Executive documents-Search results

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Results: {data.filteredRows} document(s)   [  Author= Richard Coke  Document type= Other    ]

Date Session Title Author Type Document number
11/27/1876 (15th R.S.) 15th R.S. Authentic review of the condition of the state finances in 1876, by Gov. Richard Coke (correspondence between A.C. Gray, Esq., and Governor Richard Coke on the financial condition of the state, November 10 and 27, 1876, and accompanying documents, included in Governor Oran Roberts' message to the 16th Legislature, Extra Session, June 10, 1879) Richard Coke Other
03/13/1875 (14th 2nd R.S.) 14th 2nd R.S. Communications relating to resignation of J.L. Camp, Senator for the 6th Senatorial District Richard Coke Other