02/18/1930 (41st 5th C.S.) |
41st 5th C.S. |
Calling a special session of the 41st Legislature to begin on February 19th, 1930 to pass legislation providing for the reorganization, reformation and rehabilitation of the Texas prison system; to facilitate fair and impartial trial of charges made against the State Comptroller of Public Accounts; to provide revenues to meet the supplemental demands of the State departments and institutions
Daniel J. Moody, Jr. |
Legislative proclamation
02/18/1930 (41st 4th C.S.) |
41st 4th C.S. |
Calling a special session of the 41st Legislature to be convened on February 19, 1930 to pass legislation providing for the reorganization, reformation and rehabilitation of the Texas Prison System; to facilitate a fair and impartial trial of charges made against the State Comptroller of Public Accounts; to provide revenues to meet the supplemental demands of the State departments and institutions
Daniel J. Moody, Jr. |
Legislative proclamation
02/12/1930 (41st 4th C.S.) |
41st 4th C.S. |
Submitting as additional topics for consideration by the 41st Legislature, 1st Called Session, cooperative marketing associations, state supervision of cotton weighing, bounties on wolf scalps in Jack and Wise counties, land dominion, oil and gas in lands belonging to state eleemosynary institutions and state parks, county advertising, elections for seawall bonds, shipping district near Corpus Christi bay, navigation district purchases, horses, dormitories at College of Industrial Arts, tackle and taking fish, shipment of citrus nursery stock grown in Florida, and student degree credits
Daniel J. Moody, Jr. |
Legislative proclamation
01/29/1930 (41st 1st C.S.) |
41st 1st C.S. |
Submitting a copy of the original report of the State Auditor; Special Report of the State Auditor and Efficiency Expert, January 27, 1930
Daniel J. Moody, Jr. |
Legislative proclamation
01/14/1930 (41st 4th C.S.) |
41st 4th C.S. |
Calling a special session of the 41st Legislature to begin on January 20, 1930 to provide for the reorganization and reformation of the Texas prison system; to consider the report of said legislative committee appointed to investigate the operation of the Fee System, and the enactment of laws placing proper limits upon the fees of officers...
Daniel J. Moody, Jr. |
Legislative proclamation
07/02/1929 (41st 3rd C.S.) |
41st 3rd C.S. |
Calling a special session of the 41st Legislature to begin on July 3, 1929 to consider appropriations for State departments and institutions
Daniel J. Moody, Jr. |
Legislative proclamation
05/30/1929 (41st 2nd C.S.) |
41st 2nd C.S. |
Calling a special session of the 41st Legislature to begin on June 3, 1929, to consider regulation of public utilities; taxation and revenue; public education; support of the Highway Department; support of the Departments and Institutions for the ensuing biennium; priority rights in public waters; laws dealing with formation of companies for the sale of stock and shares therein; and amendments to the statutes prescribing judicial procedure obtaining in this state...
Daniel J. Moody, Jr. |
Legislative proclamation
04/09/1929 (41st 1st C.S.) |
41st 1st C.S. |
Calling a special session of the 41st Legislature to begin on April 22, 1929 to enact laws providing for the concentration of the Texas Prison System, and the improvement of said system along modern and scientific lines; to enact laws carrying into effect the amendment to Section 8 of Article VII of the Constitution; to provide a merit system for the selection of subordinate employees of the State Government; to consider and act on such other subjects of public importance as the Executive may submit
Daniel J. Moody, Jr. |
Legislative proclamation
05/09/1927 (40th 1st C.S.) |
40th 1st C.S. |
Calling a special session of the 40th Legislature to be convened on May 9, 1927 to pass a general appropriation bill; to pass a selective civil service law providing for the selection of subordinate employees of the State government under the classified civil service system; to adopt such laws as may be necessary to establish a more efficient and economical development of a system of correlated state highways
Daniel J. Moody, Jr. |
Legislative proclamation