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[ clip Texas may give F1's US Grand Prix its missing $25 million ]

3 document(s) related     Texas Bills & Amendments: 1     Misc. items: 2

Texas Bills / Amendments Caption Clips
86th Regular Session
HB 4008 Relating to plans required to be submitted to be eligible to receive funding through the Major Events Reimbursement Program. 2
Laws & Rules
Vernon's Civil Statutes ยง 5190.14, Sec. 5A, Payment of state and municipal or county obligations under major events reimbursement program. (Link Type: Texas Law)
By Texas Legislature
Library Location: LAW-TEX
Letter to Anna Panossian, Director, Circuit Events Local Organizing Committee, regarding loss of Major Events Reimbursement Program funding for 2018 Formula 1 Grand Prix race due to missing the deadline for filing a human trafficking prevention plan. (Link Type: Letter)
View report
By Bryan Daniel, Executive Director, Economic Development & Tourism, Office of Governor Greg Abbott
Publication Date: October 8, 2018