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24.05.01 By Gretchen Hammer, Armelle Casau, and Lauren Scannelli Jacobs. Center for Health Care Strategies, April 2024, pp. 1-15.
Presents strategies that state agencies can adopt to provide better early childhood support to improve well-being across a person's lifespan. Provides examples that other states' agencies implemented to improve early childhood support.
24.05.02 By Erin Gretzinger and Maggie Hicks. Chronicle of Higher Education, April 12, 2024, pp. 34-36, 38, 40, 42, 44-45.
Reports on how some public colleges and universities in Texas and Florida are responding to state legislation that bans diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) offices and staff. Refers to SB 17, 88th Legislature, R.S.
24.05.03 Economist, April 20th-26th, 2024, p. 23.
Explains how the federal district courts in Waco and Marshall, Texas, became popular venues to file patent cases.
24.05.04 Economist, April 13th-19th, 2024, pp. 13-15.
Discusses the increasing risks and costs of climate change to property, focusing on housing. Considers how some governments around the world are responding to those risks.
24.05.05 By Rebekah Skelton. IDRA Newsletter (Intercultural Development Research Association), March 2024, pp. 5-6.
Summarizes the Gun-Free Schools Act, federal legislation passed in 1994. Focuses on how some states chose to implement this law by enacting zero tolerance discipline systems. Includes data about students in Texas public schools.
24.05.06 By Annie Sciacca. The Imprint: Youth & Family News, April 23, 2024, pp. 1-4.
Describes Texas child welfare reforms that have kept families together and fewer kids from entering foster care. Highlights HB 567, 87th Legislature, R.S., which tightened the state's definition of "neglect." Interviews a range of Texas child welfare professionals, including Travis County District Judge Aurora Martinez Jones, policy analysts, researchers, and activists.
24.05.07 By Toni Templeton, et al. Journal of Education Finance, Fall 2023, pp. 176-199.
Analyzes the outcomes produced by the changes to Texas' public school finance formulas altered by HB 3, 86th Legislature, R.S. Concludes that the changes to the formulas weakened the redistribution of wealth and increased inequity in public school funding.
24.05.08 By Aaron Sojourner. Milken Institute Review, Second Quarter 2024, pp. 24-33.
Explains the positive effect of public investments in high-quality early childhood education and care (ECE), including Head Start and the Child Care and Development Fund at the federal level. Discusses the challenge of ensuring ECE quality at scale. Notes ECE policies are moving forward in the states, including Vermont, New Mexico, and Minnesota, after federal legislation in the Build Back Better plan stalled.
24.05.09 Oil and Gas Journal, April–May 2024, pp. 34-39.
Examines risks associated with gathering pipelines that are not decommissioned properly. Considers how federal agencies oversee decommissioning of gathering lines on federal lands. Refers to a recent report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office.
24.05.10 By Joanne Silberner. Scientific American, May 2024, pp. 58-65.
Considers the health effects of excessively loud noises and how exposure to loud noises can cause damage to hearing, the heart and blood vessels, and the endocrine system. Explains that more noise research is needed to better understand the health effects of loud noise and prolonged exposure to noise.
24.05.11 By Ryan Latham. State Bar of Texas: Oil, Gas and Energy Resources, Fall 2023, pp. 7-24.
Discusses the history of division orders in Texas as it relates to the safe harbor provision in oil and gas leases. Refers to relevant legislation and case law.
24.05.12 By Matt Stringer. Texan, April 29, 2024, pp. 1-2.
Discusses Comptroller Glenn Hegar's recent update on the new state grant program to assist rural law enforcement agencies and prosecutors, enacted by SB 22, 88th Legislature, R.S., by Senator Drew Springer.
24.05.13 By Sasha von Oldershausen. Texas Monthly, May 2024, pp. 41-45.
Tells the story of Fidel Guitierrez-Garcia, a pecan picker from a rural part of Mexico, who was tried on a marijuana possession charge in 2022. Notes that Guitierrez-Garcia spoke a rare Uto-Aztecan language and thus was unable to understand the Spanish spoken to him at his trial. Uses this story to discuss the challenges faced in U.S. courts by speakers of lesser-known languages; although they have a Constitutional right to an interpreter, assistance can be difficult to find.
24.05.14 By Josephine Lee. Texas Observer, April 2024, pp. 1-4.
Examines the Texas Department of Transportation's (TXDOT) plans regarding the widening of I-45 in Houston and its effect on the existing community. Exposes the agency's failure to adhere to the resolution agreement. Points out the impact to the communities, including but not limited to excess pollution, lack of accountability, and issues with lack of resources for relocation.
24.05.15 By Elana Redfield, Kerith J. Conron, and Christy Mallory. Williams Institute (UCLA School of Law), April 2024, pp. 1-33 (Note Length).
Analyzes six types of state laws and policies relating to transgender youth in 2023-2024, including restrictions on gender-affirming care and pronouns; sports participation; and bathroom access, as well as "shield" laws for gender-affirming care and bans on conversion therapy. Estimates the number of transgender youth living in states with these laws. Mentions Texas.

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