Speaker and Lt. Governor documents - search results

Lt. Governor document search results

18 result(s)   [  Author= Bob Bullock  Document type= other   ]

Session Date Author Title Type
77th R.S. 04/26/2001 (77th R.S.) Lt. Governor Bob Bullock Memorial Resolution other
76th R.S. 01/12/1999 (76th R.S.) Lt. Governor Bob Bullock Congratulatory Resolution other
75th R.S. 09/30/1997 (75th R.S.) Lt. Governor Bob Bullock Article on Proposed Constitutional Amendments Affecting Water Issues other
74th R.S. 01/01/1995 (74th R.S.) Lt. Governor Bob Bullock Medical Report other
73rd R.S. 04/27/1993 (73rd R.S.) Lt. Governor Bob Bullock Article on Senate Passage of SJR49, Prohibiting a State Income Tax other
73rd R.S. 03/23/1993 (73rd R.S.) Lt. Governor Bob Bullock Article on Senate Passage of Appropriations Bill other
73rd R.S. 03/10/1993 (73rd R.S.) Lt. Governor Bob Bullock Article on Judicial Elections other
73rd R.S. 01/12/1993 (73rd R.S.) Lt. Governor Bob Bullock Biographical Sketch other
72nd R.S. 01/04/1993 (72nd R.S.) Lt. Governor Bob Bullock Letter to President-elect Bill Clinton on Medicaid other
72nd 4th C.S. 12/09/1992 (72nd 4th C.S.) Lt. Governor Bob Bullock Article on School Finance other
72nd 4th C.S. 12/04/1992 (72nd 4th C.S.) Lt. Governor Bob Bullock Letter on School Funding other
72nd R.S. 12/03/1992 (72nd R.S.) Lt. Governor Bob Bullock Letter to TDCJ on Jail Overcrowding other
72nd 4th C.S. 11/06/1992 (72nd 4th C.S.) Lt. Governor Bob Bullock Article on School Finance other
72nd 3rd C.S. 10/22/1992 (72nd 3rd C.S.) Lt. Governor Bob Bullock Taking the Surprise Out of Clean Air other
72nd R.S. 09/14/1992 (72nd R.S.) Lt. Governor Bob Bullock Letter to TDCJ on Jail Overcrowding other
72nd R.S. 03/23/1992 (72nd R.S.) Lt. Governor Bob Bullock Letter to Senate Interim Committee on Health and Human Services on Rehabilitation Services other
72nd R.S. 11/15/1991 (72nd R.S.) Lt. Governor Bob Bullock Highlights: Budget reform proposal; Draft proposal: Performance and achievement based budgeting other
72nd R.S. 09/09/1991 (72nd R.S.) Lt. Governor Bob Bullock Letter to U.S. Senator Lloyd Bentsen on Medicaid Funding other