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[ clip Effort would erode local historic zoning laws in Texas ]

4 document(s) related     Texas Bills & Amendments: 3     Misc. items: 1

Texas Bills / Amendments Caption Clips
86th Regular Session
HB 2496 Relating to the designation of a property as a historic landmark by a municipality. 4
SB 1488 Relating to the designation of a property as a historic landmark by a municipality. 3
85th Regular Session
HB 3418 Relating to municipal zoning affecting places or areas of historical, cultural, or architectural importance and significance. 5
Laws & Rules
Austin city ordinance ยง 25-2-352 - Historic designation criteria (e.g., property is at least 50 years old). (Link Type: Local)
By City of Austin
Publication Date: Accessed March 18, 2019