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[ clip School safety debate focuses on bills expanding marshal programs ]

6 document(s) related     Texas Bills & Amendments: 4     Misc. items: 2

Texas Bills / Amendments Caption Clips
86th Regular Session
HB 1387 Relating to the number of school marshals that may be appointed to serve on a public school campus or at a private school. 50
SB 11 Relating to policies, procedures, and measures for school safety and mental health promotion in public schools; making an appropriation. 119
SB 244 Relating to the number of school marshals that may be appointed to serve on a public school campus or at a private school. 5
SB 406 Relating to the carrying or storage of a handgun by a school marshal. 8
Laws & Rules
Texas Education Code ยง 37.0811, School marshals: public schools ('Guardian Plan'). (Link Type: Texas Law)
By Texas Legislature
Publication Date: May 27, 2019
Library Location: LAW-TEX
Texas Governor Materials
School and firearm safety action plan. (Link Type: Other)
By Governor Greg Abbott
Publication Date: May 30, 2018