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Texas Bills / Amendments Caption Clips
86th Regular Session
HB 3421 Relating to the Independent Citizen Redistricting Commission. 1
HB 3928 Relating to the Texas Redistricting Commission. 1
SB 1537 Relating to the Texas Redistricting Commission. 1
HJR 123 Proposing a constitutional amendment establishing the Texas Redistricting Commission to redistrict the Texas Legislature, Texas congressional districts, and State Board of Education districts and revising procedures for redistricting. 1
SJR 52 Proposing a constitutional amendment establishing the Texas Redistricting Commission to redistrict the Texas Legislature and Texas congressional districts and revising procedures for redistricting. 1
82nd Regular Session
SB 196 Relating to the reapportionment of congressional districts and the creation, function, and duties of the Texas Congressional Redistricting Commission. 34