Executive documents-Search results

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Results: {data.filteredRows} document(s)   [  Author= Joseph D. Sayers  Document type= Other    ]

Date Session Title Author Type Document number
03/30/1901 (27th R.S.) 27th R.S. Communication from the Governor, enclosing telegram from mayor and aldermen of the city of Galveston requesting the Legislature to pass the grade-raising bill (SB 152, 27th R.S.) Joseph D. Sayers Other
02/05/1901 (27th R.S.) 27th R.S. Communication from the Governor, relating to calling of the Legislature in extraordinary (special) session Joseph D. Sayers Other
01/10/1901 (27th R.S.) 27th R.S. Communication from the Governor, invitation from Chamber of Commerce of El Paso for Midwinter Carnival and discussion of the development of the industrial resources of the Southwest, especially mineral resources Joseph D. Sayers Other
04/17/1899 (26th R.S.) 26th R.S. Executive communication, recommending removal of remains of Stephen F. Austin and his sister to the capital of the State, and erection of a suitable monument; transmitting communication from the Honorable Guy M. Bryan Joseph D. Sayers Other
04/12/1899 (26th R.S.) 26th R.S. Executive communication, transmitting communication from Miss Elisabet Ney, of Austin, Texas, relating to the Woman's Worlds Fair Association's wishes to present the capitol at Austin with marble statutes of Texas heroes, General Sam Houston and Stephen F. Austin, abandoned by the association not having necessary funds to put plaster models into marble, formally turning over life-size models to Texas Joseph D. Sayers Other
04/03/1899 (26th R.S.) 26th R.S. Correspondence between the Governor and the Attorney General in regard to consolidation of corporations (suits against four incorporated companies in San Antonio: gas company, electric light company, and two street railroad companies) Joseph D. Sayers Other