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Texas Bills / Amendments Caption Clips
86th Regular Session
HB 244 Relating to the prohibition of certain discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity or expression; providing an administrative penalty; creating a criminal offense. 2
HB 254 Relating to the prohibition of certain discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity or expression; providing an administrative penalty; creating a criminal offense. 2
HB 517 Relating to unprofessional conduct by mental health providers who attempt to change the sexual orientation of a child; providing penalties. 9
HB 978 Relating to certain statutory changes to reflect and address same-sex marriages and parenting relationships and to the removal of provisions regarding the criminality or unacceptability of homosexual conduct. 1
HB 1190 Relating to unprofessional conduct by mental health providers who attempt to change the sexual orientation of a child; providing penalties. 1
SB 151 Relating to the prohibition of certain discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity or expression; providing an administrative penalty; creating a criminal offense. 2