Executive documents-Search results

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Results: {data.filteredRows} document(s)   [  Author= Robert Allan Shivers  Document type= Proclamation  ]

Date Session Title Author Type Document number
03/11/1954 (53rd 1st C.S.) 53rd 1st C.S. Calling a special session of the 53rd Legislature to begin on March 15, 1954 to provide a new minimum salary schedule for public free school teachers, to adjust the salaries of state employees, to make appropriations for the construction of needed buildings at various state institutions, and to outlaw the Communist Party in Texas Robert Allan Shivers Legislative proclamation
01/25/1950 (51st 1st C.S.) 51st 1st C.S. Calling a special session of the 51st Legislature to begin on January 31, 1950 to make and to finance such appropriations as the Legislature may deem necessary for the State Hospitals and Special Schools Robert Allan Shivers Legislative proclamation