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[ clip Rep. Todd Hunter: More laws needed to combat human trafficking ]

3 document(s) related     Texas Bills & Amendments: 1     Reports: 1     Misc. items: 1

Texas Bills / Amendments Caption Clips
85th Regular Session
HB 29 Relating to prostitution and the trafficking of persons, civil racketeering related to trafficking, the investigation and prosecution of and punishment for certain sexual offenses and offenses involving or related to trafficking, reimbursement of certain costs for criminal victims who are children, and the release and reporting of certain information relating to a child; increasing a criminal penalty; creating a criminal offense. 4
Key facts (missing and exploited children). (Link Type: Report)
By National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
Publication Date: Accessed February 14, 2017
Texas Governor Materials
Governor Abbott establishes customized clemency application for survivors of human trafficking and domestic abuse. (Link Type: Press Release)
By Governor Greg Abbott
Publication Date: February 20, 2020