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6 document(s) related     Texas Bills & Amendments: 6    

Texas Bills / Amendments Caption Clips
85th Regular Session
HB 298 Relating to a parent's right to view the body of a deceased child before an autopsy is performed. 9
HB 2377 Relating to the development of brackish groundwater. 9
HB 2378 Relating to extensions of an expired permit for the transfer of groundwater from a groundwater conservation district. 11
HB 2943 Relating to the use of money in the state water pollution control revolving fund. 10
HB 3305 Relating to restrictions on certain contributions by persons appointed to public office by the governor; creating a criminal offense. 33
HB 3987 Relating to the authority of the Texas Water Development Board to use the state participation account of the water development fund to provide financial assistance for the development of certain facilities. 9