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[ clip Weber, others who back Paxton lawsuit betray constituents, democracy ]

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Legal Documents
State of Texas v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, et al.; Motion for leave to file bill of complaint and bill of complaint (No. 22O155, challenging the administration of the 2020 presidential elections, asking the court to throw out the election results in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin, and allow those states' respective legislatures to appoint presidential electors). (Link Type: Federal Court Case)
By U.S. Supreme Court
Publication Date: December 7, 2020
State of Texas v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, et al.; Motion for leave to file brief of amicus curiae and brief of amicus curiae of U.S. Representative Mike Johnson and 126 members of the U.S. House of Representatives in support of plaintiff's motion (No. 22O155, supporting Texas' challenge of 2020 presidential election results, claiming authority of the defendant states' legislatures to determine the rules for appointing electors was usurped at various levels). (Link Type: Federal Court Case)
By U.S. Supreme Court
Publication Date: December 11, 2020
State of Texas v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, et al.; Order (No. 22O155, Texas' challenge of 2020 presidential election results is denied; Texas does not have standing to sue other states over their election procedures). (Link Type: Federal Court Case)
By U.S. Supreme Court
Publication Date: December 11, 2020