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2 Document(s) [ Subject: ]

Committee: House Science and Technology
Title: Interim Report
Library Catalog Title: Report of the Science and Technology Committee, Texas House of Representatives, 69th Legislature : to the speaker and members of the Texas House of Representatives, 70th Legislature.
Subjects: Economic development | Federal research grants | High technology | University research |
Library Call Number: L1836.69 sc26
Session: 69th R.S. (1985)
Online version: View report [42 pages  File size: 2,210 kb]
Charge: This report should address the charge below.
1. To study the quantity, source, and distribution of research and development spending in the State.
Supporting documents
Committee: House Science and Technology
Title: Memo from the House of Representatives
Library Catalog Title: Minutes
Library Call Number: L1801.9 SCI27 69
Session: 69th R.S. (1985)
Online version: View document [1 pages]

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