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[ clip Radioactive waste site seeks more out-of-state material ]

3 document(s) related     Texas Bills & Amendments: 2     Misc. items: 1

Texas Bills / Amendments Caption Clips
86th Regular Session
HB 2269 Relating to the operations of the Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact waste disposal facility. 2
SB 1021 Relating to the operations of the Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact waste disposal facility. 2
Letter to U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission from Waste Control Specialists requesting suspension of all review activities associated with the consolidated interim storage facility license for its facility in Andrews County, TX. Docket No. 72-1050. (Link Type: Letter)
By Ron Baltzer / Waste Control Specialists
Publication Date: April 18, 2017