Andrew J. Hamilton

Andres J. Hamilton

Andrew J. Hamilton

Full name: Andrew Jackson Hamilton
Biography: Portraits of Texas Governors
Party: Democrat
Term as Governor*: June 17, 1865 - August 9, 1866
Legislative sessions as Governor:
11 R.S. (August 6, 1866 - November 13, 1866)
Legislative offices:
Member, Texas House of Representatives (1851 - 1853)
Member, Texas Senate (1861 - 1861) (Elected but never sworn)
Elected state or federal offices:
Texas Supreme Court Justice (1867)
U.S. Representative (1859- 1860)
Texas Attorney General (1849- 1850)
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* Hamilton received a commission as Military Governor of Texas from President Abraham Lincoln on 11/14/1862. He appears to have served in that capacity continuously until his reappointment as Provisional Governor by President Andrew Johnson on 6/17/1865. Apparently Johnson used the term "reappointment" because Hamilton was already serving as military governor. Hamilton arrived in Galveston on July 22, 1865 and received as Provisional Governor of Texas in Austin on August 2, 1865.
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