Executive documents-Search results

Document search results

Results: {data.filteredRows} document(s)   [  Author= Lawrence Sullivan Ross  Document type= Speech    ]

Date Session Title Author Type Document number
01/15/1889 (21st R.S.) 21st R.S. Inaugural address Lawrence Sullivan Ross Speech
01/10/1889 (21st R.S.) 21st R.S. State of the State Lawrence Sullivan Ross Speech
04/16/1888 (20th 1st C.S.) 20th 1st C.S. Governor's address to the 20th Legislature, 1st Called Session Lawrence Sullivan Ross Speech
01/20/1887 (20th R.S.) 20th R.S. State of the State Lawrence Sullivan Ross Speech
01/18/1887 (20th R.S.) 20th R.S. Inaugural address Lawrence Sullivan Ross Speech