacted during the 1990's to evaluate and identify the legislation's impact on Texas businesses and the economy, such as creation and retention of jobs, financial stability of businesses, and financial investment in Texas. Among other legislation, the Committee should evaluate laws concerning tort reform, tax abatements and incentives, insurance reform, telecommunication deregulation, and trucking deregulation. The Committee may make recommendations to establish a mechanism for on-going analysis of current and future business-related laws.
Committee: House Economic Development
Title: Interim report
Library Catalog Title: Committee on Economic Development, Texas House of Representatives interim report 1996: a report to the 75th Texas Legislature.
Subjects: Economic development | Economic development corporations | Enterprise zone programs | Job training programs | Local Workforce Development Boards | Skills Development/Smart Jobs Fund | Tax incentives | Welfare-to-work | Workforce Commission, Texas |
Library Call Number: L1836.74 ec74h
Session: 74th R.S. (1995)
Online version: View report [86 pages  File size: 3,811 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Study the effectiveness of Reinvestment Zones, Enterprise Zones and Enterprise Projects, including the number of businesses in each, the relationship between investment required and benefit received and the impact of previous legislation.
2. Study the differences between 4A and 4B economic development corporations, particularly whether each type should be allowed to invest in projects currently exclusive to the other.
3. Conduct active oversight of agencies and programs under the committee's jurisdiction, including the consolidation of job training programs in the Texas Workforce Commission; problems associated with any reduction in federal job training funds; and on-going implementation of the Smart Jobs program.
Committee: House Economic Development
Title: Interim report
Library Catalog Title: Committee on Economic Development, Texas House of Representatives interim report : a report to the 74th Texas Legislature.
Subjects: Job training programs | Skills Development/Smart Jobs Fund | Texas Council on Workforce and Economic Competitiveness |
Library Call Number: L1836.73 ec74
Session: 73rd R.S. (1993)
Online version: View report [49 pages  File size: 1,926 kb]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. Conduct active oversight of agencies under the jurisdiction of the committee, including, particularly, the Texas Council of Workforce and Economic Competitiveness and the Smart Jobs program. Study legislative reporting mandates and make recommendations concerning the continuation, modification or elimination of mandated reports.

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