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3 document(s) related     Texas Bills & Amendments: 2     Misc. items: 1

Texas Bills / Amendments Caption Clips
84th Regular Session
SJR 5 Proposing a constitutional amendment temporarily dedicating a portion of the revenue derived from the state sales and use tax to the state highway fund. 319
83rd 3rd Called Session
SJR 1 Proposing a constitutional amendment to provide for the transfer of certain general revenue to the economic stabilization fund and to the state highway fund and for the dedication of the revenue transferred to the state highway fund. 379
Articles / Press Releases
Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar projects a fiscal 2021 ending shortfall of $4.6 Billion in revised revenue estimate. (Link Type: Press Release)
By Texas Comptroller of Public Account Glenn Hegar
Publication Date: July 20, 2020