Executive documents-Search results

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Results: {data.filteredRows} document(s)   [  Author= Charles A. Culberson  Document type= Proclamation  ]

Date Session Title Author Type Document number
05/21/1897 (25th 1st C.S.) 25th 1st C.S. Calling a special session of the 25th Legislature to convene May 22, 1897, for the following purposes: make appropriations for deficiencies; make appropriations for the support of the State government for the two years beginning March 1, 1897, and for other purposes as is usual in general appropriation bills, and to reduce expenses; fix and regulate the fees and compensation of district attorneys and all county and precinct officers; amend the present law on the subject of fellow-servants or abrogate the doctrine of fellow-servants in this State Charles A. Culberson Legislative proclamation
09/26/1895 (24th 1st C.S.) 24th 1st C.S. Calling a special session of the 24th Legislature to convene October 1, 1895, for the following purpose: to denounce prize-fighting and kindred practices in clear and unambiguous terms, and prohibit the same by appropriate pains and penalties, putting the law into immediate operation, and making necessary provision for its enforcement, so that proposed exhibitions of this character within the State may be prevented, the undoubted will of the people upon the subject respected, and this affront to the moral sense and enlightened progress of Texas averted Charles A. Culberson Legislative proclamation